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Balades ep. 1, Quiz 29: à peu près ça

    Learn French with a podcast! This clip from Balades ep. 1 is 16 seconds long and has 46 words. Listen and take our transcription quiz to improve in French!

    Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is from Balades Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.

    16 seconds, 46 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Balades ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    Something like this

    Let’s continue with the 29th clip from this podcast.

    I love this clip because you get a fast pace, some dialogue, and great expressions. “Donnait à peu près ça” as went something like this is a great one I know I can use. “On peut” also is a question word that would be versatile while traveling, with friends, or anywhere in France.

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    There’s absolutely no way that I could get through an entire podcast in French without melting my brain, that’s why I broke it up into snippets like this. Join me for the next snippet.

    The snippet in English

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    Et cela donnait à peu près ça :
    — « Mamie, Mamie, regarde les pauvres poissons ! L’eau est toute sale. On peut nettoyer le bassin ?
    — S’il te plaît. »
    Bien sûr, ma grand-mère ne pouvait pas nous dire non. Et la journée de nettoyage commençait.

    And it went something like this: “Granny, Granny, look at the poor fish! The water is all dirty. Can we clean the pool?
    Of course, my grandmother couldn’t say no to us. And the cleaning day began.

    The above text courtesy of Google Translate. Source

    What does “à peu près ça” mean?

    “À peu près ça” is a French phrase that can be translated to “Something like that” or “About that” in English.

    It is an idiomatic expression that is used to indicate that the speaker has given a rough explanation or an approximate idea of something, rather than a precise or detailed one.

    “À peu près” is an adverb that means “about” or “approximately” and “ça” is a pronoun that refers to something previously mentioned or understood. Together, the phrase indicates that the speaker is giving a general idea or a rough explanation of something rather than a precise one.

    For example:

    • “Comment ça marche? À peu près comme ça.” which means “How does it work? About like that.”
    • “Quel est le prix? À peu près ça.” which means “What is the price? About that.”

    It is used to indicate that the explanation or the information given is not exact, but rather a rough estimate or an approximation.

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    donnait à peu près ça



    on peut

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