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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 28: sur lequel ben

    Do you know how to use “sur lequel ben”? A1 beginner or prepping for the DALF, start here with this clip. Fill in the transcript for with what you hear. Get your answers checked in real time.

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    13 seconds, 51 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    Which, well

    I love all the filler words. For me learning Chinese, picking up the filler words in the wild made a big difference to understanding everyone. It’s also interesting as in my classes with AF last summer, the teachers abhorred filler words. The books often didn’t use them, and anytime they come up it was “never ever use them”.

    Ok, got it. But everyone else is using them, so shouldn’t we be surrounding ourselves with them in listening practice? I agree, don’t use them as a learner – A1, A2, B1, it’s not going to help you. Quite the opposite. But, everyone speaking to you in the wild will be using them, so best get to know them. They matter and they don’t.

    What’s opening up for you in this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    C’est du blé cuisiné pas très ragoûtant sur lequel ben, on se casse les dents. S’ils choisissent les céréales, c’est aussi parce que tout ce beau monde vient du centre des États-Unis où l’on cultive beaucoup, beaucoup de blé. Et le granulat ça se vend dix fois le prix du blé.

    It’s not very tasty cooked wheat on which well, we break our teeth. If they choose cereals, it’s also because all these people come from the middle of the United States where they grow lots and lots of wheat. And Granula sells for ten times the price of wheat.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “du blé cuisiné” mean?

    “Du blé cuisiné” can refer to cooked wheat or dishes made with cooked wheat. Wheat is a type of cereal grain that is a staple food in many parts of the world, and can be cooked in a variety of ways such as boiling, steaming, or baking. In French cuisine, cooked wheat is often used in dishes such as tabbouleh or as a side dish with vegetables or meat. The phrase “du blé cuisiné” can also refer to packaged or processed products made with cooked wheat, such as pre-cooked wheat packets or canned wheat.

    Interestingly, wheat has been cultivated for over 10,000 years and has been a major crop in many ancient civilizations, including those in the Middle East and Europe. Wheat is also an important crop in modern times, with over 700 million tons produced annually worldwide. In addition to its use as a food source, wheat is also used in a variety of non-food products such as paper, textiles, and biofuels.

    What does “sur lequel ben” mean?

    “Sur lequel ben” is a colloquial French expression that is commonly used in spoken language. It can be translated as “well, on which” or “well, about which”, and it is often used as a filler phrase to introduce a new topic or to emphasize a point that is about to be made.

    For example, someone might say, “Sur lequel ben, je voulais te dire que j’ai trouvé un nouvel emploi.” This could be translated as, “Well, about that, I wanted to tell you that I found a new job.”

    The expression “sur lequel ben” is not considered formal French and should be used only in casual or familiar settings. It is important to note that the use of filler phrases in a conversation can vary depending on the context and the speaker’s regional dialect or personal style.

    What does “on se casse les dents” mean?

    “Se casser les dents” is a French expression that can be translated to “to break one’s teeth” in English. It is commonly used figuratively to mean “to come up against an obstacle or difficulty that is hard to overcome.” For example, “On a essayé de réparer la voiture nous-mêmes, mais on s’est cassé les dents” means “We tried to fix the car ourselves, but we came up against too many difficulties.”

    The expression “se casser les dents” is often used in a negative context, as it implies that one has failed or encountered a setback. However, it can also be used in a more lighthearted way to describe a difficult or frustrating situation that one is experiencing.

    The origin of the expression is not clear, but it is believed to come from the idea of breaking one’s teeth while trying to bite into something hard or difficult to chew. There are no specific antonyms for this expression, as it is more of a metaphorical way of expressing a difficult situation.

    The expression “se casser les dents” can also be used in the context of food. When we say “on se casse les dents” with food, it means that the food is very hard or difficult to chew, and sometimes even inedible. For example, if someone tries to bite into a very hard piece of candy or a tough steak, and they are unable to chew it or it hurts their teeth, they might say “je me casse les dents sur ça!” or “on se casse les dents sur ce truc-là!”. It is a way to express the idea that the food is not enjoyable or even impossible to eat.

    Find more examples (not related to food) here.

    What does “ce beau monde” mean?

    “Ce beau monde” is a French phrase that can be translated to “this beautiful world” or “this beautiful group of people.” It is often used to refer to a group of people or things that are impressive, attractive, or prestigious. The phrase can be used in a positive or negative sense, depending on the context.

    For example, if someone is referring to a group of influential and wealthy individuals, they may say “ce beau monde” with admiration. On the other hand, if someone is referring to a group of pretentious or self-important people, they may use the phrase in a sarcastic or critical way.

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