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Transfert s01e22, Quiz 57: cette génération-là

    Improve your French listening comprehension with this clip of French in real life. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen. Can you catch all the words in this phrase? Some phrases that stood out to me: “personne n’y porterait intérêt”, “cette époque-là”, and “cette génération-là”. Improve your ear for fast spoken…

    Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    8 seconds, 20 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    that generation

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    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Bon, maintenant, c’est cette personne n’y porterait intérêt. Mais euh à cette époque-là, cette génération-là, c’était un petit peu bizarre.

    Well, now nobody would care. But uh, back then, that generation, it was a little weird.

    The above translation from Deepl

    What does “personne n’y porterait intérêt” mean?

    The phrase “personne n’y porterait intérêt” translates to “no one would take an interest in it” in English. It’s a statement expressing the belief that something is of such little interest or value that nobody would pay attention to it or care about it.

    Usage and Context:

    • Expressing Lack of Interest: This phrase is used when someone believes that a particular subject, object, or matter is not appealing or significant enough to attract attention or interest from anyone.
    • Hypothetical or Speculative: The use of “porterait intérêt” (conditional tense of “porter intérêt,” meaning “to take an interest”) suggests a hypothetical or speculative situation.


    1. Describing Uninteresting Situations: “Ce sujet est tellement ennuyeux que personne n’y porterait intérêt.” (This topic is so boring that no one would take an interest in it.)
    2. Speculating About Reactions: “Si j’écrivais un livre sur cela, personne n’y porterait intérêt.” (If I wrote a book about that, no one would be interested.)


    • Implication of Universal Disinterest: The phrase implies a broad, possibly unanimous lack of interest among people.
    • Can Be Subjective: The speaker’s perspective heavily influences this statement. What might seem uninteresting to one person could be engaging to another.

    Cultural Notes:

    • Expression of Modesty or Pessimism: In some contexts, especially within French culture known for its modesty and sometimes pessimistic outlook, such phrases can be used to downplay the importance or appeal of one’s own work or ideas.


    “Personne n’y porterait intérêt” translates to “no one would take an interest in it,” expressing the idea that something is deemed so uninteresting or insignificant that it wouldn’t attract any attention or interest.

    What does “cette époque-là” mean?

    “Cette époque-là” translates to “that time” or “that era” in English. It’s a phrase used to refer to a specific period in the past.

    Usage and Context:

    • Referring to a Past Period: “Cette époque-là” is often used when talking about a distinct time in history, in someone’s life, or within a certain context that has already been mentioned or is understood from the conversation.
    • Highlighting a Particular Time: It emphasizes a specific period that is different from the present or from other times discussed.


    1. Historical Context: “À cette époque-là, les moyens de communication étaient très limités.” (At that time, means of communication were very limited.)
    2. Personal Nostalgia: “Cette époque-là était la meilleure de ma vie.” (That era was the best time of my life.)


    • Sense of Distance or Contrast: “Cette époque-là” often conveys a sense of temporal distance. It can also imply a contrast between how things were then and how they are now.
    • Reflective or Nostalgic Tone: The phrase is frequently used with a reflective or nostalgic tone, especially when reminiscing about the past.

    Cultural Notes:

    • Historical and Personal Reflection in French Culture: French language and culture have a deep appreciation for history and personal narratives. “Cette époque-là” is a phrase that encapsulates this, often used in discussions that reflect on past eras or personal histories.


    “Cette époque-là” means “that time” or “that era” in French, referring to a specific period in the past. It’s used to discuss historical times, phases in life, or certain past contexts, often with a sense of nostalgia or contrast to the present. The phrase reflects the importance placed on historical and personal narratives in French culture.

    What does “cette génération-là” mean?

    “Cette génération-là” translates to “that generation” in English. It’s a phrase used to refer to a specific generation or age group, typically one that is distinct from the current one or from the speaker’s own generation.

    Usage and Context:

    • Referring to a Specific Age Group: The phrase is often used when discussing characteristics, behaviors, or experiences unique to a particular generation.
    • Contrast and Specificity: “Cette génération-là” emphasizes a specific generation, often in contrast to others, or in a context where several generations are being compared or discussed.


    1. Discussing Historical Contexts: “Cette génération-là a connu la guerre.” (That generation experienced the war.)
    2. Comparing Different Generations: “Les valeurs de cette génération-là étaient différentes des nôtres.” (The values of that generation were different from ours.)


    • Emphasis on a Particular Group: The use of “cette” (that) and “là” (there) adds emphasis and specificity, clearly delineating the generation being talked about from others.
    • Reflective or Analytical Tone: The phrase is commonly used in discussions that analyze or reflect upon the characteristics and experiences of different generational cohorts.

    Cultural Notes:

    • Generational Analysis in French Discourse: In French culture, as in many others, there is significant interest in discussing and analyzing the differences between generations. “Cette génération-là” is a phrase that caters to such discussions, often used to highlight generational contrasts in values, experiences, and lifestyles.


    “Cette génération-là” translates to “that generation” in French, used to specifically refer to and highlight a particular generational group, often in discussions comparing and analyzing different generational characteristics and experiences.

    What is opening up for you?

    Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

    Improve your French listening comprehension with this clip of French in real life. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen. Can you catch all the words in this phrase? Some phrases that stood out to me: “personne n’y porterait intérêt”, “cette époque-là”, and “cette génération-là”. Improve your ear for fast spoken…

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