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Balades ep. 2, Quiz 16: je suis en vacances

    Improve your ear for French with thiis clip from the Balades podcast. It’s 49 words in 22 seconds. How many can you hear and understand? Bitesize French is the best way to improve your French listening comprehension! Try it!

    Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is from Balades Episode 2. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.

    Press play and then fill in the transcription below. The audio will loop automatically. Full text and translation is below.

    22 seconds, 49 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Balades ep. 2. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    I’m on vacation

    My friends and family think I’m on a constant vacation. It might seem like that, we’ve been traveling and I’ve been working from the road on a couple of things. But yes, travel is our life, it’s not vacation per se. Not like Isabelle’s here. No treehouses, but there are the occassional pools and down time.

    But it never feels like there’s much downtime. Yesterday in class, we were asked, what do you do in your leisure time. I’m like, huh? Clean the house?

    I don’t like saying that “I’m busy”. The response that I used to hear when I worked fulltime in an office. My colleagues were busy, my clients were busy, I was busy. Just busy. I’m not busy now, but days are definitely full. Is that any different?

    It’s not that bad of course. I enjoy what I do and I get to spend time with my family, so what’s not to love.

    Have you taken a vacation? When are you off to a Francophone country again? I hope we can be back sooner than later.

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    Finalement, je m’endors aussi.

    Biip, biip, biip.

    Je sursaute. Une alarme ? C’est mon réveil ?

    Non impossible, je suis en vacances, je n’ai pas apporté mon réveil.

    Mais alors, c’est quoi ? J’essaye de trouver la lampe de poche que j’avais posée sur la petite table de nuit.

    Finally, I fall asleep too.

    Beep, beep, beep.

    I am startled. An alarm? Is it my alarm clock?

    No, it can’t be, I’m on vacation, I didn’t bring my alarm clock.

    But then, what is it? I try to find the flashlight that I had put on the small night table.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

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    Je sursaute


    j’avais posée

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