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Transfert s01e22, Quiz 27: c’était que du fun

    Hear some reminiscing about past relationships with these words: “C’était fabuleux”, “on se retrouvait”, “de temps en temps”, and “c’était que du fun.” I love that last phrase because I haven’t seen (or heard) the “que” used that like that before. What’s opening up for you in today’s clip? Take on this fast clip and…

    Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    13 seconds, 37 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    it was all fun

    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    C’était fabuleux parce que c’était c’était c’était toujours fun, on se retrouvait dans des conventions, on se retrouvait dans des hôtels, on allait se passer euh un week-end de temps en temps. Donc c’était que du fun.

    It was fabulous because it was always fun, we’d meet up at conventions, we’d meet up in hotels, we’d spend a weekend together every now and then. So it was all fun.

    The above translation from Deepl

    What does “c’était fabuleux” mean?

    The phrase “c’était fabuleux” translates directly to “it was fabulous” in English. It is used to describe an event, experience, or object that was extraordinary, wonderful, or marvelous.

    Usage and Context:

    “C’était fabuleux” is often used to express enthusiasm and positive emotions about past events. It’s a phrase that conveys high praise and is generally reserved for situations that were especially impressive or enjoyable.


    • “Le concert hier soir ? C’était fabuleux !” (The concert last night? It was fabulous!)
    • “Les vacances à la mer avec toi étaient fabuleuses.” (The vacation by the sea with you was fabulous.)

    When to Use:

    Use this phrase when reflecting on past experiences that were particularly grand or enjoyable. It’s suitable for both informal and formal situations, depending on the context and the level of excitement you wish to convey.


    • “C’était magnifique” (It was magnificent)
    • “C’était merveilleux” (It was wonderful)

    Cultural Notes:

    French language has a flair for the dramatic and the expressive, making phrases like “c’était fabuleux” common when sharing stories about travel, dining, culture, and personal experiences. Such expressions reflect the appreciation of beauty, art, and life that is often associated with French culture.

    In Summary: The phrase “c’était fabuleux” is an expressive way to reminisce about a past experience that left a strong, positive impression. It’s akin to giving a glowing review or expressing heartfelt praise.

    What does “on se retrouvait” mean?

    The phrase “on se retrouvait” comes from the verb “se retrouver,” which means “to meet up” or “to find oneself” in English. In the past tense, “on se retrouvait” translates to “we used to meet up” or “we would find each other.”

    Usage and Context:

    This phrase is generally used to describe a habitual action or a series of repeated events in the past. It can refer to planned meetings or coincidental encounters.


    • “Quand on était étudiants, on se retrouvait toujours au même café.” (When we were students, we always used to meet up at the same café.)
    • “À chaque Noël, on se retrouvait chez mes grands-parents.” (Every Christmas, we would find each other at my grandparents’ house.)

    When to Use:

    The phrase is suitable for nostalgic reflections on past routines or traditions. It evokes a sense of continuity in past actions and is often used when reminiscing.

    Related Phrases:

    • “On se rencontrait” (We used to meet)
    • “On se voyait” (We used to see each other)

    Cultural Notes:

    Regular social gatherings, such as meeting up in cafés or at family homes for holidays, are an integral part of French culture. “On se retrouvait” might often be used when describing these culturally significant practices from the past.

    In Summary: “On se retrouvait” captures the essence of recurring past encounters or meetings among friends, family, or colleagues. It’s a phrase imbued with sentimentality and is often used in recounting pleasant memories.

    What does “de temps en temps” mean?

    “De temps en temps” is a French expression that translates to “from time to time” or “occasionally” in English. It indicates that an action or event happens at intervals, but not consistently or regularly.

    Usage and Context:

    “De temps en temps” is used to describe the frequency of events that are not routine but happen periodically. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts.


    • “Je lis de temps en temps.” (I read from time to time.)
    • “Il visite ses grands-parents de temps en temps.” (He visits his grandparents from time to time.)

    When to Use:

    Use this phrase when you want to indicate that something happens on an occasional basis rather than habitually or never. It’s a neutral term that can be used in a variety of situations.

    Related Phrases:

    • “Parfois” (sometimes)
    • “Occasionnellement” (occasionally)

    Cultural Notes:

    In French culture, as in many others, it’s common to discuss the frequency of activities or habits. “De temps en temps” is a versatile phrase that’s useful for conveying a sense of moderation, suggesting that while the speaker engages in the activity, it’s not an overriding part of their routine.

    In Summary: “De temps en temps” is an expression for describing non-regular, periodic occurrences. It is akin to saying “sometimes” and is used to talk about frequency in a general and casual way.

    What does “c’était que du fun” mean?

    The phrase “c’était que du fun” translates to “it was just fun” or “it was all fun” in English. It indicates that the situation or experience in question was purely enjoyable without seriousness or negative consequences.

    “Que du” Usage:

    • “Que” in this context means “only” or “nothing but,” and “du” is a contraction of “de le,” which, in this case, functions as a partitive article used to express an unspecified amount of something uncountable.
    • Together, “que du” emphasizes the exclusivity of what follows; here, it underscores that there was nothing involved except fun.

    “Fun” in French:

    • While “fun” is an English word, it has been adopted into French colloquial language, especially among younger speakers. It’s a testament to the dynamic nature of languages and how they can borrow from one another.
    • In formal French, you might use “amusant” or “divertissant” as more traditional equivalents.


    • “Cette soirée, c’était que du fun.” (That evening was just fun.)
    • “Avec toi, c’est toujours que du fun.” (With you, it’s always nothing but fun.)

    Cultural Note:

    The borrowing of the word “fun” in French is part of a broader trend known as “franglais,” where English words are incorporated into everyday French, often due to the influence of American culture, media, and technology. This can sometimes be a point of contention among purists who prefer to maintain the traditional French vocabulary.

    When to Use:

    The phrase “c’était que du fun” would be used in informal contexts when reflecting on past events that were enjoyable and light-hearted.

    In Summary: The phrase “c’était que du fun” is an informal way to express that an experience was purely enjoyable. The use of “fun” reflects the influence of English on French, especially in informal speech among younger generations.

    What is opening up for you?

    Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

    Hear some reminiscing about past relationships with these words: “C’était fabuleux”, “on se retrouvait”, “de temps en temps”, and “c’était que du fun.” I love that last phrase because I haven’t seen (or heard) the “que” used that like that before. What’s opening up for you in today’s clip? Take on this fast clip and…

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