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Four ways to support what we’re up to

First off, thank you for being here.

I set out on a mission to understand spoken French, and I’m currently on this great adventure. I’m happy you’ve found the site and I hope it’s giving you some value. There are four ways you can help support Bitesize French, we’d greatly appreciate you doing even one of them.

Thank you for your support!

01Get in Touch

Send us your feedback, ideas, requests, a hello… anything, we’d love to hear from you. If you have an audio clip or podcast that you think we should add to the site, please submit it here! Or join our weekly newsletter

Send us an email at


02Become a member

Become a sustaining member and get access to all quizzes on the site.


Thank you for your support!

03Submit a clip for the site

If you have an audio file or podcast request, please send it to

Your support here will help us grow the site and help more French learners immerse and hear native speakers easily.

I believe discovering interesting topics and short snippets of spoken French is a great way to learn the language. It’s absolutely the best way to immerse in spoken French and get more familiar with different accents and regional spoken French.

Help us grow more content on site, more snippets, and more lessons with your submission! Every little bit helps, thanks so much!


It does not. Any audio file in French will work for immersing and learning with a transcription quiz on site. And we mean anything: speeches, lectures, radio advertisements, radio broadcasts, news broadcasts, you name it…

We’re flexible and would love to hear what you have in mind for learning! I am using podcasts because that’s where I’ve started. Anything in French that can be broken into small piecescan be great for learning French.

Ideally the clip doesn’t have a lot of feedback or background music. If it does, that’s ok – it just makes it a more difficult or advanced clip for learners.

Clear speaking in the clip isn’t necessary. Oftentimes in real life we’ll listen to people on the phone or behind their facemask or in a busy setting. Understanding a language in the real world is never as easy as understanding a teacher in a classroom. And this site seeks to mimic that environment for learners anywhere.

The more varied the accent the better. We can all understand clear, slow French. Accents and strange expressions will only help learners improve their French more.

Yes. We’re an open and free platform for listening to podcasts for learning. We don’t own the content on site, we’re just a different way to experience it for learning.

This is no different from you using Spotify, Google Podcasts, or Apple Podcasts and replaying a phrase again and again.

After you submit the clip, we’ll provide links to hear the podcast’s full episode and its source. Learn more about our stance on copyright and fair use here.

If you want to get notified, please submit your email with the clip. You can expect the clip to go live within a week as we add it to the queue.

04 Check out our favorite sites

Check out these other sites we love. For language learning and getting inspired.

Woodpecker Learning is a mobile app to watch Youtube and immerse in French, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, German or English. Try the app free for iOS or Android.

What else can I do to help?

We really appreciate your interest! Have ideas, suggestions, feedback, or want to get involved?
Send us an email: