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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 25: selon lui

    Start at any level – A1 or DALF prep, listen to this clip and improve your French listening skills! It’s 48 words in 13 seconds, that’s fast, but just another day of normal French in real life. Try our free transcription quiz today!

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    13 seconds, 48 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    According to him

    What’s opening up for you in this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Pour lui, comme pour d’autres religieux à l’époque, l’ennemi, c’est la viande, qui ferait naître les mauvais instincts donc John propose les céréales comme alternative à la viande. Céréales, qui permettent selon lui de guérir tous les maux. De la masturbation, qu’il avait en horreur, à la constipation.

    For him, as for other religious people at the time, the enemy is meat, which would give rise to bad instincts, so John proposes cereals as an alternative to meat. Cereals, which according to him allow to cure all the evils. From masturbation, which he hated, to constipation.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “ferait naître” mean?

    “Ferait naître” is a French verb phrase that can be translated to “would give birth to” or “would create”. It is the conditional form of the verb “naître”, meaning “to be born”, and is often used to express a hypothetical situation or possibility.

    Example: Si nous investissions dans cette nouvelle technologie, cela ferait naître de nombreuses opportunités d’emploi. (If we invested in this new technology, it would create many job opportunities.)

    The phrase can also be used in a metaphorical sense, to describe the creation or birth of an idea or emotion.

    Example: Ce film ferait naître en moi une grande passion pour le cinéma. (This movie would give birth to a great passion for cinema in me.)

    What does “selon lui” mean?

    “Selon lui” is a French expression that can be translated to “according to him” or “in his opinion.” It is often used to introduce a statement or idea that is attributed to a specific person.

    For example: “Selon lui, la meilleure façon de réussir est de travailler dur” (According to him, the best way to succeed is to work hard).

    The phrase “selon lui” is commonly used in conversation, especially when discussing someone else’s perspective or point of view. It can also be used in writing, such as in academic papers or news articles, to indicate that the writer is citing another person’s opinion or idea.

    In terms of grammar, “selon” is a preposition that is often followed by a pronoun or noun to indicate the source of the information. “Lui” is a personal pronoun that means “him” or “he.”

    Overall, “selon lui” is a useful expression to have in your vocabulary when expressing opinions or attributing statements to a specific person.

    What does “avait en horreur” mean?

    “Il avait en horreur” is a French phrase that can be translated to “he had a horror of” or “he loathed”. The phrase is used to describe a strong aversion or disgust towards something or someone.


    • Il avait en horreur les insectes. (He loathed insects.)
    • Elle avait en horreur les mensonges. (She had a horror of lies.)
    • Il avait en horreur son ancien travail. (He had a horror of his former job.)

    The phrase “avoir horreur de” is commonly used in French to express a strong dislike or aversion towards something. It can be used in both formal and informal situations.

    Fun fact: The word “horreur” comes from the Latin word “horror” which means “a bristling or trembling of the hair” and was originally used to describe a physical reaction to fear or dread. Over time, the word came to be associated with a feeling of disgust or repulsion.

    Tell me about “de la … à la …”?

    The phrase “de la … à la” is used to express a range or a progression from one point to another. It is used to indicate a distance or an interval in time or space.

    For example, “Le trajet de Paris à Lyon en train dure de deux à trois heures” (The train journey from Paris to Lyon takes from two to three hours) or “Le temps de cuisson des pâtes varie de 8 à 12 minutes” (The cooking time for pasta varies from 8 to 12 minutes).

    The phrase “de la … à la” is a combination of the preposition “de” (of, from) and the definite article “la” (the) followed by the preposition “à” (to, until) and the definite article “la” (the).

    It is important to note that the masculine definite article “le” can contract with some prepositions, including “à” to form “au,” which is used before a masculine noun, while the feminine definite article “la” can contract with “à” to form “à la” which is used before a feminine noun. And de to form du.

    For example, “Je suis allé du centre-ville au parc” (I went from the city center to the park) or “La distance de la plage à la ville est de cinq kilomètres” (The distance from the beach to the city is five kilometers).

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