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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 33: autour de

    What do “autour de”, “en plus de tout ça”, and “sans rentrer dans les détails” mean? Hear them all in this clip of French in real life. Immerse in a short clip, fill in the blanks as you listen, and improve your French listening skills.

    This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    15 seconds, 33 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode


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    The snippet in English

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    En plus de tout ça, il y a une dimension psychologique autour du rituel d’anniversaire. Sans rentrer dans les détails, des phénomènes comme le blues d’anniversaire ou le stress d’anniversaire ont été étudiés.

    On top of all that, there’s a psychological dimension to the birthday ritual. Without going into detail, phenomena such as the birthday blues or birthday stress have been studied.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “en plus de tout ça” mean?

    “En plus de tout ça” is a French phrase that translates to “in addition to all of that” or “on top of all that” in English. It is used to introduce additional information or elements that are being added to a situation or context that has already been mentioned.

    For example:

    • “J’ai déjà beaucoup de travail à faire, et en plus de tout ça, j’ai des examens la semaine prochaine.” (I already have a lot of work to do, and on top of all that, I have exams next week.)
    • “Nous avons dû faire face à des problèmes techniques, et en plus de tout ça, il a commencé à pleuvoir.” (We had to deal with technical issues, and in addition to all of that, it started to rain.)

    What does “il y a” mean?

    “Il y a” is a common French expression that translates to “there is” or “there are” in English. It is used to indicate the existence or presence of something or someone in a specific location or at a specific time. The phrase is composed of two elements:

    1. “Il”: This is the impersonal subject pronoun “il,” which is used as a placeholder subject when referring to the existence of something without specifying a particular noun.
    2. “Y a”: This is the verb “avoir” (to have) conjugated in the third person singular, present tense. The contraction “y a” is a colloquial and informal way of saying “il y a.”


    • “Il y a un livre sur la table.” (There is a book on the table.)
    • “Il y a beaucoup de gens dans la rue.” (There are a lot of people on the street.)
    • “Il y a un restaurant très bon ici.” (There is a very good restaurant here.)

    The expression “il y a” can also be used to talk about events or occurrences in the past, using the past tense form “il y avait” (there was/were) or “il y a eu” (there has/have been).


    • “Il y avait beaucoup de monde à la fête.” (There were a lot of people at the party.)
    • “Il y a eu une réunion importante ce matin.” (There was an important meeting this morning.)

    “Il y a” is a versatile phrase that is used in various contexts to describe the presence or occurrence of something, making it an essential expression for French learners to master.

    What does “autour du” mean?

    “Autour du” is a French prepositional phrase that translates to “around the” in English. This phrase serves several functions:

    Spatial Location: “Autour du” indicates the position of something in relation to another object, suggesting that it surrounds or encircles the specific item mentioned. Example: “Les enfants jouent autour du parc.” (The children play around the park.)

    Figurative Meaning: In a figurative sense, “autour du” describes the context or environment surrounding a particular situation or topic. Example: “Nous discutons des idées autour du projet.” (We discuss ideas around the project.)

    Combination with Verbs: “Autour du” can be used in conjunction with certain verbs to express actions or activities related to a specific object or concept. Example: “Les participants se rassemblent autour du chef.” (The participants gather around the chef.)

    Usage with Time: Similar to “autour,” “autour du” can indicate approximate time frames, suggesting an event is “around” a particular time. Example: “La réunion est prévue autour du mois de septembre.” (The meeting is scheduled around the month of September.)

    Specificity: The presence of the definite article “le” in “autour du” specifies that the phrase refers to a particular object or concept, rather than a general or abstract idea. Example: “Les discussions tournent autour du sujet principal.” (The discussions revolve around the main topic.)

    As a versatile prepositional phrase, “autour du” allows speakers to convey various spatial, temporal, and figurative relationships in French communication. It is commonly used in both spoken and written language and is important for learners to understand for effective communication in French.

    What does “sans rentrer dans les détails” mean?

    “Sans rentrer dans les détails” is a French expression that translates to “without going into details” or “without getting into specifics” in English. This phrase is commonly used to indicate that someone is providing a general or simplified overview of a topic or situation, without delving into the finer points or specific aspects.

    When using this expression, the speaker wants to give a brief or summarized explanation, avoiding an in-depth analysis that may be time-consuming or unnecessary for the current context. It is often applied in various situations, such as informal conversations, presentations, or explanations, where a quick and straightforward response is sufficient.

    “Sans rentrer dans les détails” allows the speaker to avoid making a conversation overly complicated or bogged down with excessive information. It is used to get to the main point without getting lost in specific minutiae. The phrase is commonly followed by a statement or explanation that provides a high-level overview of the subject, without exploring all the intricacies.

    Overall, “sans rentrer dans les détails” is a useful phrase in French, allowing speakers to communicate effectively while keeping the conversation concise and to the point. It is a common expression used in everyday conversations and written communication to avoid unnecessary elaboration and focus on the main ideas.

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    What do “autour de”, “en plus de tout ça”, and “sans rentrer dans les détails” mean? Hear them all in this clip of French in real life. Immerse in a short clip, fill in the blanks as you listen, and improve your French listening skills.

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