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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 40: autant dire

    Do you know the phrases: “travaille depuis dix ans”, “autant dire”, “on a mieux compris”, and”ont cartonné”? Hear them in this clip and improve your French listening skills with our transcription quiz and short clip

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    24 seconds, 83 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    It’s safe to say

    It’s safe to say I’m loving this project. I just updated the about page with more of my story, would love to share it with you. We’re still far from where we’d like to be – with this project and our French. While my comprehension continues to improve, I’m not spending time working on my writing or speaking. Where are you on your French journey?

    What’s opening up for you in this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Et la personne qui sait nous dire quand précisément les céréales sont devenues incontournables, c’est Ana Paula Senn, une chercheuse brésilienne qui travaille depuis dix ans sur l’alimentation à l’université de Tours. Elle a écrit un mémoire intitulé “Le petit-déjeuner en France, discours et consommation des années 50 à nos jours”. Autant dire qu’elle connaît très bien le sujet. Elle nous a reçu chez elle, on n’a pas mangé de céréales, mais on a mieux compris quand et pourquoi les céréales ont cartonné.

    And the person who can tell us exactly when cereals became essential is Ana Paula Senn, a Brazilian researcher who has been working for ten years on food at the University of Tours. She wrote a thesis entitled “Breakfast in France, discourse and consumption from the 1950s to today”. So she knows the subject very well. She received us at her home, we didn’t eat cereals, but we understood better when and why cereals were popular.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “devenues incontournables” mean?

    The phrase “devenues incontournables” in French means “have become unavoidable” or “have become essential.” It is used to describe something that has gained such significance, popularity, or importance that it cannot be ignored or overlooked. It implies that the thing being referred to has become a fundamental part of a particular context or situation.

    For example, you might hear someone say, “Les réseaux sociaux sont devenus incontournables dans notre société” (Social media has become unavoidable in our society) or “Ces artistes sont devenus incontournables dans le monde de la musique” (These artists have become essential in the music industry).

    An interesting fact about the phrase is that it highlights the transformative power or impact of something, suggesting that it has reached a level of indispensability. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as describing influential figures, popular trends, or significant changes in society.

    What does “travaille depuis dix ans” mean?

    The construction “travaille depuis dix ans” in French means “has been working for ten years” in English. It is used to indicate the duration or period of time that someone has been engaged in a particular job or activity. The verb “travaille” (work) is conjugated in the present tense, and “depuis” (since) is used to indicate the starting point of the action, followed by the time period.

    For example, if someone says, “Elle travaille dans cette entreprise depuis dix ans” (She has been working in this company for ten years), it means that she started working in the company ten years ago and continues to do so until the present.

    One interesting aspect of this construction is that it emphasizes the continuity and duration of the action. It conveys a sense of dedication, commitment, or experience in the given field. The use of “depuis” highlights the starting point and emphasizes the ongoing nature of the action, showcasing the person’s long-term involvement or expertise in their work.

    What does “autant dire” mean?

    The expression “Autant dire” in French can be translated as “In other words” or “It’s safe to say” in English. It is used to introduce a statement that clarifies or emphasizes the previous statement, often by providing a more direct or explicit interpretation.

    The phrase is composed of two parts: “Autant” means “as much” or “equally,” and “dire” means “to say.” Together, “Autant dire” conveys the idea of expressing something more straightforwardly or explicitly.

    Here are a few examples to illustrate the usage of “Autant dire”:

    1. “C’est un désastre, autant dire que tout est perdu.” (It’s a disaster, it’s safe to say that everything is lost.)
    2. “Elle n’a pas étudié du tout, autant dire qu’elle va rater son examen.” (She didn’t study at all, in other words, she’s going to fail her exam.)
    3. “Autant dire que nous avons beaucoup de travail devant nous.” (It’s safe to say that we have a lot of work ahead of us.)

    One interesting note about this phrase is that it adds emphasis or assertiveness to the statement that follows. It helps to convey a clearer or more definitive message, often used to emphasize the significance or consequences of what has been mentioned.

    What does “on a mieux compris” mean?

    The phrase “on a mieux compris” in French translates to “we have better understood” in English. It is used to indicate an improved level of understanding or comprehension compared to before.

    Here’s a breakdown of the phrase:

    • “On” is the informal pronoun for “we” in French.
    • “A” is the conjugated form of the verb “avoir” (to have) in the third-person singular, indicating that “we” have something.
    • “Mieux” means “better” in French.
    • “Compris” is the past participle of the verb “comprendre” (to understand), indicating the action of understanding.

    The phrase can be used in various contexts to express that the speaker or a group of people has gained a deeper or improved understanding of a particular subject or situation. It implies progress or advancement in comprehension.

    Here’s an example to illustrate the usage:

    “Après avoir étudié les théories pendant plusieurs semaines, on a mieux compris leur application pratique.” (After studying the theories for several weeks, we have better understood their practical application.)

    One interesting note is that “on a mieux compris” can also be used to indicate that the speaker or the group they are referring to has gained a more nuanced or complete understanding of a topic, suggesting a level of growth or development in knowledge or insight.

    What does “ont cartonné” mean?

    The phrase “ont cartonné” in French translates to “have been a hit” or “have been very successful” in English. It is derived from the word “cartonner,” which means “to succeed” or “to be a hit.”

    Here’s a breakdown of the phrase:

    • “Ont” is the conjugated form of the verb “avoir” (to have) in the third-person plural, indicating that a group of people has something.
    • “Cartonné” is the past participle of the verb “cartonner,” which literally means “to make cardboard” but figuratively means “to be a hit” or “to be very successful.”

    The phrase is commonly used to describe the success or popularity of something, such as a movie, a song, a product, or an event. It implies that the mentioned item or endeavor has achieved a high level of success, often exceeding expectations or garnering widespread acclaim.

    Here’s an example to illustrate the usage:

    “Leur dernier album et leurs concerts ont cartonné auprès du public.” (Their latest album and their concerts have been a hit with the audience.)

    One interesting note is that “ont cartonné” is an informal expression that conveys enthusiasm and excitement about the level of success achieved. It is often used in casual conversations or in reviews to describe something that has had a significant impact or resonated strongly with people.

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    Do you know the phrases: “travaille depuis dix ans”, “autant dire”, “on a mieux compris”, and”ont cartonné”? Hear them in this clip and improve your French listening skills with our transcription quiz and short clip

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