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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 56: d’ailleurs

    Do you know what “d’ailleurs” means? What about “ne sous-estime pas”? Hear them both in this clip. Start at any level and practice your listening skills in just a few minutes.

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    13 seconds, 49 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    By the way

    By the way, she means the beef cereal – true man cereals – are possible some day. What’s opening up for you in this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Ben je suis sûre que ça va exister, ne sous-estimes pas le pouvoir du marketing. Marketing céréalier d’ailleurs qui n’a rien perdu de son intensité et se renouvellent même aujourd’hui avec par exemple, le porridge, ces flocons d’avoine qu’on fait tremper dans du lait ou encore avec le granola.

    Well, I’m sure it will exist, don’t underestimate the power of marketing. Cereal marketing by the way, which has not lost any of its intensity and is even renewed today with, for example, porridge, these oat flakes that are soaked in milk or granola.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “ne sous-estime pas” mean?

    “Ne sous-estimes pas” is a negative imperative construction that urges someone not to underestimate a particular situation, person, or thing. It emphasizes the significance of acknowledging the true value, potential, or impact of the subject being referred to.


    • “Ne sous-estimes pas l’importance de ce projet.” (Do not underestimate the importance of this project.)
    • “N’oublie pas, ne sous-estime jamais tes propres capacités.” (Remember, never underestimate your own abilities.)
    • “Ne sous-estimez pas les conséquences de vos actions.” (Do not underestimate the consequences of your actions.)

    “Ne sous-estimes pas” is typically used as a direct command or advice to caution someone against undervaluing or underestimating a specific aspect, situation, or person. It serves as a reminder to recognize the true significance or potential impact of what is being discussed.

    The opposite of “ne sous-estimes pas” would be “ne surestime pas,” which means “do not overestimate.”

    Overall, “ne sous-estimes pas” is a command used to emphasize the importance of not underestimating or undervaluing something. It serves as a reminder to consider the true significance or potential impact of the subject at hand.

    What does “d’ailleurs” mean?

    The term “d’ailleurs” is a versatile French expression that can be translated as “moreover,” “besides,” “by the way,” or “anyway” in English. “D’ailleurs” is an adverbial phrase that indicates a shift or addition to the current topic of discussion. It is used to introduce a related or supplementary point, often with the intention of adding further information or making a connection.

    Some Examples:

    “J’ai beaucoup aimé le film. D’ailleurs, l’acteur principal a remporté un prix.” (I really enjoyed the movie. Moreover, the lead actor won an award.)

    “D’ailleurs, j’ai entendu dire qu’il va pleuvoir demain.” (By the way, I heard it’s going to rain tomorrow.)

    “Je pense qu’il est très talentueux. D’ailleurs, il a étudié à l’une des meilleures écoles d’art.” (I think he is very talented. Besides, he studied at one of the best art schools.)

    “D’ailleurs” is commonly used in both spoken and written French, often in informal or conversational contexts. It helps to provide additional information, make a related point, or introduce a tangential topic that is somehow connected to the current discussion.

    Depending on the context, “d’ailleurs” can be synonymous with other expressions such as “en plus” (moreover), “au fait” (by the way), “par ailleurs” (furthermore), or “au reste” (anyway).

    In French, the phrase “et d’ailleurs” is sometimes used as a polite way to conclude a conversation or exit a social gathering. It serves as a transition phrase indicating that the speaker is about to depart or wrap up the discussion.

    Overall, “d’ailleurs” is a versatile expression used to introduce additional information or make a related point in a conversation. It helps to provide context, expand on a topic, or shift the discussion slightly.

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    Do you know what “d’ailleurs” means? What about “ne sous-estime pas”? Hear them both in this clip. Start at any level and practice your listening skills in just a few minutes.

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