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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 37: déjà là

    Can you understand French through mouthfuls of food? When the speaker is eating, that is. Start at any level and improve your French listening skills with this clip from the Manger podcast. Hear the phrases: “j’ai envie de…”, “déjà là” and “goût de …”. What can you hear? Fill in the blanks of our daily…

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    23 seconds, 64 words (many pauses)

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    Right now, already

    Love these super colloquial phrases that we’re getting from this episode. It’s also really interesting that this episode’s speakers have been far more professional, and now they’re noshing on some cereal while mic’d up and talking through mouthfuls of crunch. What with poop jokes, talk of masturbation, and now mouthfuls of food we’re getting an interesting cultural journey with this professionally produced podcast.

    What’s opening up for you in this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Alors moi, je vais tester les Chocapics, j’ai envie de manger tout le paquet déjà là. Hmmm, hmmm. C’est vraiment trop bon, pardon mais alors là euh. Moi, je trouve ça vraiment pas aussi bon que dans mon souvenir. En fait, c’est très sucré. C’est ça qu’est bon non ? Ça a un goût de céréales en fait, un vrai goût de céréales.

    So me, I’m going to test the Chocapics, I want to eat the whole package already here. Hmmm, hmmm. It’s really too good, sorry, but I don’t find it as good as I remember. In fact, it’s very sweet. That’s what’s good, isn’t it? It has a cereal taste, a real cereal taste.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “j’ai envie de” mean?

    The phrase “j’ai envie de” is a common expression in French that means “I feel like” or “I want to”. In the context of “j’ai envie de manger tout le paquet”, it means “I feel like eating the entire package”.

    The verb “avoir envie de” (literally “to have a desire of”) is a common way to express a desire or a craving for something in French. It can be used with a noun, as in the example above, or with a verb in the infinitive form, such as “j’ai envie de boire un café” (I feel like having a coffee) or “j’ai envie de partir en vacances” (I feel like going on vacation).

    The expression can be used in a variety of contexts, from expressing a desire for food or drink to expressing a desire for an activity or experience. It is a common and versatile expression in spoken and written French.

    What does “déjà là” mean?

    In this context, “déjà là” is used to express the speaker’s strong desire or craving for the food. It could be translated to “already” or “right now” in English. The phrase “déjà là” is often added to emphasize the intensity of the feeling or desire, as in “I really want to eat the whole package right now, already.”

    The phrase “déjà là” is a common expression used in spoken French and is somewhat colloquial. It is often used to convey the idea of anticipation, as in “already here” or “already present”. In the context of the phrase “j’ai envie de manger tout le paquet déjà là”, it could mean something like “I already have the desire to eat the entire package”.

    Here are some other examples of how “déjà là” might be used:

    • “Je suis pressé d’aller en vacances, j’ai envie d’y être déjà là.” (I’m in a hurry to go on vacation, I already want to be there.)
    • “J’ai terminé mes devoirs pour la semaine, il est seulement mercredi mais j’ai l’impression que le week-end est déjà là.” (I finished my homework for the week, it’s only Wednesday but I feel like the weekend is already here.)
    • “J’ai vu les photos du voyage de mes amis et j’ai déjà envie de repartir en vacances, c’est comme si j’étais déjà là-bas.” (I saw photos of my friends’ trip and I already want to go on vacation again, it’s like I’m already there.)

    As for fun facts, there isn’t anything particularly noteworthy about this phrase, but it is a useful expression to know if you want to sound more natural in your spoken French.

    What does “goût de …” mean?

    In the given phrase, “goût de céréales” refers to the taste of cereals. The speaker is expressing that the taste of the food they are describing reminds them of cereals.

    “Goût” means “taste” in French, and “céréales” means “cereals”. The phrase is fairly common and straightforward, and it’s used to describe the taste of foods that have a similar flavor to cereals.

    The phrase “goût de” can be used to describe the taste of something in a variety of contexts.

    Here are a few examples:

    • “Ce parfum a un goût de nostalgie pour moi” (This fragrance has a taste of nostalgia for me)
    • “Cette musique a un goût de liberté” (This music has a taste of freedom)
    • “Cette peinture a un goût d’authenticité” (This painting has a taste of authenticity)
    • “Ce livre a un goût de voyage” (This book has a taste of travel)
    • “Ce film a un goût de réalisme” (This film has a taste of realism)

    As you can see, “goût de” can be used to describe a wide range of experiences, emotions, and sensations, not just food or drink. It can refer to the taste of a specific food, such as “goût de céréales” for the taste of cereal, or “goût de poulet” for the taste of chicken. It can also be used more figuratively to describe the taste or flavor of something non-food-related, such as “goût de l’aventure” for the taste of adventure, or “goût de l’inconnu” for the taste of the unknown.

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    Can you understand French through mouthfuls of food? When the speaker is eating, that is. Start at any level and improve your French listening skills with this clip from the Manger podcast. Hear the phrases: “j’ai envie de…”, “déjà là” and “goût de …”. What can you hear? Fill in the blanks of our daily…

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