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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 28: c’est devenu

So many expressions in this quiz. Do you know them all? Here are some: “c’est devenu”, “quelque chose”, “d’assez”, “de nos jours”, & “peu importe”. Can you catch them all in the clip? It’s not a super fast one, but still full of great French expressions. Take a listen to today’s quiz and improve your…

This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

11 seconds, 25 words

This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

it has become

What’s opening up for you with this clip?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Pour finir avec ce petit point historique, fêter son anniversaire de naissance, c’est devenu quelque chose d’assez banal de nos jours, peu importe la religion.

To finish with this little historical point, celebrating one’s birthday has become quite commonplace these days, regardless of religion.

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What does “pour finir avec” mean?

“Pour finir avec” is a common French expression that translates to “to conclude with” or “to finish with” in English. It is used to signal the end of a speech, presentation, or discussion and indicates that the speaker is about to address the final topic or point before wrapping up the conversation.


  • In formal or informal settings, “pour finir avec” is often employed to summarize the main ideas or provide a closing statement.
  • It can be used in both written and spoken language to signal the end of a written piece, an argument, or a speech.
  • This expression is versatile and can be applied in various contexts, such as academic presentations, business meetings, interviews, or everyday conversations.

Example: “J’ai abordé différents aspects de la question, mais pour finir avec ce sujet, je tiens à souligner l’importance de la collaboration entre nos équipes.” (I have addressed various aspects of the issue, but to conclude with this topic, I want to emphasize the importance of collaboration among our teams.)

Fun Fact: The phrase “pour finir avec” is a useful linguistic tool that allows speakers to organize their thoughts and guide listeners towards the final conclusion of a discussion. It is part of the broader repertoire of expressions that facilitate effective communication in French.

What does “c’est devenu” mean?

“C’est devenu” is a common French expression that combines the pronoun “c’est” (short for “ce” + “est,” meaning “it is” or “this is”) with the past participle “devenu” of the verb “devenir” (to become). When used together, “c’est devenu” conveys the idea of “it has become” or “this has become” in English.

Here are some key points about “c’est devenu”:

  1. Meaning: “C’est devenu” is used to describe changes or transformations that have occurred over time. It expresses the idea that something was not like this before, but it has changed or evolved into its current state.
  2. Example sentences with “c’est devenu”:
    • C’est devenu une tradition familiale de célébrer Noël ensemble. (It has become a family tradition to celebrate Christmas together.)
    • Ce quartier était autrefois industriel, mais c’est devenu un lieu de vie très animé. (This neighborhood used to be industrial, but it has become a very lively living area.)
  3. Agreement with subject: The phrase “c’est devenu” does not require agreement with the subject because the pronoun “c'” (ce) is neutral. Therefore, “c’est devenu” remains the same regardless of the gender or number of the subject it refers to.
  4. Common usage: “C’est devenu” is frequently used in various contexts, such as discussing societal changes, personal transformations, evolving trends, or shifts in circumstances.

Fun Fact: The combination of “c’est” and the past participle “devenu” is a versatile construction in French, and it appears in many sentences to describe how things have changed or developed over time.

Overall, “c’est devenu” is a useful expression that allows speakers to talk about the evolution or transformation of various aspects of life, society, and culture. It is a common phrase in everyday French conversation and writing.

What does “quelque chose” mean?

“Quelque chose” is a common French expression that translates to “something” or “anything” in English. It is used to refer to an unspecified or unidentified thing or object. Here are some key points to know about “quelque chose”:

  1. Usage: “Quelque chose” is used when you want to talk about an indefinite thing without specifying exactly what it is. For example:
    • J’ai oublié quelque chose à la maison. (I forgot something at home.)
    • Il y a quelque chose d’étrange dans cette pièce. (There is something strange in this room.)
  2. Plural form: “Quelque chose” does not have a plural form. It remains the same whether you are talking about one thing or several things.
  3. Negation: When used in a negative sentence, “quelque chose” becomes “rien” (nothing).
    • Je n’ai rien oublié à la maison. (I didn’t forget anything at home.)
    • Il n’y a rien d’étrange dans cette pièce. (There is nothing strange in this room.)
  4. Related expressions:
    • Quelqu’un: Someone, somebody
    • Personne: No one, nobody
  5. Formality: “Quelque chose” is a neutral and versatile expression used in both formal and informal contexts.

