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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 17: enfin petit-déjeuner

From A1 to preparing for DALF, start here to improve your French listening skills! This clip is from the Manger podcast, it’s 63 words in 16 seconds. Select how much of the transcript you can see and complete the rest! Do you know how to say cereal aisle in French? Hear it in this clip!

This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

16 seconds, 63 words

The above audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

finally breakfast

Wait a minute, does he mean “section petit-déjeuner” here? What are you hearing?

Deepl says, oh you mean breakfast section, that makes more sense. But it is important to note that “enfin petit-déjeuner” does seem to be a little saying. Maybe he was having a little lapsis lingua as he stared as his empty bowl. I’m sure Simon’s pantry is filled with delicious sugary cereals, all calling his name.

What’s opening up for you in this clip?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Et puis euh quand tu fais les courses avec tes (avec tes) parents et que tu passes forcément dans le rayon céréale ou enfin petit-déjeuner. Bah voilà, t’es attiré par les packaging donc euh, je pense qu’après les parents ils cèdent en se disant : “Bon ben c’est bien, ça lui fera ça à manger”. Je pense pas que c’est l’initiative des parents.

And then, uh, when you go shopping with your parents and you go through the cereal or breakfast section. Well, you’re attracted by the packaging, so I think that afterwards the parents give in, saying to themselves: “Well, that’s good, that’ll give him something to eat”. I don’t think it’s the parents’ initiative.

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What does “tu passes forcément” mean?

“Tu passes forcément” is a French phrase that roughly translates to “you will definitely pass.” It is often used as words of encouragement to someone who is preparing for an exam or test, or who is facing a challenge. The phrase is typically used in a positive, confident tone to convey the idea that success is assured.

The phrase “tu passes forcément” is made up of three parts. “Tu” means “you,” “passes” means “pass” (as in passing an exam or test), and “forcément” means “definitely” or “assuredly.” When used together, the phrase expresses confidence that the person being addressed will succeed.

This phrase is commonly used in France, particularly among students who are preparing for exams or tests. It is often seen as a way to offer support and encouragement to someone who may be feeling nervous or unsure about their abilities. By saying “tu passes forcément,” the speaker is offering reassurance that the person being addressed has what it takes to succeed.

In addition to “tu passes forcément,” there are other similar phrases that are used to express encouragement and support in French, such as “tu vas y arriver” (you can do it), “allez, courage!” (come on, be brave!), and “on est avec toi” (we’re with you).

Overall, “tu passes forcément” is a positive and uplifting phrase that can be used to offer support and encouragement to someone who is facing a challenge.

What does “enfin petit-déjeuner” mean?

Now, I’m going ahead with this, but maybe he actually said “section petit-déjeuner”?

“Enfin petit-déjeuner” is a French phrase that translates to “finally breakfast” in English. It is a common expression used to express relief or satisfaction when finally getting to enjoy breakfast after a long wait or delay. The phrase can be used in various situations, such as after a morning workout, a long drive, or a busy morning at work.

In France, breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day, and it usually consists of a simple spread of bread, butter, and jam, along with coffee or tea. The French take their breakfast seriously and typically enjoy it at a leisurely pace, savoring each bite and sip.

Using the phrase “enfin petit-déjeuner” can also be a way of acknowledging the importance of taking a moment to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life, like a good cup of coffee and a warm croissant. It can be a reminder to take a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life and appreciate the small pleasures that can bring us joy.

Overall, “enfin petit-déjeuner” is a lighthearted and cheerful phrase that captures the French love for breakfast and the importance of taking a moment to enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

What does “t’es attiré par” mean?

The phrase “t’es attiré par” is a French expression that means “you are attracted to” in English. It is commonly used to describe someone’s romantic interest or physical attraction to someone or something.

For example, you could say “Je suis attiré par cette fille” to mean “I am attracted to this girl” or “Je suis attiré par les sports extrêmes” to mean “I am attracted to extreme sports”.

The phrase can also be used in a more general sense to describe any type of attraction, such as being drawn to a particular hobby or interest.

Overall, “t’es attiré par” is a versatile and commonly used phrase in French that can describe a range of attractions and interests.

What does “bon ben c’est bien” mean?

“Bon ben c’est bien” is a casual French expression that roughly translates to “Well, that’s good.” It is often used in conversation to express approval, satisfaction or agreement with something that has just been said or done.

The phrase “bon ben” is a shortened form of “bon alors” which means “well then” or “so”. “C’est bien” means “it’s good” or “that’s good”. Together, the phrase expresses a feeling of positivity or contentment.

“Bon ben c’est bien” can be used in a variety of situations, such as when someone shares good news, accomplishes something, or makes a decision that is seen as positive. It can also be used to acknowledge and appreciate a good effort made by someone, or to express gratitude.

The phrase is commonly used in spoken French and is often accompanied by a smile or a nod. It is a friendly and informal way to show support or agreement with someone.

In summary, “Bon ben c’est bien” is a common French expression used to express satisfaction or approval in a casual and friendly way.

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3 thoughts on “Manger ep. 1, Quiz 17: enfin petit-déjeuner”

  1. Hey,

    The final word of the quote isn’t being accepted, I think due to it containing the closing quotation marks? I also hear a slight “mais” at the start of the final sentence. Not sure about the “enfin” either but I’ll take your word for it! Tough one.

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