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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 77: il revient sur

    Dive into the depth of language with expressions like “il revient sur”, a return to a topic, and “révèle cette expression”, unveiling a term. Then, connect ideas with “s’y rattachent”, binding concepts together. Challenge yourself with today’s quiz and uncover the richness of French!

    This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    10 seconds, 28 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    he revisits

    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    C’est le titre du premier chapitre dans lequel il revient sur la signification de ce mot, sur ce que révèle cette expression et les concepts qui s’y rattachent.

    This is the title of the first chapter, in which he goes back over the meaning of the word, what the expression reveals and the concepts associated with it.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “dans lequel” mean?

    The phrase “dans lequel” translates to “in which” in English. It is a relative pronoun used to introduce a subordinate clause and can refer to both masculine singular nouns and concepts, creating a relation between them and the following statement.


    • “Voici le livre dans lequel j’ai trouvé cette citation.” (Here’s the book in which I found this quote.)
    • “C’est le musée dans lequel sont exposées ces œuvres d’art.” (This is the museum in which these artworks are displayed.)

    Usage & Nuances:

    “Dans lequel” is used when specifying a location or context in relation to a previous subject, especially when that subject is masculine. For feminine subjects, one would use “dans laquelle,” and for plural subjects, “dans lesquels” (masculine) or “dans lesquelles” (feminine). It’s a more formal construction, often preferred in written French, whereas in spoken French, people might often use “où” (where) as a simpler alternative.

    Related Phrases:

    • “Sur lequel” – On which
    • “Avec lequel” – With which
    • “Pour lequel” – For which

    Cultural or Additional Notes:

    Relative pronouns like “dans lequel” are integral to French because they help establish clear connections between ideas, making the language coherent and fluid. Their proper usage often distinguishes between novice and advanced French speakers.

    In Summary:

    “Dans lequel” translates as “in which” and is a relative pronoun used to link a masculine noun or concept to a subordinate clause, providing context or specificity. It plays a crucial role in connecting ideas and making sentences more coherent in the French language.

    What does “il revient sur” mean?

    The phrase “il revient sur” translates to “he comes back to” or “he revisits” in English. It is often used to indicate that someone is returning to a previous topic, idea, or decision to reconsider or further elaborate on it.


    • “Dans son dernier livre, il revient sur ses années passées à Paris.” (In his latest book, he revisits his years spent in Paris.)
    • “Après une longue discussion, il revient sur sa décision initiale.” (After a lengthy discussion, he revisited his initial decision.)

    Usage & Nuances:

    The expression “il revient sur” can denote a literal return to a physical place, but more commonly, it’s used in a metaphorical sense, indicating a return to a topic, idea, or decision. When used in conversation or writing, it signals to the listener or reader that the speaker or writer is circling back to a previously mentioned point or theme for further exploration or reconsideration.

    Related Phrases:

    • “Reconsidérer” – To reconsider
    • “Réexaminer” – To reexamine

    Cultural or Additional Notes:

    The phrase can be used in various contexts, including literature, discussions, and debates. In journalistic contexts, for instance, an author might “revenir sur” a particular event or theme to provide new insights, updates, or a deeper exploration.

    In Summary:

    “Il revient sur” signifies a return to a previously addressed topic or point, often for the purpose of deeper exploration, clarification, or reconsideration. It’s a common phrase used to signal revisiting or reconsidering a particular topic or decision.

    What does “révèle cette expression” mean?

    The phrase “révèle cette expression” translates to “this expression reveals” in English. It is used to emphasize the revealing or illuminating nature of a particular phrase or term with respect to a certain idea, truth, or perspective.


    • “L’usage fréquent du mot ‘liberté’ dans le discours révèle cette expression de son importance dans la culture.” (The frequent use of the word ‘freedom’ in the discourse reveals the importance of this expression in the culture.)
    • “La joie dans ses yeux révèle cette expression d’un bonheur profond.” (The joy in his eyes reveals this expression of profound happiness.)

    Usage & Nuances:

    “Révèle cette expression” can be employed to draw attention to the significance of a particular word or phrase and how it brings clarity or sheds light on a larger concept or emotion. It underscores the revealing power of language in highlighting or bringing forward hidden or underlying meanings.

    Related Phrases:

    • “Montre clairement” – Clearly shows
    • “Indique” – Indicates

    In Summary:

    “Révèle cette expression” emphasizes the power of a specific term or phrase to unveil or bring to the forefront a particular idea, feeling, or truth. It underscores the enlightening capacity of language in various contexts.

    What does “s’y rattachent” mean?

    The verb “rattacher” translates to “to attach” or “to link” in English. When used in the reflexive form with the pronoun “s’y”, as in “s’y rattachent”, it means “are attached to it” or “are linked to it”. The construction emphasizes the connection or relation of something to a previously mentioned subject or concept.


    • “Il a évoqué plusieurs idées, et les arguments qui s’y rattachent sont solides.” (He brought up several ideas, and the arguments that are linked to them are solid.)
    • “Elle a parlé de ce projet, mais les responsabilités qui s’y rattachent sont nombreuses.” (She talked about this project, but the responsibilities attached to it are numerous.)

    Usage & Nuances:

    The use of “s’y rattachent” emphasizes the direct connection between one subject and another. It’s often used in contexts where the speaker wants to detail or expand upon elements or aspects related to a main idea or topic.

    Related Phrases:

    • “S’y rapportent” – Relate to it
    • “S’y associent” – Are associated with it

    Cultural or Additional Notes:

    This kind of structure, where a reflexive verb is used with a pronoun to emphasize relation or attachment, is relatively common in French. It’s a useful tool in both written and spoken language to create a more nuanced expression of connection.

    In Summary:

    “S’y rattachent” is a phrase that conveys the idea of being linked or connected to a previously mentioned subject or concept. It’s a way to emphasize the direct relationship between two subjects or ideas.

    What is opening up for you?

    Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

    Dive into the depth of language with expressions like “il revient sur”, a return to a topic, and “révèle cette expression”, unveiling a term. Then, connect ideas with “s’y rattachent”, binding concepts together. Challenge yourself with today’s quiz and uncover the richness of French!

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