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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 15: c’est même pas ça

    Improve your French listening skills! Practice with this clip from the Manger podcast from any level. A1 or advanced learner, this clip is 26 words in just 6 seconds. Use our quiz to see how much you can pick up, set your level and fill in the blanks.

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    6 seconds, 26 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    That’s not it

    A short clip with some really very useful expressions for daily use. I love this one, but the others I have highlighted could have easily been the title for this clip for winners. You can spot the two different speakers, right? Both podcasts hosts speak in this clip, I trust you hear it too. What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Mais ça lui est venu comment cette passion, c’est ces parents peut-être qui étaient déjà accros aux céréales ? Ben d’après Simon, c’est même pas ça.

    But how did this passion come to him, was it perhaps his parents who were already addicted to cereals? Well, according to Simon, it’s not even that.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “étaient déjà accros” mean?

    The phrase “étaient déjà accros” is a French expression that can be translated into English as “were already hooked” or “were already addicted”. The verb “être accro” (to be hooked/addicted) is commonly used in French to describe someone who has developed a strong dependence or attachment to something, such as a substance or an activity.

    In the past tense form “étaient déjà accros”, the verb “être” (to be) is conjugated in the imparfait (imperfect) tense, indicating that the action of being addicted was ongoing or habitual in the past. The adverb “déjà” (already) emphasizes that the addiction had already taken hold at a certain point in the past.

    This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, such as describing someone who was already addicted to a particular TV show, video game, or social media platform. It can also be used more broadly to describe someone who has developed a strong attachment or dependence to something in general.

    Overall, the phrase “étaient déjà accros” is a common and useful expression in French for discussing addiction or strong attachments to something, particularly in the past tense.

    Typically the phrase “étaient déjà accros” is used with the preposition “aux” to indicate what the subject was addicted to. For example, “Ils étaient déjà accros aux jeux vidéo” (They were already addicted to video games). The preposition “à” is used to indicate the object or thing to which the subject is addicted.

    What does “c’est même pas ça” mean?

    The French phrase “c’est même pas ça” can be translated to “it’s not even that” or “that’s not it”. It is often used to express disappointment or frustration when something doesn’t meet one’s expectations or when someone is mistaken about something.

    For example, if someone is trying to remember the name of a restaurant and suggests one, but it turns out to be the wrong one, they might say “c’est même pas ça” to indicate that the suggestion wasn’t helpful.

    The phrase can also be used to express disbelief or denial. For example, if someone makes a statement that is incorrect or untrue, someone else might say “c’est même pas ça” to indicate that the statement is not accurate.

    Overall, “c’est même pas ça” is a versatile phrase that can be used in a variety of situations to express disappointment, frustration, disbelief, or denial.

    What does “d’apres” mean?

    “D’après + [a name]” is a French expression that means “according to” or “based on” followed by the name of a person. It is commonly used to refer to a source of information or to attribute a statement or claim to a particular person.

    For example, “D’après Marie, il va pleuvoir demain” means “According to Marie, it’s going to rain tomorrow.” Here, Marie is the source of the information about the weather.

    Another example is “Ce livre est d’après une histoire vraie” which means “This book is based on a true story.” In this case, the name of the author or source is not mentioned, but the expression “d’après” implies that the story is based on some specific source.

    Overall, “d’après + [a name]” is a useful expression in French to indicate the source of information, whether it be a person, a book, or any other source.

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