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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 57: quelque part

The phrases “quelque part” and “un moment clé” stand out to me in this clip of French from Passerelles. Dive in to some of their nuance in today’s quiz. Listen in and hone your ear for spoken French with us!

This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

15 seconds, 38 words

This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

in some way or another

What’s opening up for you with this clip?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Quand une personne fête ses quarante-cinq ans, quelque part, elle se trouve à un moment clé de son existence. Un moment où elle fait une sorte de bilan de vie et où elle se projette dans l’avenir aussi.

When a person turns forty-five, somewhere along the line, they’re at a key moment in their existence. A moment when they take stock of their life and look to the future.

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What does “quelque part” mean?

“Quelque part” literally translates to “somewhere” in English. The phrase can refer to a physical location, but it often goes beyond that, conveying an abstract or figurative sense. In the context of the quiz, “Quand une personne fête ses quarante-cinq ans, quelque part, elle se trouve à un moment clé de son existence,” it means that turning forty-five is, in some way or another, a critical point in someone’s life.

And Deepl’s translation above captures the essence of the original French sentence quite well. “Somewhere along the line” serves as a good English equivalent to “quelque part” in this context, adding a nuanced sense of vagueness or generality to the statement. It suggests that turning forty-five could be a significant, albeit not universally so, milestone in one’s life. So yes, “When a person turns forty-five, somewhere along the line, they’re at a key moment in their existence” would be an accurate and nuanced translation.


  • “Il doit être quelque part dans la maison.” (He must be somewhere in the house.)
  • “Quelque part en moi, je savais qu’il dirait non.” (Somewhere inside me, I knew he would say no.)

When to Use:

In the quiz, “quelque part” is used to introduce a sense of vagueness or generality, suggesting that the “key moment” may not be universally critical for everyone but is significant in some way for the person turning forty-five.

Other Phrases:

If you want to make similar statements, you could use:

  • “d’une manière ou d’une autre” (one way or another)
  • “en quelque sorte” (in some way)

Cultural Notes:

In French culture, ages like forty-five might be seen as significant milestones. However, the phrase “quelque part” adds nuance by acknowledging that this is not a universal truth but more of a general observation. It’s a handy phrase for adding complexity without being overly specific.

Fun Facts:

The term can also be used to express a feeling of being “lost” or “out of place.”

  • “Je me sens perdu, quelque part entre le passé et le futur.” (I feel lost, somewhere between the past and the future.)

So, the next time you’re discussing something significant yet intangible in French, consider throwing in “quelque part” to deepen the sentiment. Whether it’s about age, location, or emotional states, “quelque part” helps you capture that indescribable “somewhere” perfectly.

What does “un moment clé” mean?

“Un moment clé” literally translates to “a key moment” in English. It describes an essential or critical point in time that has significant impact or influence on what follows. It could be a milestone, a revelation, or a decision that changes the course of things.


  • “Le moment clé de la réunion était quand le directeur a annoncé les changements.” (The key moment in the meeting was when the director announced the changes.)
  • “Le moment clé de son voyage était sa visite au musée du Louvre.” (The key moment of his trip was his visit to the Louvre Museum.)

Related Phrases:

While “un moment clé” is straightforward, other phrases might carry the same weight:

  • “Un tournant” (a turning point)
  • “Un point culminant” (a climax or peak moment)

Fun Facts:

The word “clé” originally means “key,” as in a physical key to open a lock. Metaphorically, it implies unlocking understanding or opportunities, which fits perfectly with “un moment clé” being a moment that ‘unlocks’ a new direction or understanding.

In Context:

  • “Les moments clés de l’histoire” would refer to key moments in history, and perhaps a chapter you’d find in a history book.

So there you have it! “Un moment clé” is all about capturing those significant snippets of time that define us, guide us, or even change us. Whether you’re talking about personal experiences or global events, knowing how to identify and discuss these “key moments” will surely add more depth to your French conversations.

What does “se projette dans l’avenir” mean?

“Se projette dans l’avenir” is an idiom that means “to look to the future” or “to envision the future.” It refers to the act of mentally imagining or planning for events or circumstances that will happen in the upcoming days, weeks, months, or years. This expression suggests a forward-thinking attitude and a willingness to consider and plan for what lies ahead.

Usage and Variations:

  • “Elle se projette dans l’avenir avec optimisme.” (She looks to the future with optimism.)
  • “Il se projette dans l’avenir en envisageant de voyager.” (He looks to the future by considering travel plans.)

Other Ways to Say It:

  • “Anticiper l’avenir” (Anticipate the future)
  • “Envisager l’avenir” (Envision the future)
  • “Se préparer pour l’avenir” (Prepare for the future)
  • “Penser à l’avenir” (Think about the future)

Expanded Meaning: While “se projette dans l’avenir” primarily means looking forward and making plans, it can also imply a certain level of excitement or enthusiasm for what’s to come. It’s not just about making practical arrangements; it can also indicate a positive anticipation of upcoming events or changes. This expression is often used when discussing personal goals, aspirations, or life plans.

Cultural and Linguistic Notes: This expression highlights the importance of future-oriented thinking in personal and professional contexts. It reflects a mindset of progress, growth, and planning for a better tomorrow. It’s a concept that resonates across cultures, as people from various backgrounds recognize the significance of setting goals and preparing for what lies ahead.

In summary, “se projette dans l’avenir” is an idiomatic expression that encapsulates the idea of looking to the future, making plans, and envisioning upcoming events. It reflects a positive and forward-thinking attitude, emphasizing the importance of considering what’s ahead and preparing for it.

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The phrases “quelque part” and “un moment clé” stand out to me in this clip of French from Passerelles. Dive in to some of their nuance in today’s quiz. Listen in and hone your ear for spoken French with us!

2 thoughts on “Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 57: quelque part”

  1. I rarely comment but I did want to say thanks for these snippets and for the extensive and informative commentary afterward. I do this exercise and read the grammatical notes every day. This is a great resource.

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