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Balades ep. 2 Quiz 2: vous êtes prêts ?

    Improve your ear for spoken French with this snippet from Balades. It’s 56 words in 25 seconds, how many can you hear and understand? Try our quiz and improve your French listening comprehension.

    Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is from Balades Episode 2. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.

    25 seconds, 56 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Balades ep. 2. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    Are you ready?

    We are doing this. I’m doing another challenge to update the site with a post every day going forward. At least through August. That’ll be a feat, but I think I’m up to the challenge.

    Also I’m looking at some changes to the site that will make it even more valuable for learning. The key is that I’m looking at what tools I need the most as I’m learning, and those are the tools I’ll be adding. As such, I hope they will help you on your studies as well.

    So, are you ready?

    I am. Let’s do this. I love this snippet because there’s a bit of a recipe. Something we took on in A-1-1 at Alliance Française, though not in this same structure. Still, I expect most beginners can take on this snippet.

    How did you find it? Let me know in the comments or by email. Look forward to hearing from you!

    How did you find this snippet? Let me know in the comments, and let’s do this.

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    La dernière fois, je vous ai demandé de mettre votre tablier parce que je veux vous emmener maintenant en cuisine.

    Vous êtes prêts ?

    Alors, allons-y. Il nous faut 4 œufs, 250 g de farine, une pincée de sel, une goutte d’huile et 5 dl de lait. Mélangez le tout et laissez reposer pendant une heure.

    Last time, I asked you to put on your apron because I want to take you to the kitchen now.

    Are you ready?

    Then let’s go. We need 4 eggs, 250 g of flour, 1 pinch of salt, a drop of oil and 5 dl of milk. Mix it all together and let it rest for an hour.

    The above translation from Deeple. Source

    What does “mettre” mean?

    “Mettre” is a versatile French verb that translates to “to put” or “to place” in English. In the context of “de mettre votre tablier,” it specifically means “to put on your apron” or “to wear your apron.”

    Usage and Context:

    • Referring to Putting on Clothing: When used in the context of clothing, like an apron (tablier), “mettre” means to put on or wear that item.
      • Example: “Il est temps de mettre votre tablier pour cuisiner.” (It’s time to put on your apron for cooking.)
    • General Use: More broadly, “mettre” can refer to placing or setting something down, as well as putting on clothing or accessories.
      • Example: “Mettre la table” (to set the table).

    Grammatical Structure:

    • “De Mettre”: In this phrase, “de” is used with the infinitive “mettre,” often following a verb or as part of an instruction.
    • “Votre Tablier”: “Your apron,” the object of the verb “mettre.”

    Cultural Notes:

    • “Mettre” is one of the most commonly used verbs in French. Its application ranges from wearing clothing to performing actions like setting a table, reflecting the verb’s versatility.

    In Summary:

    In “de mettre votre tablier,” “mettre” means “to put on” or “to wear,” specifically referring to the act of putting on an apron. It’s a common verb in French with a wide range of uses, from putting on clothing to placing or setting objects. In this context, it’s part of a phrase likely indicating a preparation step, such as for cooking.

    What does “tablier” mean?

    “Tablier” is a French noun that translates to “apron” in English. It refers to a protective garment worn over the front of one’s clothes, typically used to keep clothes clean during activities like cooking, cleaning, or certain types of work.

    Usage and Context:

    • Cooking and Domestic Use: Commonly worn in the kitchen to protect against food stains while cooking or baking.
      • Example: “Elle a mis un tablier pour faire des gâteaux.” (She put on an apron to make cakes.)
    • Professional Settings: Used in various professional contexts, such as by craftsmen, artists, or workers, to protect clothing.
    • Gardening and Other Activities: Also worn for gardening, crafting, and other activities that could soil clothing.

    Cultural Notes:

    • In French culture, as in many others, wearing a “tablier” is synonymous with engaging in practical, often home-based activities like cooking. It’s a common household item and is also widely used in professional kitchens and workshops.

    In Summary:

    “Tablier” means “apron” in French and is a garment worn over clothes to protect them from getting dirty during activities like cooking, cleaning, or certain types of work. It is a practical item used in both home and professional settings, reflecting its utility in a variety of activities that involve potential messes.

    What does “parce que” mean?

    “Parce que” is a French conjunction that translates to “because” in English. It is used to introduce a cause or a reason for something.

