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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 57: sauf que non

What does “sauf que non” mean? Hear it in this clip along with “fait envie”, “tout à l’heure”, and “branché”. Improve your French listening skills with a clip of French in real life.

This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

17 seconds, 70 words

This audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

But no

What’s opening up for you in this clip?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Oui le mot granola existe depuis le 19ème siècle et continue de nous hanter. À l’époque, comme on vous le racontait tout à l’heure, c’était des céréales dures comme du bois, aujourd’hui, c’est ce mélange de céréales et de graines qui vous fait envie quand vous le voyez dans un coffee shop branché ou en photo sur Instagram. Vous pensez “Ah ben, ça va être super sain”. Sauf que non.

Yes, the word granola has been around since the 19th century and continues to haunt us. Back then, as we were telling you earlier, it was hard-as-nails cereal, today it’s that mix of grains and seeds that makes you crave it when you see it in a trendy coffee shop or in a photo on Instagram. You think, “Ah well, this is going to be super healthy.” Except it’s not.

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What does “tout à l’heure” mean?

“Tout à l’heure” literally translates to “all in the hour.” However, its idiomatic meaning refers to a short period of time before the present moment. It indicates that something happened not long ago or that an event occurred a short while before the current conversation.

It is a common phrase in French that can be translated as “just now,” “a moment ago,” or “a little while ago” in English. It is used to refer to a recent past moment or event.


  • “Je viens de parler à Marie tout à l’heure.” (I just spoke to Marie a moment ago.)
  • “Tout à l’heure, j’ai mangé un délicieux repas au restaurant.” (A little while ago, I had a delicious meal at the restaurant.)
  • “J’ai vu Pierre tout à l’heure à la bibliothèque.” (I saw Pierre just now at the library.)

“Tout à l’heure” is commonly used in spoken French to refer to a recent past event or moment. It helps to provide a temporal reference and adds immediacy to the conversation.

Similar expressions to “tout à l’heure” include “il y a un instant” (a moment ago), “il y a peu” (recently), or “il y a quelques instants” (a few moments ago).

Regional variation: In some French-speaking regions, “tout à l’heure” can also be used to refer to a future moment, meaning “later” or “in a little while.” The context will determine whether it refers to the past or future.

Overall, “tout à l’heure” is an expression used to indicate a recent past moment or event. It is commonly used in conversational French to refer to something that happened just now or a short while ago, adding a sense of immediacy to the conversation.

What does “fait envie” mean?

The phrase “fait envie” is a French expression that can be translated as “makes one envious” or “creates desire” in English. “Fait envie” literally means “makes envy” or “creates desire.” It expresses the sentiment of being attracted to or longing for something that someone else has or is experiencing.

Some Examples:

  • “Son voyage en Grèce me fait envie. J’aimerais tellement visiter ce pays.” (His trip to Greece makes me envious. I would love to visit that country.)
  • “Cette nouvelle voiture fait vraiment envie. J’aimerais en avoir une comme ça.” (That new car creates a strong desire. I would like to have one like that.)

“Fait envie” is commonly used in conversations to express admiration or longing for something that is desirable or appealing. It conveys a sense of coveting or being envious of someone else’s possession, experience, or situation.

Similar expressions to “fait envie” include “donne des envies” (creates desires), “éveille la convoitise” (arouses covetousness), or “fait rêver” (makes one dream).

Cultural perspective: In French culture, there is an appreciation for expressing desire or admiration for something without necessarily feeling jealousy or resentment towards others. “Fait envie” is a way to acknowledge the attractiveness of something while maintaining a positive and appreciative attitude.

Overall, “fait envie” is an expression used to describe something that creates a strong desire or evokes a feeling of envy. It reflects the longing or admiration one feels for something that others possess or are experiencing. It is commonly used in conversations to express attraction and appreciation for desirable things or experiences.

What does “branché” mean?

The term “branché” is a French adjective that translates to “trendy,” “cool,” or “hip” in English. It is commonly used to describe something or someone that is fashionable, up-to-date, or in tune with the latest trends and styles. Here is some information about “branché”:

“Branché” refers to something or someone that is fashionable, trendy, or in touch with current popular culture. It can be used to describe various aspects such as fashion, music, technology, lifestyle, or attitudes.

Some examples:

  • “Ce quartier est très branché avec ses cafés modernes et ses boutiques design.” (This neighborhood is very trendy with its modern cafes and designer shops.)
  • “Il porte toujours des vêtements branchés et suit les dernières tendances.” (He always wears trendy clothes and follows the latest trends.)
  • “Ce club est vraiment branché, il y a toujours de la musique géniale et une ambiance animée.” (This club is really cool, there’s always great music and a lively atmosphere.)

“Branché” is commonly used in informal or colloquial conversations to describe something that is fashionable, stylish, or in vogue. It can refer to places, events, people, or objects that are considered to be trendy or part of the current cultural zeitgeist.

Depending on the context, “branché” can be synonymous with other expressions such as “à la mode” (fashionable), “tendance” (trendy), “cool,” or “in” to describe something that is currently popular or fashionable.

Fun fact: The term “branché” originally comes from the verb “brancher,” which means “to plug in” or “to connect.” In the context of fashion and trends, it implies being connected to the latest cultural developments.

Overall, “branché” is an adjective used to describe something or someone as trendy, fashionable, or in touch with the latest styles and trends. It is a versatile term that is commonly used in informal conversations to express a sense of modernity or being “in the know.”

What does “sauf que non” mean?

The phrase “sauf que non” is an informal expression in French that can be translated as “except that no” or “but no.” It is a playful and colloquial way to express disagreement or to say that something is not true. It is often used to contradict a previous statement, highlight an error, or provide an alternative perspective.


  • Person A: “Tu es toujours en retard.” (You’re always late.)
  • Person B: “Sauf que non, je suis toujours à l’heure.” (But no, I’m always on time.)


  • Person A: “Tu as beaucoup d’argent, n’est-ce pas?” (You have a lot of money, right?)
  • Person B: “Sauf que non, je suis loin d’être riche.” (But no, I’m far from being rich.)

“Sauf que non” is typically used in casual conversations among friends or in informal settings. It adds a touch of humor or playful contradiction to the dialogue.

Synonyms: Similar expressions to “sauf que non” include “mais non” (but no), “en fait non” (actually no), or “pas du tout” (not at all).

Fun fact: The expression “sauf que non” is an example of French colloquial language, which often incorporates informal phrases, idioms, and playful expressions to convey meaning in a more relaxed and conversational manner.

Overall, “sauf que non” is an informal expression used to contradict or negate a statement. It adds a touch of humor and informality to the conversation and is commonly used among friends or in casual settings to playfully challenge or correct someone’s assumption.

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What does “sauf que non” mean? Hear it in this clip along with “fait envie”, “tout à l’heure”, and “branché”. Improve your French listening skills with a clip of French in real life.

3 thoughts on “Manger ep. 1, Quiz 57: sauf que non”

  1. Heya,

    Quick one, the last word of the quote isn’t entering properly? Not even with the quotation mark, for me at least.

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