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Géopolitique 20150420, Quiz 5: si indispensables soient-ils

    Improve your ear for French with our daily French listening quiz. This audio clip comes from the Géopolitique podcast, it’s 57 words in 19 seconds. How many can you hear and understand?

    Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is from Géopolitique Episode from 20 April 2015: “Le drame des réfugiés et les questions à nous poser”. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.

    19 seconds, 57 words
    (You can use the ⋮ to select playback speed)

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Géopolitique Episode from 20 April 2015. We do not own the content. The opinions expressed in this podcast snippet are the speaker’s own. We do not own this content, it is for learning purposes only. Listen to the entire episode here.

    However necessary they may be

    Language learning, for me, isn’t about one be-all-end-all tool that takes me to fluency. It’s about nit-picky native speaking friends and educators; apps that reinforce learning; and an environment that forces speaking. It really is with that trifecta that we can get to fluency.

    They are indispensible. If not available, as is now, I’m not in a francophone country, I have to create the environment for my self. With Netflix, with news articles, with podcasts on this site. Thankfully my daughter loves her French nursery rhymes, so every day she asks Google to play her favorites and they fill our small home.

    There’s a lot of work ahead, the important thing is enjoying the little moments. The times I understand, the times I can sing along with the nursery rhymes, the jokes I understand in a Netflix series. Every little bit is a building block to fluency.

    This podcast is a bit of older news, but still an interesting listen. Please note, the opinions expressed in this voice essay are not mine, I just want to use it for learning purposes.

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    The clip in English

    Find a translation of this audio snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    La deuxième question à nous poser serait de savoir comment on pourrait limiter le nombre de ces réfugiés prêts à tout pour fuir vers nos côtes. La réponse n’est pas les sauvetages, si indispensables soient-ils. Elle n’est évidemment pas de renvoyer ces malheureux sous les bombes qu’ils ont fuies car ce serait le comble de l’inhumanité. Non.

    The second question to ask ourselves is how we can limit the number of these refugees who are ready to do anything to flee to our shores. The answer is not rescue operations, however necessary they may be. It is obviously not to send these unfortunate people back to the bombs they have fled, because that would be the height of inhumanity. No.

    The above French text translated with Deepl.

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    serait de savoir

    vers nos côtes



    sous les bombes

    la comble

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