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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 34: un coup de

Do you know “retrouve”, “un coup de”, and “déprimée”? Hear them all in this clip of French in real life. Listen and fill in the blanks to improve your French listening skills. Start at any level with this moderately fast clip.

This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

13 seconds, 33 words

This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

a bit of

This translation doesn’t quite fit as each expression as it’s own equivalent in English.

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The snippet in English

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Le blues, ça vient de l’anglais mais c’est un mot qu’on retrouve aussi en français. Si je dis que j’ai un coup de blues, ça veut dire que je suis un peu déprimée.

“Blues” comes from English, but it’s a word that’s also found in French. If I say I’ve got the blues, it means I’m a bit depressed.

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What of anglicisms in French?

Words borrowed from English in French are a fascinating aspect of language evolution, reflecting the cross-cultural influences between English-speaking and French-speaking communities. These borrowings, known as Anglicisms or “emprunts linguistiques,” have become increasingly common in modern French due to the widespread influence of English in various domains, including technology, business, and popular culture.

Anglicisms typically enter French in several ways:

  1. Globalization and Technology: The rise of globalization and technological advancements has led to the proliferation of English terms related to computers, the internet, and digital technologies. Words like “email,” “website,” and “smartphone” are widespread examples of Anglicisms in this domain.
  2. Business and Economics: English expressions are commonly used in the business world and economics due to the international nature of trade and finance. Terms like “marketing,” “leader,” and “start-up” have gained popularity in French business jargon.
  3. Fashion and Pop Culture: English words often appear in the realms of fashion, music, and entertainment, reflecting the influence of English-speaking countries’ trends. Terms like “jeans,” “fashion,” and “rock” are well-known Anglicisms in this context.

The popularity of these English borrowings is partly due to their efficiency and succinctness. In many cases, they represent concepts or products that may not have a direct equivalent in French or offer a more concise way to express an idea. As a result, they have become ingrained in the French language, especially among younger generations and in urban areas.

Regarding the use of “le” instead of “la” with Anglicisms, it relates to grammatical gender in French. In French, nouns have either masculine or feminine gender, and this gender assignment determines the use of articles (e.g., “le” for masculine and “la” for feminine). Since many Anglicisms are originally borrowed in their masculine form (e.g., “le marketing,” “le smartphone”), they retain the masculine article “le” when integrated into French sentences.

French culture’s view of Anglicisms is somewhat mixed. Some people embrace them as a way to stay connected to global trends and facilitate communication in an increasingly interconnected world. However, others view excessive use of Anglicisms as a threat to the preservation of the French language and its cultural identity. As a result, language purists advocate for using native French equivalents or adapting Anglicisms to better fit the rules of the French language.

It’s important to note that not all English borrowings in French are masculine. Some Anglicisms have been adapted to match the feminine gender in French (e.g., “une interview,” “une performance”).

Overall, Anglicisms in French represent an ever-evolving linguistic landscape, reflecting the dynamic interplay between languages and cultures in today’s globalized world. Their presence reflects the ongoing impact of English on the French language and culture, and they continue to shape the way people communicate and interact across linguistic boundaries.

What does “retrouve” mean?

In French, “retrouver” and “trouver” are two different verbs with distinct meanings, although they share some similarities. Understanding the differences between them is important for clear and accurate communication.

  1. “Trouver”:
  • “Trouver” simply means “to find” in English. It is used when you discover the location or existence of something or someone.
  • Example: “J’ai trouvé mes clés dans mon sac.” (I found my keys in my bag.)
  • It is a straightforward verb used to express the act of locating or discovering something.
  1. “Retrouver”:
  • “Retrouver” also means “to find” or “to meet again,” but it carries the idea of reuniting with something or someone that you knew or had before.
  • Example: “J’ai retrouvé mon ami d’enfance après des années sans le voir.” (I found my childhood friend again after years without seeing him.)
  • “Retrouver” emphasizes the notion of rediscovery or reconnection with something or someone from the past.

In speaking, the choice between “trouver” and “retrouver” depends on the context and the specific meaning you want to convey. Here are some guidelines:

  • Use “trouver” when you want to express finding something or someone for the first time, without any previous knowledge or connection.
  • Use “retrouver” when you want to convey rediscovering or reuniting with something or someone from the past, indicating a prior connection or familiarity.

For example:

  • If you found a book in the library that you have never seen before, you would use “trouver”: “J’ai trouvé un livre intéressant à la bibliothèque.” (I found an interesting book at the library.)
  • If you met an old friend you hadn’t seen in years, you would use “retrouver”: “J’ai retrouvé mon vieil ami aujourd’hui.” (I met my old friend today.)

It’s important to consider the context and the relationship between the subject and the object when choosing between “trouver” and “retrouver” in your speech. This will help you accurately convey your intended meaning to your audience.

What does “un coup de” mean?

“Un coup de” is a French expression that is used in various contexts to convey the idea of a sudden or brief occurrence of something. It is often followed by a noun to specify the nature of the event or feeling. One common usage is “un coup de blues.”

“Un coup de blues” refers to a momentary feeling of sadness or melancholy, similar to the English expression “a bout of the blues” or “feeling blue.” It describes a temporary emotional state where someone may feel down, low-spirited, or emotionally affected by certain circumstances. The term “blues” in this context refers to a style of music characterized by its expressive and emotive qualities, often associated with feelings of sadness or longing.

Example: “Après son accident, il a eu un coup de blues.” (After his accident, he had a bout of the blues.)

Other examples of “un coup de” in different contexts include:

  1. “Un coup de foudre” – A love at first sight or a sudden infatuation with someone.
  2. “Un coup de chance” – A stroke of luck or a lucky break.
  3. “Un coup de soleil” – A sunburn (literally, a hit of the sun).
  4. “Un coup de vent” – A gust of wind.

“Un coup de” can be a versatile expression, capturing various fleeting or spontaneous experiences in a concise manner. It is often used in everyday speech to describe temporary states or brief events, making it a useful and common phrase in French conversations.

What does “déprimé(e)” mean?

“Déprimé” is an adjective in French used to describe feelings of depression or sadness. It indicates a state of being downcast or low in mood. However, it is important to note that in French, the term “déprimé” is not exclusively used to describe clinical depression, as it is in English. Instead, it can refer to various degrees of feeling down or experiencing temporary sadness.

The adjective “déprimé” can be used to express a range of emotions, from mild feelings of sadness to more severe emotional distress. It doesn’t necessarily imply a clinical diagnosis of depression but rather conveys a state of being down or emotionally affected.

Example usages:

  1. “Je me sens un peu déprimé aujourd’hui.” (I feel a little down today.)
  2. “Après la perte de son emploi, il était vraiment déprimé.” (After losing his job, he was really depressed.)
  3. “Elle était déprimée après la fin de sa relation.” (She was feeling low after the end of her relationship.)

In these examples, “déprimé” is used to describe different levels of emotional distress, from a slight feeling of sadness to a more intense emotional state. It is important to understand the context and severity of the emotions being described when using or interpreting the term “déprimé” in French. If someone is experiencing significant emotional distress or persistent symptoms of depression, it is essential to seek professional help and support.

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Do you know “retrouve”, “un coup de”, and “déprimée”? Hear them all in this clip of French in real life. Listen and fill in the blanks to improve your French listening skills. Start at any level with this moderately fast clip.

1 thought on “Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 34: un coup de”

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