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Passarelles ep. 1, Quiz 91: en parler autour de vous

You may know “voilà” and “comme d’habitude”, but what about “en parler autour de vous” and “mettre une note”? Hear them all in this penultimate quiz from Passarelles ep. 1. Fill in the blanks as you listen and surprise yourself as you listen.

This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

24 seconds, 54 words

This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

spread the word

What’s opening up for you with this clip?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Voilà c’est tout pour cette semaine. Comme d’habitude, je vous invite à rejoindre la communauté du podcast sur Patreon. C’est un espace d’échange où je partage des ressources et les transcriptions des épisodes. Pour soutenir le podcast, vous pouvez aussi en parler autour de vous et mettre une note sur Apple Podcasts et Spotify.

That’s all for this week. As usual, I invite you to join the podcast community on Patreon. It’s an exchange space where I share resources and episode transcripts. To support the podcast, you can also spread the word and put a rating on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What does “Voilà” mean?

Voilà: A Versatile Expression

Voilà is a versatile and commonly used expression in French which can be translated to English in various ways including “there is”, “here is”, “there are”, “here are”, or even “voila”. The usage of “Voilà” transcends direct translations, embodying a sort of flourish that unveils or presents something.


Presentation: When presenting something or someone.

  • “Voilà mon ami Jean.” (Here is my friend Jean.)
  • “Voilà votre café.” (Here is your coffee.)

Indication: To indicate a location or position.

  • “Voilà l’école.” (There is the school.)
  • “Voilà où j’habite.” (Here is where I live.)

Conclusion or Summarization:

  • “Voilà pourquoi je suis parti.” (That’s why I left.)
  • “Voilà ce que je pense.” (That’s what I think.)

Time Expression:

  • “Voilà trois ans que je travaille ici.” (I have been working here for three years.)
  • “Voilà des heures qu’on attend.” (We have been waiting for hours.)

Expression of Completion:

  • “Voilà, c’est fini.” (There, it’s finished.)
  • “Voilà, je suis prêt.” (There, I am ready.)


  • “Voilà! C’est parfait comme ça.” (There! It’s perfect like that.)
  • “Voilà, voilà, j’arrive !” (Coming, coming, I’m coming!)

Cultural Aspect

Voilà is an expression that’s embedded in everyday French communication. Its utility spans across both formal and informal settings. The richness of “Voilà” represents a chunk of the expressive nature of the French language, often encompassing more meaning or emotion in one word than might be expressed in a full English sentence.

In Summary

“Voilà” is a multifaceted French expression used in various contexts to present, indicate, summarize, denote time, express completion, or exclaim. It’s a staple in French dialogues, embodying a slice of the language’s expressive essence.

What does “comme d’habitude” mean?

“Comme d’habitude” is a French phrase that translates to “as usual” or “as always” in English. It’s a way to express a repeated, customary, or habitual action or situation and is often used to describe routines or recurring behaviors.


  • Routine Descriptions:
    • “Il est en retard, comme d’habitude.” (He is late, as usual.)
    • “Elle mange une pomme pour le petit déjeuner, comme d’habitude.” (She eats an apple for breakfast, as usual.)
  • Expressing Consistency:
    • “Comme d’habitude, le train est à l’heure.” (As usual, the train is on time.)
    • “Le magasin est fermé le dimanche, comme d’habitude.” (The store is closed on Sunday, as usual.)
  • Sarcasm or Frustration:
    • “Tu as oublié ton portefeuille, comme d’habitude.” (You forgot your wallet, as usual.)
    • “Comme d’habitude, il n’a rien fait de la journée.” (As usual, he didn’t do anything all day.)

Cultural Aspect

“Comme d’habitude” is a phrase that naturally slips into everyday conversation in France, especially when discussing routines or commenting on predictable behaviors. This phrase was also popularized globally by the song “Comme d’habitude” performed by Claude François, which later was adapted into English as “My Way,” a song famously performed by Frank Sinatra.

