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mettre en jeu l'avenir

Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 34: mettre en jeu l’avenir

    Do you know what “mettre en jeu l’avenir” means? What about “des fringues” or “envie”? Hear them all in this clip from Vivons Heureux. Set your level and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Improve your French with French in real life, and understand more than just your teacher’s French!

    je les amène

    Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 21: je les amène

      Understand more than just your French teacher! Set your level and fill in the blanks of this quiz. Practice your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life! How much can you pick up?

      il s'est avéré

      Transfert s01e01, Quiz 17: il s’est avéré

        Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life! Straight from the Transfert podcast (episode 1). Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen. These words stood out to me: “il s’est avéré”, “bah”, “faire connaissance”, and “sympa”. Every day keep the habit going and improve your French listening comprehension with us.

        qui date de

        Transfert s01e01, Quiz 10: qui date de

          Enhance your French listening skills with a clip of French in real life. This clip comes straight from the Transfert podcast. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen. These words stood out to me: “donc”, “qui date de”, “dans lequel”, and “en couple à l’époque”. Can you catch them all? Take on today’s quiz.

          rendu compte

          Transfert s01e22, Quiz 72: rendu compte

            Enhance your French listening skills with this clip from Transfert (01.22, 72). Can you hear everything in this fast clip? Take a listen. These words stood out to me: “j’en voué la terre entière”, “suis rendu compte”, and “je ne saurais jamais”. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen!

            et puis

            Transfert s01e22, Quiz 64: et puis

              Use French podcasts to improve your French listening – we make it easy! Short clips of fast spoken French with transcription quizzes. Listen and fill in the blanks with what you hear! From today’s clip, these phrases stood out: “leur”, “et puis”, and “je prends le téléphone”. Take on today’s clip and improve your understanding of French in real life!

              m'ont élevé

              Transfert s01e22, Quiz 60: m’ont élevé

                Improve your French listening skills with another clip of French in real life! How much of this clip can you hear? One word that stood out “m’ont élevé”. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen!

                ça fait 20 ans

                Transfert s01e22, Quiz 43: ça fait 20 ans

                  Improve your ear for fast spoken French with these phrases about time: “ça fait 20 ans”, “j’en avais 35”, and “il en avait 27”. How much of this clip can you hear? Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen. Use French in real life to improve your French understanding!