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Balades ep. 2, Quiz 24: Peut-être que vous connaissez

    Improve your ear for French with this clip from the Balades podcast. It’s 66 words in 31 seconds! How many can you hear and understand? Improve your French listening comprehension with us.

    Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is from Balades Episode 2. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.

    31 seconds, 66 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Balades ep. 2. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    Maybe you know…

    I like this expresison. I didn’t know that Peut-être could be translated as a “maybe”. It makes some sense, but I just hadn’t… known.

    It’s interesting to hear some of the words in this snippet pronounced. Many are English, and then others, like search engine are in French. I struggle with words that are in English or look like the English. When I pronounce them, I want to say them in English. That drives the French up a wall.

    Maybe you know how to get your brain to speak in French and only French. Then you wouldn’t run into the same problem I have. How are you getting on with that?

    How did you find this snippet?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Peut-être que vous connaissez les Doodles.

    Ces images parfois animées sur la page principale du moteur de recherche Google.

    Le 12 janvier, date d’anniversaire de Charles Perrault (il aurait 388 ans…), Google a choisi de rendre hommage à cet auteur en publiant donc un Doodle qui illustre des contes de Perrault.

    En cliquant sur l’image, on pouvait apprendre qui était Perrault et ce qu’il avait fait.

    Maybe you know Doodles.

    These images sometimes animated on the main page of the Google search engine.

    On January 12th, Charles Perrault’s birthday (he would have been 388 years old…), Google chose to pay tribute to this author by publishing a Doodle that illustrates Perrault’s tales.

    By clicking on the image, you could learn who Perrault was and what he did.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What words did I look up in this snippet?

    Find keywords for this snippet below

    parfois animées

    le moteur de recherche

    rendre hommage

    en publiant

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