In Summary

“Comme d’habitude” is a colloquial expression denoting a habitual or usual occurrence. It’s employed in various contexts whether to depict routines, assert consistency, or sometimes express frustration over predictability. It also holds a cultural note through its musical connection, showcasing the global influence of French expressions.

What does “en parler autour de vous” mean?

The phrase “en parler autour de vous” translates to “talk about it around you” or more fluidly, “spread the word” in English. It’s a common expression used to encourage individuals to share information or discuss a particular topic with others in their social or professional circles.


  • Spreading Information:
    • “Si vous aimez notre service, n’hésitez pas à en parler autour de vous.” (If you like our service, feel free to spread the word.)
    • “J’ai une nouvelle importante, il faut en parler autour de vous.” (I have important news, you need to spread the word.)
  • Creating Awareness:
    • “C’est une cause importante, en parler autour de vous peut faire la différence.” (It’s an important cause, talking about it with others can make a difference.)
    • “Pour augmenter la visibilité de notre projet, il serait bon d’en parler autour de vous.” (To increase the visibility of our project, it would be good to talk about it with others.)
  • Gathering Opinions:
    • “Je voudrais savoir ce que les autres en pensent, pouvez-vous en parler autour de vous ?” (I would like to know what others think, can you talk about it with others?)
    • “Avant de prendre une décision, j’aimerais en parler autour de moi.” (Before making a decision, I would like to talk about it with others.)

Cultural Aspect

The expression encourages a communal exchange of ideas or information, reflecting a collaborative aspect of French culture. Sharing opinions, discussing news, or promoting causes within one’s social or professional network is a common practice in France. This phrase underscores the value placed on community engagement and word-of-mouth communication in French-speaking societies.

In Summary

“En parler autour de vous” is an invitation to share information or discuss a particular matter with one’s social or professional circles. This phrase exemplifies the communal and collaborative spirit prevalent in French culture, emphasizing the importance of dialogue and shared awareness.

What does “mettre une note” mean?

The phrase “mettre une note” directly translates to “put a grade” or “assign a grade” in English. It is commonly used in educational settings where teachers or instructors evaluate students’ work.


  • Educational Setting:
    • “Le professeur va mettre une note à notre dissertation.” (The teacher will assign a grade to our essay.)
    • “Je dois mettre une note aux copies avant la fin de la semaine.” (I have to grade the papers before the end of the week.)
  • Performance Evaluation:
    • “Le superviseur va mettre une note à la performance de chaque employé.” (The supervisor will assign a grade to each employee’s performance.)
    • “Pour progresser, il est important de comprendre comment on vous met une note.” (To progress, it is important to understand how you are being graded.)
  • Rating Products or Services:
    • “Vous pouvez mettre une note à ce produit après l’achat.” (You can rate this product after purchase.)
    • “Les clients sont encouragés à mettre une note sur le service reçu.” (Customers are encouraged to rate the service received.)

Variations and Similar Expressions

  • Noter: It’s a verb which also means to grade or to rate.
    • “Noter les étudiants est une tâche exigeante.” (Grading students is a demanding task.)
  • Donner une note: A synonym of “mettre une note.”
    • “Le jury va donner une note à chaque performance.” (The jury will grade each performance.)

In Summary

“Mettre une note” encompasses the act of evaluating and assigning a grade in a variety of settings. It highlights a structured approach toward assessment prevalent in French culture, fostering a feedback-rich environment conducive to growth and improvement.

What is opening up for you?

Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

You may know “voilà” and “comme d’habitude”, but what about “en parler autour de vous” and “mettre une note”? Hear them all in this penultimate quiz from Passarelles ep. 1. Fill in the blanks as you listen and surprise yourself as you listen.

1 thought on “Passarelles ep. 1, Quiz 91: en parler autour de vous”

  1. Fabulous lesson. I didn’t know all of those different ways to use voilà!

    In spoken French, I feel like I hear the abbreviation “comme d’hab” more often than the full “comme d’habitude”.

    And nice shout-out to Claude Francois – I loved the film “Clo Clo” about his amazing and tragic life.

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