    Usage and Context:

    • Explaining Reasons or Causes: Used to explain why something happens or why a certain action is taken.
      • Example: “Je reste à la maison parce que je suis malade.” (I am staying at home because I am sick.)
    • Justifying Actions or Decisions: Often used to justify or rationalize actions, decisions, or opinions.
      • Example: “Elle a refusé l’offre parce qu’elle a déjà un emploi.” (She refused the offer because she already has a job.)

    Grammatical Structure:

    • Conjunction: “Parce que” functions as a conjunction, linking two clauses where the second clause explains the reason for the first.

    Cultural Notes:

    • In French, as in many languages, providing explanations or reasons for actions and beliefs is a crucial part of communication. “Parce que” is a fundamental conjunction for articulating these explanations.

    In Summary:

    “Parce que” means “because” in French and is used to introduce reasons or causes for actions, situations, or beliefs. It is a key conjunction in the language, commonly used in both spoken and written communication to explain and justify a wide range of circumstances and decisions.

    What does “veux vous emmener” mean?

    In the phrase “je veux vous emmener maintenant en cuisine,” the expression “veux vous emmener” translates to “want to take you” in English. It indicates a desire to lead or accompany someone to a different location, in this case, to the kitchen.

    Usage and Context:

    • Expressing Intent to Lead or Guide: Used to show the speaker’s intention to take someone along to a specific place.
      • Example in full phrase: “Je veux vous emmener maintenant en cuisine” (I want to take you to the kitchen now.)
    • Indicating Accompaniment: Implies that the speaker will accompany or guide the person to the destination.

    Grammatical Structure:

    • “Je veux”: “I want” – the first person singular of “vouloir” (to want).
    • “Vous emmener”: “To take you” – “emmener” is a verb meaning “to take” or “to lead,” and “vous” is the formal or plural second-person pronoun.

    Cultural Notes:

    • In French, using verbs like “emmener” is common to express the idea of taking someone along or leading them somewhere. It reflects the language’s precision in expressing movements and intentions.

    In Summary:

    “Veux vous emmener” in “Je veux vous emmener maintenant en cuisine” means “want to take you” to the kitchen now in French. It’s used to express the speaker’s desire to lead or accompany someone to a specific place, indicating both the intent and the action of guiding or accompanying.

    What does “allons-y” mean?

    “Allons-y” is a French phrase that translates to “let’s go” or “here we go” in English. It is an expression used to motivate, encourage movement, or signal the beginning of an action.

    Usage and Context:

    • Motivating Action: Commonly used to encourage people to start something or to move from one place to another.
      • Example: “Allons-y, nous allons être en retard !” (Let’s go, we’re going to be late!)
    • Starting an Activity: Often used when beginning an activity or journey.
      • Example: “Allons-y, le film va commencer.” (Here we go, the movie is about to start.)

    Grammatical Structure:

    • “Allons”: The first person plural imperative form of “aller,” meaning “to go.”
    • “Y”: A pronoun that can mean “there,” but in this phrase, it’s more of a general marker to initiate action rather than referring to a specific place.

    Cultural Notes:

    While “Allons-y” is friendly and widely used, it’s not overly informal. It is acceptable in many everyday contexts, including some semi-formal situations. However, its tone is definitely more casual and conversational.

    More Formal Alternatives:

    For more formal situations or to convey a more professional tone, you might consider these alternatives:

    1. “Nous devrions y aller” – This translates to “We should go there” and is a more formal way to suggest departure or commencement of an action.
    2. “Il est temps de partir” – Meaning “It is time to leave,” this phrase is a formal way to indicate that it’s time to begin a journey or action.
    3. “Procedons” – This translates to “Let us proceed,” offering a formal and somewhat ceremonial way to suggest moving forward with an action or plan.
    4. “Allons-nous-en” – A more formal version of “let’s go,” though still retaining a bit of the casual flavor.

    What does “une goutte” mean?

    “Une goutte” is a French noun that translates to “a drop” in English. When used in the phrase “une goutte d’huile,” it refers to a small quantity of oil, literally “a drop of oil.”

    Usage and Context:

    • Measuring Small Quantities: Used to indicate a very small amount of a liquid.
      • Example: “Ajoutez juste une goutte d’huile dans la poêle.” (Just add a drop of oil in the pan.)
    • Cooking and Recipes: Commonly used in cooking to specify small amounts of liquid ingredients.
    • Figurative Usage: Can also be used figuratively to denote a small quantity or minor addition of something.

