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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 39: c’est que

“C’est que”, “clairement”, “autant”… do you know these phrases in French? Hear them in this clip and improve your French listening skills with a clip from the Manger podcast. This is French in real life!

This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

7 seconds, 28 words

The above audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

It’s just that…

I’m loving this expression. It’s a simple one, one that I think even beginner learners might understand. At the same time it seems quite versatile and has some interesting nuance.

What’s opening up for you in this clip?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Clairement, si les pubs ont autant marché sur nous quand on était enfant c’est que la France était prête, en fait, à manger des céréales venues des Etats-Unis.

Clearly, if the commercials worked so much on us when we were kids, it’s because France was ready, in fact, to eat cereals from the US.

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What does “clairement” mean?

“Clairement” is an adverb in French that means “clearly” or “obviously”. It is used to emphasize the speaker’s opinion or the obviousness of a situation.

Some examples of how “clairement” can be used in context include:

  • “Clairement, tu n’as pas compris le sujet de l’examen.” (Clearly, you didn’t understand the exam topic.)
  • “Clairement, cette entreprise a besoin de plus d’investissements.” (Obviously, this company needs more investments.)
  • “Clairement, la solution proposée n’est pas viable.” (Clearly, the proposed solution is not viable.)

As for its origin, “clairement” is derived from the French adjective “clair”, which means “clear” or “bright”. It is a common word in the French language and is considered standard vocabulary.

One interesting note about “clairement” is that it is often used in spoken French as a filler word, similar to “um” or “like” in English. In this context, it may not necessarily be used to convey a strong opinion or emphasis, but rather as a way to fill pauses in speech or to signal that the speaker is thinking.

What does “autant” mean?

“Autant” is a French adverb that is typically translated to “as much” or “as many” in English. It is often used to express an equal amount or degree of something.

“Autant” comes from the Old French word “aut” which means “as much” or “just as”. It evolved into “autant” in Middle French and has been used in Modern French since the 16th century.

Here are a few examples of how “autant” is used in French:

  • Il y a autant de livres sur l’étagère que sur le bureau. (There are as many books on the shelf as on the desk.)
  • Je travaille autant que toi. (I work as much as you.)
  • Autant de gens sont venus que prévu. (As many people came as expected.)

“Autant” can also be used to mean “as well” or “equally”, depending on the context.

“Autant” is often used in comparisons or to express similarities between things.

“Autant” can also be used in the expression “autant pour moi” which is a common way to say “my mistake” or “I stand corrected” in French. However, this usage is often considered to be incorrect by language purists who argue that the correct phrase is “au temps pour moi”.

What does “c’est que” mean?

“C’est que” is a French phrase that can be translated to “it’s just that” or “the thing is that.” It is commonly used to introduce an explanation or justification for something.

For example:

  • “Je ne peux pas sortir ce soir, c’est que j’ai beaucoup de travail à faire” (I can’t go out tonight, it’s just that I have a lot of work to do).
  • “C’est que je ne suis pas très doué en cuisine, alors je ne sais pas comment faire” (The thing is that I’m not very good at cooking, so I don’t know how to do it).

In both cases, “c’est que” introduces an explanation for a situation or decision.

One interesting thing to note about the phrase “c’est que” is that it can sometimes be used to express surprise or disbelief. For example, if someone says “C’est que je suis tombé malade hier soir,” it can be translated as “I fell ill last night, can you believe it?” or “I fell ill last night, of all things!” This usage is more common in spoken French and can add a sense of emphasis or incredulity to the statement.

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“C’est que”, “clairement”, “autant”… do you know these phrases in French? Hear them in this clip and improve your French listening skills with a clip from the Manger podcast. This is French in real life!

2 thoughts on “Manger ep. 1, Quiz 39: c’est que”

    1. With “ont” yes, it should be the participe passé, you are right. I have changed that and updated the post. Thank you!

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