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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 81: pour la petite histoire

Dive into the depths of history with “il faut remonter”, as we journey to uncover a tale from “la Grèce antique”. Ever wondered about the origin of birthday candles? “Pour la petite histoire”, it’s a tale that stretches back millennia. Join us to unravel this captivating story.

This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

11 seconds, 23 words

This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

for the record

What’s opening up for you with this clip?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Pour la petite histoire et pour connaître l’origine des bougies d’anniversaire, il faut remonter à l’Antiquité et plus précisément à la Grèce antique.

The origins of birthday candles go back to Antiquity, and more specifically to Ancient Greece.

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What does “pour la petite histoire” mean?

“Pour la petite histoire” translates directly to “For the little story” in English. However, its idiomatic meaning is more akin to “For the record,” “By the way,” or “As a side note.”

Usage & Nuances:

“Pour la petite histoire” is a phrase often used to introduce a fun fact, an anecdote, or some background information that might not be essential to the main story but is interesting or provides context.

It can be seen as a way of sharing additional information or a brief tangent, often in a light-hearted or informal manner.


  • “Pour la petite histoire, cet immeuble était autrefois une école.” (“For the record, this building used to be a school.”)
  • “Elle a gagné le concours. Pour la petite histoire, c’était sa première participation.” (“She won the contest. By the way, it was her first time participating.”)

Related Phrases:

  • “En passant” – “By the way”
  • “Avez-vous entendu l’histoire de…” – “Have you heard the story of…”

In Summary: “Pour la petite histoire” is a French expression used to share an anecdote, background information, or a fun fact that might be slightly off-topic but still interesting or relevant to the larger conversation or context. It’s akin to saying “For the record” or “By the way” in English.

What does “il faut remonter” mean?

The phrase “il faut remonter” can be translated as “one must go back” or “it is necessary to go back.” It’s often used to refer to tracing back in time or returning to a certain point in history or a specific event to provide context or explanation.

Usage & Nuances:

“Il faut remonter” can introduce a historical context, an origin story, or the root cause of a current situation or event.

The phrase is frequently used in historical or explanatory contexts when discussing the roots or the early stages of a particular topic.


  • “Pour comprendre les origines de cette tradition, il faut remonter au Moyen Âge.” (“To understand the origins of this tradition, one must go back to the Middle Ages.”)
  • “Il faut remonter à 2008 pour retrouver une performance similaire de cette équipe.” (“One must go back to 2008 to find a similar performance from this team.”)

Related Phrases:

  • “Revenir en arrière” – “Go back in time” or “Revert”
  • “Tracer ses origines” – “Trace its origins”

In Summary: “Il faut remonter” is a French phrase used to emphasize the need to look back in time or return to a particular point or event for better understanding or context. It’s especially common when discussing historical events, origins, or foundational moments.

What does “plus précisément” mean?

“Plus précisément” translates to “more precisely” or “more specifically” in English. It’s used to provide further clarification or specificity about a prior statement.

Usage & Nuances:

  • Just like its English counterpart, “plus précisément” is used to narrow down or specify a particular aspect of something previously mentioned.
  • While the literal translation aligns well with its English equivalents, the context in which it’s used in French might occasionally differ from English nuances.


  • “J’aime les fruits, plus précisément les pommes.” (“I like fruits, more specifically apples.”)
  • “Il habite en Europe, plus précisément en France.” (“He lives in Europe, more precisely in France.”)

Related Phrases:

  • “En d’autres termes” – “In other words”
  • “C’est-à-dire” – “That is to say”

In Summary: “Plus précisément” mirrors its English counterparts “more precisely” or “more specifically” in meaning and function. It’s used in French to provide additional specificity or clarification about something previously mentioned. While its usage largely parallels the English phrases, context can sometimes give it distinct nuances.

What is opening up for you?

Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

Dive into the depths of history with “il faut remonter”, as we journey to uncover a tale from “la Grèce antique”. Ever wondered about the origin of birthday candles? “Pour la petite histoire”, it’s a tale that stretches back millennia. Join us to unravel this captivating story.

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