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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 22: un moment de bascule

    What do “j’aime bien”, “un moment de bascule”, “vient de s’écouler”, & “ce jour-là” mean? Hear them all in this dictée from the Passerelles podcast. Start at any level, choose how much of the transcript you can see and fill in the blanks in our transcription quiz.

    This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    10 seconds, 24 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    tipping point

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    The snippet in English

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    J’aime bien cette image. Chaque anniversaire correspond à un moment de bascule entre l’année qui vient de s’écouler et celle qui commence ce jour-là.

    I like this image. Every birthday is a tipping point between the year that has just passed and the one that begins on that day.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “j’aime bien” mean?

    The construction “j’aime bien” is a common and informal way to express that you like something in French. It is formed by combining the verb “aimer” (to like) with the adverb “bien” (well). When used together, “j’aime bien” conveys a sense of appreciation or enjoyment for something without being overly strong or enthusiastic.

    Here’s a breakdown of the elements in the construction:

    1. “J’aime”: This is the first-person singular form of the verb “aimer,” which means “I like.” It is a regular -er verb, and the subject pronoun “je” (I) is included before the verb.
    2. “Bien”: This is an adverb that means “well” or “very.” When combined with “aimer,” it softens the expression and indicates that the liking is positive but not necessarily intense or passionate.

    “J’aime bien” is often used in everyday conversation to express casual appreciation for various things, activities, or people. It can be translated to “I like” or “I quite like” in English. Keep in mind that it is more informal than “j’aime beaucoup” (I like a lot) and can be used in situations where you want to express a moderate level of liking or when discussing things you enjoy without being too emphatic.

    What does “un moment de bascule” mean?

    “Un moment de bascule” is a French expression that can be translated to “a tipping point” or “a turning point” in English. It refers to a critical moment or event that marks a significant change or shift in a situation, trajectory, or someone’s life. This phrase is often used to describe pivotal moments where things take a different direction, leading to important consequences or outcomes.

    The term “bascule” means “tilting” or “tipping” in French, and “un moment de bascule” captures the idea of something being on the verge of changing direction, just like a balanced object that starts to tip over. It implies that a certain event or decision plays a decisive role in altering the course of events.

    “Un moment de bascule” can be applied to various contexts, such as in personal life, history, politics, or even in business scenarios. It highlights the significance of a particular event or decision in shaping future developments or influencing the outcome of a situation.

    TL;DR, “un moment de bascule” is a powerful phrase used to describe critical turning points in life or events that lead to transformative changes, much like the tipping of a scale that alters the balance of a situation.

    What does “vient de s’écouler” mean?

    “Vient de s’écouler” is a French phrase that translates to “has just passed” or “has just elapsed” in English. It is used to refer to a recent passage of time, indicating that a specific period has just ended or concluded. The phrase “vient de” is a construction that indicates the immediate past, emphasizing that the time frame being referred to is very recent.

    For example:

    • “Une heure vient de s’écouler.” (One hour has just passed.)
    • “La journée vient de s’écouler.” (The day has just elapsed.)

    It’s important to note that “vient de s’écouler” is typically used to describe a relatively short period of time, such as minutes, hours, or days. For longer periods, other expressions may be used.

    This construction is commonly used in various contexts, such as narrating events in the past, talking about recent activities, or providing updates on the passage of time.

    In summary, “vient de s’écouler” is a useful French expression to indicate that a particular time frame has just ended, highlighting the recent nature of the event or activity being discussed.

    What does “ce jour-là” mean?

    “Ce jour-là” is a French phrase that translates to “that day” or “on that day” in English. It refers to a specific day in the past, typically in a narrative or storytelling context. The expression “ce jour-là” is used to indicate a particular date or moment in time when something significant or noteworthy happened.

    For example:

    • “Ce jour-là, nous avons visité le musée du Louvre.” (On that day, we visited the Louvre Museum.)
    • “Je me souviens de ce jour-là comme si c’était hier.” (I remember that day as if it were yesterday.)

    The phrase is often used to introduce a specific event or occurrence that took place on a particular day, adding a temporal reference to the story being told. It helps create a sense of time and context for the events being described.

    In some cases, “ce jour-là” can also be used figuratively to refer to a significant and memorable day in a person’s life, even if the exact date is not mentioned.

    Other similar expressions:

    1. “À cette époque” – This means “at that time” or “during that period” and is used to refer to a specific time in the past. Example: “À cette époque, nous habitions à Paris.” (At that time, we were living in Paris.)
    2. “En ce temps-là” – This is another way to say “at that time” and is often used in a more literary or poetic context. Example: “En ce temps-là, les gens vivaient sans technologie moderne.” (At that time, people lived without modern technology.)
    3. “À ce moment précis” – This means “at that precise moment” and emphasizes the exact timing of an event or occurrence. Example: “À ce moment précis, le soleil se levait à l’horizon.” (At that precise moment, the sun was rising on the horizon.)
    4. “À l’époque” – This is similar to “à cette époque” and means “at the time” or “in those days.” Example: “À l’époque, les voyages en avion étaient moins fréquents.” (At the time, air travel was less common.)

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    What do “j’aime bien”, “un moment de bascule”, “vient de s’écouler”, & “ce jour-là” mean? Hear them all in this dictée from the Passerelles podcast. Start at any level, choose how much of the transcript you can see and fill in the blanks in our transcription quiz.

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