Fun Fact: In English, “something” is a compound word derived from Old English “sum thing,” while in French, “quelque chose” is formed by combining the adjective “quelque” (some) and the noun “chose” (thing). Both expressions serve the same purpose and share similar origins in their respective languages.

What does “d’assez” mean?

“D’assez” is a combination of the preposition “de” and the adverb “assez” in French. The preposition “de” is often used to indicate possession, origin, or a relation between nouns, while the adverb “assez” means “enough” or “quite.”

When used together, “d’assez” typically translates to “fairly” or “quite” in English. It is used to indicate a moderate degree or level of something, implying that it is not excessive but sufficient or satisfactory.

For example:

  • “C’est d’assez bonne qualité.” (It’s of fairly good quality.)
  • “Le film était d’assez longue durée.” (The movie was quite long.)

“D’assez” can be employed in various contexts and is commonly used in spoken and written French to provide a nuanced assessment or description of something, indicating a moderate or satisfactory level without being overly positive or negative.

It’s worth noting that “d’assez” is just one way to express the concept of “fairly” or “quite” in French. Other synonymous expressions, such as “plutôt” or “relativement,” can also be used in similar contexts. The choice of one over the other may depend on regional variations or personal preferences.

In the phrase “c’est devenu quelque chose d’assez banal de nos jours,” the inclusion of “d’assez” is used to add emphasis and provide a more nuanced meaning. The expression “assez banal” means “fairly/commonly banal” or “quite banal,” implying that something has become somewhat commonplace or ordinary.

The addition of “d’assez” before “banal” serves to reinforce the level of banality, suggesting that it has reached a notable or recognizable extent. It emphasizes that the thing in question has become more than just “banal,” but rather, it has become “fairly” or “quite” banal.

The use of “d’assez” in this context is a stylistic choice to give more precision to the description and convey a sense of the extent to which the banality is now prevalent in modern times. It provides a shade of meaning that wouldn’t be conveyed with just “assez banal” on its own. This construction is commonly used in French to add subtlety and specificity to expressions and descriptions.

What does “de nos jours” mean?

“De nos jours” is a French expression that translates to “nowadays” or “these days” in English. It is used to refer to the present time, the current era, or the modern period in which we live. The phrase provides a temporal reference and is commonly used in both spoken and written French.


  • “De nos jours” is often used to describe ongoing trends, habits, or situations that are characteristic of the contemporary world.
  • It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as news reports, social discussions, academic writing, and everyday conversations.
  • The expression emphasizes that the information or statement being made is relevant in the current context.

Example: “De nos jours, les réseaux sociaux jouent un rôle essentiel dans la communication entre les individus.” (These days, social media plays an essential role in communication among individuals.)

Fun Fact: “De nos jours” is a versatile phrase that helps convey a sense of the present moment and is commonly used to discuss current events, technological advancements, societal changes, and other aspects of contemporary life. Its usage is similar to the English expression “nowadays,” and it allows French speakers to articulate observations about the modern world.

What does “peu importe” mean?

“Peu importe” is a common French phrase that translates to “no matter” or “it doesn’t matter” in English. It is used to express indifference or the lack of concern about a particular matter or situation. When someone says “peu importe,” they are indicating that they are not affected by or do not have a strong opinion about the outcome or choice being discussed.

For example:

  • “Tu peux porter un pull ou un t-shirt, peu importe.” (You can wear a sweater or a t-shirt, it doesn’t matter.)
  • “Peu importe où nous allons pour dîner ce soir.” (It doesn’t matter where we go for dinner tonight.)

The phrase “peu importe” can be used in various contexts, whether in casual conversations or more formal settings. It is a versatile expression that allows one to express their flexibility and open-mindedness when it comes to making decisions or dealing with certain situations.

In summary, “peu importe” is a practical and frequently used phrase in French to convey that something is of little consequence or relevance, and it reflects a laid-back and easy-going attitude towards various matters.

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So many expressions in this quiz. Do you know them all? Here are some: “c’est devenu”, “quelque chose”, “d’assez”, “de nos jours”, & “peu importe”. Can you catch them all in the clip? It’s not a super fast one, but still full of great French expressions. Take a listen to today’s quiz and improve your…

1 thought on “Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 28: c’est devenu”

  1. I particularly enjoy the “What does” sections. The context provided makes it easier to remember and use the expressions appropriately when speaking to others.

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