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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 14: quelque chose

    Do you know these phrases? “une série d’actes codifiée”, “transmet”, “quelque chose”, & “toujours” Hear them in this clip of French in real life. Choose your level and fill in the blanks of the transcript as you listen. Improve your French listening skills with us one free daily quiz at a time!

    This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    9 seconds, 21 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode


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    The snippet in English

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    Dans ce contexte, c’est une série d’actes codifiés qui se reproduit et qui se transmet. C’est quelque chose qui revient toujours.

    In this context, it’s a codified series of acts that is repeated and passed on. It’s something that always comes back.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “une série d’actes codifiés” mean?

    Full disclosure, I did not know that people spoke like this… I know this phrase exists (in English), but I didn’t know it was actually used in speech!

    “Une série d’actes codifiés” refers to a sequence or set of actions that are systematically organized and regulated according to a specific code or set of rules.

    Let’s break it down:

    • “Série”: It means “series” or “sequence,” indicating that there are multiple actions involved that follow a particular order or arrangement. “
    • D’actes”: It translates to “of acts,” referring to the individual actions or steps that make up the series.
    • “codifiés”: This term indicates that the actions are codified or regulated. It implies that there are established rules, guidelines, or a specific framework governing these actions.

    In essence, “une série d’actes codifiés” describes a structured and regulated set of actions or steps that need to be followed in a prescribed manner. It suggests that there is a formalized system or framework in place dictating how these actions should be performed.

    As for a more layman way of expressing it, you could say “a set of standardized actions” or “a regulated sequence of steps.” This conveys the idea that there is a prescribed order or established rules for carrying out these actions.

    What does “transmet” mean?

    The word “transmet” is a verb in French that means “to transmit” or “to pass on.” It is derived from the verb “transmettre,” which is formed by combining the prefix “trans-” (meaning “across” or “through”) with the verb “mettre” (meaning “to put” or “to place”).

    When used in a general sense, “transmet” refers to the act of transferring or conveying something from one person, place, or generation to another. It can involve the transmission of information, knowledge, skills, values, emotions, or physical objects.

    Here are a few examples of how “transmet” can be used in sentences:

    • “Elle transmet son savoir-faire aux nouvelles générations.” (She passes on her know-how to the new generations.)
    • “Les parents transmettent leurs valeurs à leurs enfants.” (Parents transmit their values to their children.)
    • “Ce film cherche à transmettre un message fort au public.” (This movie seeks to convey a strong message to the audience.)

    In these examples, “transmet” emphasizes the act of transmitting or passing on something from one entity to another.

    What does “quelque chose” mean?

    The phrase “quelque chose” in French translates to “something” in English. It is formed by combining the interrogative pronoun “quelque” (meaning “some” or “any”) with the noun “chose” (meaning “thing”). “Quelque chose” is used to refer to an indefinite or unspecified thing.

    It can be used in various contexts to express the presence or existence of something, or to indicate an unknown or unspecified object, idea, or concept.

    Here are a few examples:

    • “J’ai oublié quelque chose à la maison.” (I forgot something at home.)
    • “Il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas.” (There is something wrong.)
    • “As-tu quelque chose à dire ?” (Do you have something to say?)
    • “Je sens quelque chose de bizarre dans l’air.” (I sense something strange in the air.)

    In these examples, “quelque chose” is used to refer to an unidentified or unspecified thing, allowing for a more general or ambiguous statement. It is a common phrase used in everyday conversation and is essential for expressing the idea of “something” in French.

    Additionally, “quelque chose” can be combined with other words to create idiomatic expressions or colloquial phrases. For example, “quelque chose à dire” means “something to say,” “quelque chose de spécial” means “something special,” and “quelque chose ne va pas” means “something is wrong.” These combinations add versatility and richness to the usage of the phrase in various contexts.

    What does “toujours” mean?

    “Toujours” is an adverb in French that translates to “always” or “still” in English. It is commonly used to indicate continuity or persistence of an action or state.

    “Toujours” typically conveys the idea of something happening continuously or remaining unchanged over time. It implies a sense of permanence or consistency.

    “Toujours” is often used to describe ongoing habits, repeated actions, or enduring qualities. It can also be used to express a general truth or a constant state of affairs.


    • Il est toujours en retard. (He is always late.)
    • Je t’aime toujours. (I still love you.)
    • Elle est toujours souriante. (She is always smiling.)

    Depending on the context, “toujours” can also convey a sense of emphasis, persistence, or even exaggeration. It can reinforce the idea that something remains true or continues despite changing circumstances.

    In informal speech, “toujours” is sometimes used as a filler word or as a response to acknowledge a statement or request. For example, someone might say “Toujours !” to mean “Sure!” or “No problem!”

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    Do you know these phrases? “une série d’actes codifiée”, “transmet”, “quelque chose”, & “toujours” Hear them in this clip of French in real life. Choose your level and fill in the blanks of the transcript as you listen. Improve your French listening skills with us one free daily quiz at a time!

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