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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 5: un peu particulier

    The phrases “un peu particulier”, “s’enchaîner”, and “ça veut dire”, do you know what they mean? Hear them in this clip of French. Improve your French listening skills from any level with our transcription quiz. Choose how much of the transcript you can see and fill in the blanks as you listen!

    This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    14 seconds, 28 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    somewhat unusual

    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Octobre, c’est un mois un peu particulier dans ma famille puisque les anniversaires s’enchaînent en l’espace de quelques jours. S’enchaîner, ça veut dire se succéder, se suivre rapidement.

    October is a rather special month in my family, as birthdays follow one another in the space of a few days. One after the other, that is to say, in quick succession.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “un peu particulier” mean?

    The phrase “un peu particulier” in French can be translated as “a bit peculiar” or “somewhat unusual” in English. It is used to describe something or someone that has a unique or distinctive quality, often in a slightly unconventional or atypical way.

    Here are a few examples of how “un peu particulier” can be used:

    1. “Son style vestimentaire est un peu particulier.” (His/her fashion style is a bit peculiar.)
    2. “C’est un film un peu particulier, mais très intéressant.” (It’s a somewhat unusual film, but very interesting.)
    3. “Cette situation est un peu particulière, je ne l’avais jamais rencontrée auparavant.” (This situation is a bit peculiar, I had never encountered it before.)

    In these examples above, “un peu particulier” is used to express that something or someone deviates from the norm or has distinctive characteristics that make them stand out. It adds a touch of uniqueness or eccentricity to the description.

    1. “Cette œuvre d’art est un peu particulière, elle a une esthétique très originale.” (This artwork is somewhat unique, it has a very original aesthetic.)
    2. “Son parcours professionnel est un peu particulier, il a réussi à combiner différentes passions.” (His/her professional trajectory is somewhat special, as he/she managed to combine different passions.)
    3. “La cuisine de ce restaurant est un peu particulière, elle propose des saveurs inattendues.” (The cuisine of this restaurant is somewhat unique, it offers unexpected flavors.)

    In these examples here, “un peu particulier” is used to highlight something that stands out, has distinctive qualities, or deviates from the norm. It can convey a sense of uniqueness, specialness, or even quirkiness, depending on the context.

    The nuance of “un peu particulier” can vary based on the speaker’s intention and the specific context. It can be used positively to denote something special or innovative, or it can be used more neutrally to describe something that is simply different or out of the ordinary. The interpretation may depend on the speaker’s tone and the overall context of the conversation.

    What does “s’enchaîner” mean?

    The verb “s’enchaîner” in French can be translated to “to follow one another” or “to be linked” in English. It is a reflexive verb derived from the verb “enchaîner” which means “to chain” or “to link.”

    When used in a figurative sense, “s’enchaîner” describes a sequence of events or actions that occur one after another, often in a rapid or continuous manner. It implies a sense of continuity or connection between these events.

    Here are a few examples of how “s’enchaîner” can be used:

    • “Les réunions s’enchaînent toute la journée.” (The meetings follow one another all day long.)
    • “Les événements se sont enchaînés très rapidement.” (The events unfolded very quickly.)
    • “Les cours s’enchaînent sans pause.” (The classes follow one another without a break.)
    • “Les jours s’enchaînent et se ressemblent.” (The days go by and resemble each other.)

    In these examples, “s’enchaîner” is used to describe a continuous succession of events, actions, or circumstances. It emphasizes the notion that one thing leads to another in a connected or sequential manner.

    It is important to note that “s’enchaîner” is a reflexive verb, which means it requires the reflexive pronoun “se” that agrees with the subject. The conjugation of “s’enchaîner” follows the regular pattern of reflexive verbs in French.

    What does “ça veut dire” mean?

    “Ça veut dire” is a French phrase that translates to “it means” or “that means” in English. It is used to explain or clarify the meaning of something or to provide further information about a topic. The phrase is commonly used in conversations and discussions to express the significance or implications of a particular statement or concept.

    Here are a few examples of how “ça veut dire” can be used:

    1. “Je pars en vacances demain.” – “Ah, ça veut dire que tu ne seras pas là la semaine prochaine.” (“I’m leaving for vacation tomorrow.” – “Ah, that means you won’t be here next week.”)
    2. “Cet acronyme signifie Association pour la Protection de l’Environnement.” – “Ah, ça veut dire qu’ils sont engagés dans la protection de l’environnement.” (“This acronym stands for Association for Environmental Protection.” – “Ah, that means they are committed to environmental protection.”)
    3. “Il a refusé l’offre d’emploi parce qu’il voulait plus de flexibilité.” – “Ça veut dire qu’il privilégie la liberté plutôt que la stabilité.” (“He turned down the job offer because he wanted more flexibility.” – “That means he values freedom over stability.”)

    “Ça veut dire” is a versatile phrase that helps to convey the meaning or implications of a statement or situation. It allows for clearer communication and understanding in conversations.

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    The phrases “un peu particulier”, “s’enchaîner”, and “ça veut dire”, do you know what they mean? Hear them in this clip of French. Improve your French listening skills from any level with our transcription quiz. Choose how much of the transcript you can see and fill in the blanks as you listen!

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