    Grammatical Structure:

    • “Une”: The indefinite article in French, meaning “a.”
    • “Goutte”: Noun meaning “drop.”
    • “D’huile”: “Of oil,” indicating the type of liquid being measured.

    Cultural Notes:

    • In French cooking and recipes, precision in measurement is important, and terms like “une goutte” are frequently used for accuracy, especially for potent or flavorful ingredients like oil.

    In Summary:

    “Une goutte” in “une goutte d’huile” means “a drop” of oil in French. It’s used to indicate a small amount of a liquid, typically in cooking or when referring to small quantities of ingredients. The phrase reflects the precision common in French culinary practices and language.

    What does “dl” mean?

    “dl” stands for “decilitre” in the metric system of measurement. A decilitre is a unit of volume equal to one-tenth of a liter. In France, as in many other countries that use the metric system, “dl” is commonly used in cooking, science, and other contexts to measure liquid volumes.

    Usage and Context:

    • Cooking and Recipes: In recipes, “dl” is often used to specify the quantity of liquid ingredients. For example, “2 dl de lait” means “2 decilitres of milk.”
    • Common in Metric System: The metric system is the standard in France, so “dl” is a familiar measurement for liquids among the general population.


    • 1 decilitre (1 dl) is equivalent to 100 millilitres (100 ml).
    • In terms of US measurements, 1 decilitre is approximately 0.42 cups.

    Cultural Notes:

    • The use of “dl” in France for cooking and other measurements reflects the widespread adoption of the metric system, which is known for its simplicity and ease of conversion due to its decimal basis.

    What does “laissez reposer” mean?

    “Laissez reposer” is a French culinary term that translates to “let rest” in English. It’s a common instruction in recipes, indicating that the food should be allowed to sit undisturbed for a specified period of time.

    Usage and Context:

    • Cooking and Baking: Used in various cooking and baking contexts. For dough, it means to allow it to rise or relax. For cooked dishes, it can mean letting the flavors meld or letting the dish cool to enhance texture and taste.
      • Example: “Laissez reposer la pâte pendant une heure.” (Let the dough rest for an hour.)
    • Enhancing Flavor or Texture: The resting period is often crucial for achieving the desired flavor, texture, or consistency.

    Grammatical Structure:

    • “Laissez”: Imperative form of “laisser,” meaning “let” or “allow.”
    • “Reposer”: Infinitive form of “reposer,” meaning “to rest.”

    Cultural Notes:

    • This instruction reflects the importance of patience and time in French cooking, recognizing that some processes can’t be rushed for optimal results.

    In Summary:

    “Laissez reposer” in a recipe means “let rest” and is a standard instruction in French cooking and baking. It’s used to indicate that food should be left undisturbed for a certain period, which is essential for the development of flavor, texture, or proper formation of dishes, especially in baking. The term emphasizes the significance of resting time in the culinary process.

    This clip is from the Balades podcast

    “Balades” is a great podcast for those new to French. Its slow pace and clear speech make it easy to follow and understand. The episodes are fun and cover a variety of topics, ideal for beginners. While designed for learners, the podcast stays in French, offering a full-dive into the language. It’s part of a wider group of French podcasts aimed at all levels, focusing on real-life use rather than just vocab and grammar. Regular listening, along with tools like transcripts and quizzes, helps boost understanding and speaking skills. “Balades” is a top pick for anyone starting their French learning journey.

    Improving your French Listening Comprehension with Podcasts

    Welcome to Bitesize French, where fast spoken French is finally accessible! We break podcasts into short clips, like lively chats in French that fit into your day. They’re perfect for anyone, from advanced students to those just starting. Join us and enjoy French, one short clip at a time. Let’s learn together!

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    1. Daily Podcast Listening: Start your day with a French podcast from our collection. Choose episodes that align with your interests to keep it engaging.
    2. Active Listening Practice: As you listen, try to pick out key phrases and vocabulary. Use our daily quizzes to test your understanding and reinforce learning.
    3. Repeat and Shadow: Listen to the same podcast segment multiple times. Try to mimic the pronunciation and intonation to improve your spoken French.
    4. Note-taking: Jot down new words or phrases you encounter. Review these notes regularly to enhance vocabulary retention.
    5. Reflect and Respond: After each episode, summarize the main points in French, either in writing or aloud. This helps in consolidating your learning and improving your expressive skills.

    I created the Bitesize French project because I wanted to understand more than just my teacher and youtubers who cater to learners. I wanted to understand the French I hear in France. I hope you can benefit as much as I am. Become a supporting member for access to all clips.

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