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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 14: mais vas-y

This clip is 49 words in just 10 seconds, nearly 300wpm. What can you hear? Try it at any level with our transcription quiz. A man’s calls to friends in the states for popular cereal options. It’s loaded with popular French colloquial expressions, test what you can hear from any level, beginner to advanced!

This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

10 seconds, 49 words

The above audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

Just go for it

So, so many juicy cultural nuggets in this clip. I can’t get enough. The clip may hold the record as the fastest on this site as of its posting. It is something. What’s opening up for you with this clip?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Et du coup, j’ai un couple d’amis qui est là-bas et je leur ai dit : “Mais vas-y, faut que tu m’en prennes une ou deux boîtes, que je goûte et même juste pour le paquet, parce qu’il est un peu culte t’as le T-Rex Raptors et tout dessus”.

And so I have a couple of friends who are there and I told them: “But go ahead, you have to get me one or two boxes, so that I can taste it and even just for the package, because it’s a bit of a cult, you have the T-Rex Raptors and everything on it”.

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What does “et du coup” mean?

“Et du coup” is a common French phrase that is used to indicate a consequence or result of something. It can be translated to English as “and so”, “and as a result”, or “and therefore”.

For example, if someone says “J’ai fini mon travail plus tôt que prévu, et du coup je peux sortir ce soir”, it means “I finished my work earlier than expected, and as a result, I can go out tonight.”

“Et du coup” is a casual expression that is often used in everyday conversations. It can indicate a change of plan, a decision made based on new information, or simply a natural consequence of a previous action or statement.

Some other common French filler words and hesitation markers include “euh”, “bah”, “ben”, and “alors”. “Euh” is similar to the English “um” or “uh” and is often used when a speaker is searching for the right word or trying to collect their thoughts. “Bah” and “ben” are similar to “well” in English and can be used to introduce a new idea or to soften a statement. “Alors” is a versatile word that can be used to indicate a transition or to introduce a question.

Fun fact about “et du coup”: The French Ministry of Culture declared it the “most popular expression of 2017” based on its frequency of use in everyday conversation. The phrase has also become a subject of memes and parodies online, with some users jokingly referring to it as the unofficial national motto of France.

What does “mais vas-y” mean?

“Mais vas-y” is a French phrase that can be translated to “go for it” or “just do it”. It is often used as an encouragement or to give permission for someone to take an action they may have been hesitant about.

The phrase is made up of two parts: “mais” which means “but” and “vas-y” which is a combination of the verb “aller” (to go) and the pronoun “y” (there). Together, the phrase can convey a sense of urgency or enthusiasm, encouraging someone to take action.

In addition to “mais vas-y,” there are many other French phrases that express encouragement or permission, such as “allez-y” (go ahead), “vas-y” (go for it), “fonce” (go for it/charge ahead), and “n’hésitez pas” (don’t hesitate).

As for fun facts, “mais vas-y” is a common phrase used in French rap music and has been popularized by several famous French rappers, including Booba and Nekfeu. It is also commonly used in everyday conversation in France, particularly among young people.

Overall, “mais vas-y” is a versatile and commonly used phrase in French that can be used to encourage or give permission for action. Its usage has also been popularized in French rap music and is a part of modern French culture.

What does “tu m’en prennes” mean?

“Tu m’en prennes” is a French phrase that can be translated to “Will you take some for me?” or “Can you get some for me?” The literal translation is “You take some for me.”

“Faut que” is a colloquial expression meaning “you have to” or “you need to” in English. “Tu m’en prennes” literally means “you take some for me,” with “en” referring to the cereal in this case.

The phrase is often used in the context of asking someone to purchase or get something for the speaker, such as food or drinks at a restaurant or a store. It can also be used more generally to ask someone to do a favor or perform a task for the speaker.

“Tu m’en prennes” is an informal phrase that is commonly used in spoken French, particularly in casual or social situations. It is typically used among friends, family members, or acquaintances, rather than in more formal or professional settings.

In terms of pronunciation, “tu m’en prennes” is pronounced as “tuh mahn pren” with the final “nes” silent. The stress is on the first syllable of “prennes.”

Some other common French phrases that are similar in meaning to “tu m’en prennes” include “tu peux m’en prendre?” (Can you get some for me?) and “est-ce que tu peux m’acheter ça?” (Can you buy me that?).

What does “un peu culte” mean?

“Un peu culte” is a French expression that can be translated as “somewhat cult” or “a bit cult.” The phrase is used to describe a person, a thing, or an event that has a devoted following or is considered iconic or emblematic of a particular time or culture.

The term “culte” in French is often used to describe something that is unconventional or outside the mainstream, but which has developed a devoted and passionate following among a small group of people. It can refer to anything from a classic movie, to a book, to a musician or artist, or even a fashion trend.

“Un peu culte” suggests that something is not quite mainstream, but is still widely recognized and appreciated for its unique qualities or style. It can be used in a positive way to express admiration or nostalgia for a particular piece of pop culture, or in a more critical way to suggest that something is overly hyped or fetishized.

Overall, “un peu culte” is a versatile expression that captures the complex relationship between popular culture, nostalgia, and the power of media to shape our collective memories and identities.

What does “et tout dessus” mean?

“Et tout dessus” is a colloquial expression in French that is often used in spoken language. It can be translated to “and everything on top,” or “and everything that goes with it.”

This phrase is often used to emphasize that something includes everything that is needed or expected. For example, someone might say “J’ai acheté le gâteau et tout dessus,” meaning that they bought the cake and everything that goes with it, such as candles or decorations.

Another common usage of “et tout dessus” is to describe a person’s appearance. For example, someone might say “Elle a mis sa robe préférée et tout dessus,” meaning that she is wearing her favorite dress and everything that goes with it, such as jewelry and makeup.

Overall, “et tout dessus” is a versatile phrase that can be used in a variety of contexts to emphasize completeness or inclusiveness.

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3 thoughts on “Manger ep. 1, Quiz 14: mais vas-y”

  1. Hey,

    Not sure why but it’s not accepting dessus as correct for the final word. I also hear another tu before t’as in the final little bit, but not sure if that meets your criteria for inclusion. “Tu, t’as le t-rex …”

    1. Thank you! That was a bug in the quiz, I just fixed it, it should mark correct now.

      I’m torn on the culte tu t’as vs culte t’as. A native speaker heard it as culte t’as, but now that you’ve mentioned this I hear the culte tu t’as!

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