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Balades ep. 3, quiz 13: ne faites pas de souci

Don’t worry, this shorter clip is a great way to improve your French with a podcast. It’s 19 words in 5 seconds, quite fast, but doable. Don’t fret!

This clip is from Balades Episode 3. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.

5 seconds, 19 words

Press play and take the transcription quiz to practice your French listening comprehension.
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The above audio sample and transcription is from Balades ep. 3. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

don’t fret

While this is a very short clip, just 5 seconds, it’s packed. Fortunately it’s quite colloquial, I trust you can understand it. It took me a couple listens. Don’t worry, keep trying.

It’s far faster than yesterday’s clip, that’s for sure. We pick up the pace with this 10 second clip, but only slightly. Maybe you enjoy these faster clips. At my level, I prefer something a bit more moderately paced. But, with a few listens even I can hear everything in this clip.

This is of course, from 6 years ago, tomorrow it will not begin. It’s still a great piece for learning French. Balades continues to be one of the best for A1-A2 learners of French! What do you think? Join us for the next quiz.

How are you finding these shorter snippets? I’m open to any and all feedback, as always. Let me know.

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Et ne vous faites pas de souci, à la fin de la fête, les fruits ne sont pas jetés.

And don’t worry, at the end of the party, the fruit is not thrown away.

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What does “ne vous faites pas de souci” mean?

“Ne vous faites pas de souci” is a French phrase that translates to “don’t worry” or “don’t be concerned” in English. It’s a reassurance or a comforting statement meant to alleviate someone’s worries or concerns.

Key Aspects:

  • Usage:
    • The phrase is used in a variety of contexts, ranging from casual conversations to more formal situations.
    • It is often employed to reassure someone who is expressing concern or anxiety about a specific situation or outcome.
  • Grammatical Structure:
    • “Ne vous faites pas”: This is the negative imperative form, directed politely at “vous” (the formal or plural “you”).
    • “De souci”: This translates to “worry” or “concern.” The phrase literally means “do not make yourself worry.”
  • Tone and Intent:
    • It’s usually said with a comforting or reassuring tone.
    • The speaker is attempting to alleviate the listener’s worries, suggesting that there’s either no need to worry or that the situation is under control.
  • Similar Expressions:
    • “Ne t’en fais pas” (informal, singular “you”)
    • “Pas de souci” (no problem, no worry)

Usage in Conversation:

  • To Comfort: When someone is anxious or worried, you might say “Ne vous faites pas de souci” to comfort them.
  • To Reassure: In response to concerns about a plan or a situation, using this phrase can reassure someone that things are or will be alright.

In summary, “ne vous faites pas de souci” is a French phrase used to tell someone not to worry. It is a form of reassurance or comfort, reflecting empathy and care in social interactions. Its use spans various contexts, emphasizing its flexibility and the value placed on emotional support in French culture.

What does “jetés” mean?

“Jetés” is the past participle of the French verb “jeter,” which means “to throw” or “to cast.” This word can be used in various contexts, both literally and figuratively, to describe the action of throwing something away, casting something aside, or even in expressions where something is ‘thrown’ in a metaphorical sense. Here are some key aspects:

Literal Meaning:

  • Basic Usage: In the most straightforward sense, “jetés” refers to objects that have been thrown or tossed. For example, “Les papiers ont été jetés” translates to “The papers were thrown away.”

Figurative Use:

  • In Expressions: It’s often used in idiomatic expressions. For example, “les dés sont jetés” (the die is cast) means that a decision has been made and can’t be changed.
  • Metaphorical Sense: It could also metaphorically refer to ideas or efforts that are ‘thrown’ into a situation. For instance, “des idées jetées dans une conversation” means ideas thrown into a conversation, suggesting they were mentioned spontaneously or without much planning.

Grammatical Structure:

  • Past Participle: “Jetés” is used as a past participle in compound tenses, often in the passé composé (e.g., “Ils ont jeté les ordures” – They threw away the trash).
  • Agreement: It agrees in number and gender with the noun it modifies. For example, “jetée” for feminine singular, “jetés” for masculine plural, and “jetées” for feminine plural.

Usage in Different Contexts:

  • Literal Throwing: “Les bouteilles ont été jetées dans la mer” – The bottles were thrown into the sea.
  • Disposal: It’s commonly used to refer to the act of throwing away or disposing of something, like trash or old items.
  • Figurative Sense: In a broader sense, it might be used to describe the ‘throwing’ of thoughts, ideas, or even emotions into a situation.

In summary, “jetés” is the past participle of “jeter,” and its use varies from literal throwing or casting to figurative and idiomatic expressions. It’s a versatile word that fits into various grammatical structures and can be adapted to different contexts, both concrete and abstract.

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1 thought on “Balades ep. 3, quiz 13: ne faites pas de souci”

  1. Without context, I was unsure whether the last phrase was meant to be taken literally or whether it was an idiomatic phrase. I think it’s meant literally in this case.

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