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Transfert s01e22, Quiz 35: la façon de penser

Take on this brief and fast clip of French in real life. Can you pick up: “la façon de penser” and “on n’en parle plus”? Hear them both and more while you fill in the blanks of our listening quiz. Start at any level and improve your French listening skills!

Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

8 seconds, 32 words

The above audio sample and transcription is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

the way of thinking

What’s opening up for you with this clip?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

C’était un petit peu la façon de penser des des des personnes de cette génération. Je suis bon enfin c’est stupide, euh va te faire opérer euh et puis on n’en parle plus.

That was kind of the way people of that generation thought. I mean, it’s stupid, uh, go have an operation, uh, and then we won’t talk about it anymore.

The above translation from Deepl

What does “façon de penser” mean?

“La façon de penser” is a French phrase that translates to “the way of thinking” or “the mindset” in English. It refers to a person’s thought process, perspective, or mental approach to understanding and interpreting the world around them.

Usage and Context:

  • Describing Perspective: The phrase is often used to describe someone’s unique or characteristic mental approach.
  • Cultural and Individual Differences: “La façon de penser” can highlight differences in thought processes due to cultural, educational, or personal factors.


  • “La façon de penser des enfants est souvent très créative.” (Children’s way of thinking is often very creative.)
  • “Il a changé sa façon de penser après avoir voyagé à l’étranger.” (He changed his way of thinking after traveling abroad.)


  • Broader than Opinions: While it can encompass beliefs and opinions, “la façon de penser” is more about the underlying thought processes rather than specific thoughts or ideas.
  • Adaptable: It implies a certain degree of adaptability or changeability, as ways of thinking can evolve over time.

Cultural Notes:

  • Valued in Intellectual Discourse: In French culture, there is a strong emphasis on intellectual discourse and philosophical thinking. Therefore, “la façon de penser” is a valued concept, as it reflects the depth and breadth of one’s reasoning and worldview.
  • Influence of Background: The phrase is also often used to highlight how one’s background, whether cultural, social, or educational, shapes their perspective and cognitive approach.

In Conversation and Writing:

  • Analyzing Characters or People: In literature and discussions, “la façon de penser” can be a key phrase used to analyze characters or real individuals, providing insights into their motivations and actions.
  • Personal Development: In the context of personal growth or therapy, “la façon de penser” might be discussed as something to be developed or altered for better well-being or more effective problem-solving.


“La façon de penser” refers to one’s way of thinking or mindset, encompassing the overall approach to processing information and forming perspectives. It’s a phrase that finds relevance in various contexts, from cultural studies to personal introspection, highlighting how thought processes are influenced by and reflective of one’s experiences and background. In French culture, with its rich intellectual tradition, understanding and discussing “la façon de penser” is particularly significant.

What does “on n’en parle plus” mean?

The phrase “on n’en parle plus” translates to “let’s not talk about it anymore” or “end of discussion” in English. It’s used to indicate that a subject or topic should no longer be discussed or is considered resolved or settled.

Usage and Context:

  • Concluding a Topic: This phrase is often used to put an end to a discussion, either because the matter has been sufficiently addressed, or because the speaker prefers to avoid further conversation on the topic.
  • Informal Agreement: It can also imply a mutual agreement to drop a subject or to not bring it up again.


  • “Tu m’as remboursé, donc on n’en parle plus.” (You’ve paid me back, so let’s not talk about it anymore.)
  • “C’est décidé, on n’en parle plus.” (It’s decided, end of discussion.)


  • Closure: The phrase often carries a sense of closure or finality. It suggests that the matter is either resolved or not worth further discussion.
  • Versatility: “On n’en parle plus” can be used in both light-hearted contexts (such as concluding a friendly debate) and more serious situations where a topic is considered closed or off-limits.

Cultural Notes:

  • In French conversation, this phrase is a common and polite way to suggest moving on from a topic without causing offense. It’s a way of smoothly transitioning away from potentially contentious or uncomfortable subjects.


“On n’en parle plus” is a versatile phrase used in French to conclude discussions or to agree mutually to cease talking about a particular subject. It brings a sense of closure and finality to a conversation topic, often in a polite and non-confrontational manner.

What is opening up for you?

Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

Take on this brief and fast clip of French in real life. Can you pick up: “la façon de penser” and “on n’en parle plus”? Hear them both and more while you fill in the blanks of our listening quiz. Start at any level and improve your French listening skills!

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