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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 66: aucune

    Start at any level and improve your listening skills with this clip of French in real life. Hear “aucune” and “dont” – do you know what those words mean? Improve your French understanding with FREE daily clips and quizzes, start today!

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    11 seconds, 28 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    not any

    Sure, “not any”. But there’s more to it.

    As an American native English speaker venturing into French, I’ve encountered some fascinating differences between French and English expressions. One particular word that caught my attention – just from this clip – is “aucune.” Sure, at first glance, it may seem like a run-of-the-mill negative pronoun similar to “none” or “not any.” But oh là là, my fellow language enthusiasts, “aucune” has some surprising nuances that give it a special je ne sais quoi.

    Let’s dive into the uniqueness of “aucune.”

    It’s not exclusive to French, but it does possess its own special je ne sais quoi compared to its English counterparts. The French have ingeniously infused “aucune” with a sense of drama and flair. The word is not just a mere negation; it’s an emphatic declaration of absence or lack. Imagine this: The English “none” may whisper its denial, but “aucune” grabs a megaphone and passionately exclaims, “There is absolutely no quantity or instance!”

    Here’s another delightful twist: while I’m venturing into French, I wonder if “Aucune” adds an extra pinch of spice to my French palette. It plays with my emotions, underlining its denial with such fervor that it leaves no room for doubt.

    Now, let’s not forget the playful variations that “aucune” can bring to the table. Its usage dances gracefully through different contexts. It fearlessly navigates countable and uncountable nouns, adapting its connotation like a skilled chameleon. Such linguistic versatility is like having a clever trick up your sleeve when expressing absence or negation in conversation.

    While “aucune” may find its English equivalents in “none” or “not any,” it’s the audacity and verve of this French word that truly sets it apart. As a French learner, I feel on the cusp of something when exploring the power of “aucune” in examples. I’m not sure I fully grasp it, especially when you throw in the double and triple negatives that reinforce the negation rather than flip its meaning.

    In the end, “aucune” is more than just “none” – it’s a linguistic gem that sparkles with its unique French charm. Embrace its power, let it infuse your conversations, and revel in the colorful world of French expressions. Alors, vive “aucune”! Let it be your linguistic accomplice in adding that certain je ne sais quoi to your French adventures.

    What’s opening up for you in this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Moi, j’essaye d’être une diététicienne incorruptible, donc je ne travaille pour aucune marque et je refuse des sollicitations, dont que je reçois régulièrement de grandes entreprises de l’agroalimentaire.

    I try to be an incorruptible dietician, so I don’t work for any brand and I refuse solicitations, including the ones I regularly receive from major food companies.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “aucune” mean?

    The word “aucune” in French is a negative pronoun that translates to “none” or “not any” in English. “Aucune” is used to indicate the absence or lack of something.


    • “Je n’ai aucune idée de ce qui s’est passé.” (I have no idea what happened.)
    • “Il n’a obtenu aucune réponse à sa question.” (He didn’t get any response to his question.)

    “Aucune” is commonly used to negate nouns and can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns. It agrees in gender and number with the noun it modifies.

    “Aucune” is more emphatic than the word “pas” when expressing negation. It emphasizes the complete absence or lack of something, whereas “pas” simply indicates a negation or denial.

    The antonym of “aucune” is “quelques” or “certains,” which mean “some” or “a few.” While “aucune” expresses a total absence, “quelques” or “certains” indicate the presence of a certain quantity or instances.

    “Aucune” can also be used in the negative form “ne…aucune” in combination with “pas” to further emphasize the absence or lack of something. For example, “Je n’ai aucune envie de sortir” (I have no desire to go out).

    What does “dont que” mean?

    In the given context, the phrase “dont que” appears as a combination of the relative pronoun “dont” and the conjunction “que.” Here’s a breakdown of its usage:

    1. “Dont” as a relative pronoun: In this context, “dont” introduces a relative clause that expresses the reason or cause for the solicitation. It implies “from which” or “of which” and refers to the source or origin of the solicitations.
    2. “Que” as a conjunction: In this case, “que” functions as a subordinating conjunction meaning “that” or “which.” It introduces the subordinate clause that explains the type or nature of the solicitations the person regularly receives.

    Together, “dont que” is used to connect the information about the regular solicitations and highlights the cause or source of these solicitations.

    Example translation: “I do not work for any brand, and I decline solicitations, including the ones I regularly receive from large agri-food companies.”

    Please note that this usage may appear less frequently in formal writing, but it can be found in spoken or informal contexts. It adds a conversational tone and serves to provide more specific information about the source of the solicitations.

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    Start at any level and improve your listening skills with this clip of French in real life. Hear “aucune” and “dont” – do you know what those words mean? Improve your French understanding with FREE daily clips and quizzes, start today!

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