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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 43: à la fin

    The words: “discours”, “se sont faits”, “à la fin”, and “lui-même”… do you know them? Can you hear them all in this clip from the Manger podcast? Start at any level and join us for today’s transcription quiz.

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    18 seconds, 55 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    in the end

    I’m fluent in Chinese, and there was a time when the hardest people to understand speaking Chinese were children (anyone under 8) and foreigners. I bring this up, because accents, especially from other foreigners are distinct and can be challenging. How are you finding this clip?

    You may think, why bother listening to this clip, it’s not a French native speaker. True, you’re right. But then you’re missing the point. French in real life is spoken by millions of people including you and me fluently in the future. Not all of those speakers are native speakers, you’re going to run into every type of French imaginable.

    What’s opening up for you in this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Ca parce que pendant les années 80, il ya eu umm, il y a eu en fait 3 discours qui se sont faits en fait simultanément à la fin n’est pas sain et n’est pas pratique. Donc l’enfant il avait pas vraiment besoin que ses parents préparent son petit déjeuner. Il pouvait lui-même se préparer.

    That’s because during the 80’s there was a, there were actually 3 speeches that were done in fact simultaneously in the end is not healthy and is not practical. So the child didn’t really need his parents to prepare his breakfast. He could prepare himself.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “discours” mean?

    “Discours” is a French word that translates to “speech” or “discourse” in English. It refers to a formal or structured verbal communication, typically given in public or formal settings. A “discours” can be a prepared speech, a presentation, or a formal address delivered by an individual, often addressing a specific topic or audience. It can be used in various contexts, such as political speeches, academic presentations, or public announcements. The word “discours” is derived from the Latin word “discursus,” meaning “conversation” or “discussion.” In French, it is commonly used to refer to any form of structured verbal communication that conveys a specific message or argument.

    What does “se sont faits” mean?

    “Se sont faits” is a construction in French that combines the reflexive pronoun “se” (meaning “themselves”) with the auxiliary verb “être” (meaning “to be”) and the past participle “faits” (the past participle of the verb “faire,” meaning “to do” or “to make”).

    This construction is used to indicate actions or events that have been performed or accomplished by a group of people or individuals. It conveys the idea that the subjects of the sentence have taken certain actions or have been involved in a specific event.

    For example, “Ils se sont faits remarquer” translates to “They made themselves noticed” or “They stood out.” It suggests that the subjects have done something to draw attention or make an impression. The reflexive pronoun “se” indicates that the action was done by the subjects themselves.

    This construction is commonly used in French to express various actions, achievements, or experiences of individuals or groups. It can be used in different contexts, such as describing accomplishments, experiences, or even negative outcomes. The use of “se sont faits” indicates that the subjects have actively participated or been involved in the action or event.

    What does “à la fin” mean?

    “À la fin” is a French expression that translates to “in the end” or “at the end” in English. It is used to refer to the conclusion or final part of something. It indicates that an action, event, or situation occurred or reached its conclusion at the end of a specific period or sequence.

    For example, “À la fin du film” means “At the end of the movie” or “In the end of the movie.” It refers to the final moments or conclusion of the film. Similarly, “J’ai réussi à la fin de l’examen” translates to “I succeeded in the end of the exam,” indicating that the success occurred at the conclusion of the exam.

    The expression “à la fin” is commonly used in French in various contexts, such as narratives, discussions, or explanations, to highlight the final part or outcome of a particular situation or event. It helps to provide a sense of closure or resolution to the story or discussion.

    What does “lui-même” mean?

    In the sentence “Il pouvait lui-même se préparer,” the word “même” is used as an intensifier or emphasis. It reinforces the idea that the subject, “Il” (he), was able to prepare himself without any external assistance.

    The word “même” can be translated as “himself” or “herself” in this context, emphasizing the self-sufficiency or autonomy of the subject. It indicates that the person was capable of performing the action mentioned in the sentence without relying on others.

    Here’s an example to illustrate its usage: “Elle a préparé le repas elle-même” means “She prepared the meal herself,” emphasizing that she personally took the responsibility for preparing the meal without any help.

    In summary, “même” in this context adds emphasis to the self-preparation aspect, highlighting the individual’s ability to do something on their own.

    What did you love about this?

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    The words: “discours”, “se sont faits”, “à la fin”, and “lui-même”… do you know them? Can you hear them all in this clip from the Manger podcast? Start at any level and join us for today’s transcription quiz.

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