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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 35: au-delà de

    Improve your ear for French in real life. Do you know the phrases: “au-delà de”, “le rapport à soi”, and using “toutes et tous”? Hear them all in this clip from Passerelles. Take just a few minutes and improve your French listening skills with us.

    This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    15 seconds, 34 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode


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    Au-delà du rituel, l’anniversaire dit quelque chose sur le rapport à soi, sur le rapport au temps qui passe. Évidemment, on a toutes et tous une relation personnelle, une relation différente à cette date.

    Beyond the ritual, a birthday says something about our relationship with ourselves and the passing of time. Obviously, we all have a personal relationship, a different relationship to this date.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “au-delà de” mean?

    “Au-delà de” is a popular French prepositional phrase, translating as “beyond” or “above” in English. The phrase comprises the preposition “au” (meaning “to,” “in,” or “at”) and the noun “delà” (meaning “beyond” or “further”). When combined, they signal something surpassing a certain limit, boundary, or scope. Let’s delve into the various nuances and uses of “au-delà de”:

    Spatial Distance: This phrase can denote a physical location or distance that extends past a specific point or area. For instance, “Au-delà de la montagne se trouve un beau lac.” translates to “Beyond the mountain is a beautiful lake.”

    Figurative Meaning: More than just physical space, “au-delà de” can express concepts, ideas, or situations that transcend set limits or expectations. An example being, “Au-delà de ses compétences, elle a montré une grande créativité,” which means “Beyond her skills, she displayed great creativity.”

    Time-Related Contexts: It’s useful when discussing events or situations following a certain time or date. A good example is, “Au-delà du 31 décembre, nous ne pourrons plus accepter les inscriptions,” translating to “After December 31st, we will no longer be able to accept registrations.”

    Degree or Quantity: The phrase can express extents surpassing a specific amount. Consider, “Ce film est apprécié au-delà des frontières du pays,” which means “This movie is appreciated beyond the country’s borders.”

    Limit or Threshold: Use “au-delà de” to highlight limits or thresholds better not crossed. As in, “Au-delà de cette vitesse, la sécurité est mise en danger,” translating to “Beyond this speed, safety is compromised.”

    Cultural Note: Embracing both tangible and abstract realms, “au-delà de” is a staple in the French language, illustrating a broad spectrum of situations that cross certain points.

    For learners of French, it’s also handy to know about the articles “le” and “la” in relation to “au-delà de”. The article’s choice is contingent on the gender of the subsequent noun. For masculine singular nouns, use “au-delà du,” and for feminine singular nouns, “au-delà de la”. Examples include “au-delà du mur” (beyond the wall) and “au-delà de la forêt” (beyond the forest).

    Fun Fact: “Au-delà” also has a spiritual connotation in French. It’s sometimes used to refer to the “hereafter” or “the world beyond,” illustrating the phrase’s versatility beyond just spatial and quantitative references!

    What does “le rapport” mean?

    “Le rapport” is a multifaceted French noun, translating as “the report” or “the relation” in English. This term, depending on its context, assumes various shades of meaning:

    Documentation: Primarily, “le rapport” alludes to a written or verbal account detailing information, analysis, or findings about a specific topic. It might pertain to a formal document for an entity, an academic research paper, or even a presentation.

    Relationships & Links: Beyond documents, “le rapport” describes relationships or connections, be it between individuals or things, denoting how various elements interlink.

    Relevance: In certain settings, “le rapport” underscores the significance or pertinence of something concerning a particular subject.

    Proximity: In colloquial French, it’s sometimes used to depict proximity or closeness of a place or event. For instance, “La gare est à dix minutes à pied, c’est à côté, c’est le rapport.” This translates to, “The train station is a ten-minute walk away; it’s close.”

    Business Context: Within the realms of business and economics, “le rapport” might refer to a financial document detailing a company’s monetary performance.

    Military Jargon: When discussing military matters, “le rapport de force” touches on the equilibrium of power or strength amongst competing forces.

    Colloquial Use: Occasionally, in informal language, “un rapport” hints at a sexual encounter or relationship.

    It’s essential to discern that the essence of “le rapport” flexes based on its surrounding context. Like numerous French terms, its exact connotation emerges from its application. The context, whether it revolves around a formal report, a bond, significance, closeness, or other scenarios, will guide its interpretation.

    A brief note on grammar: the “le” in “le rapport” is a definite article associated with masculine nouns, making “le rapport” the apt translation for “the report.” If “rapport” pairs with an adjective, the alignment adheres to masculine noun and adjective protocols. Examples include “Un rapport intéressant” (An interesting report) and “Le rapport final” (The final report).

    In essence, “le rapport” is a versatile term in French, encapsulating meanings from formal write-ups to intricate interrelations among entities or individuals. Context is always the key to pinpointing its precise implication.

    Read more about le rapport à soi below.

    What does “à soi” mean?

    The French expression “à soi” translates to “to oneself” or “one’s own” in English, intertwining the preposition “à” (meaning “to”) with the reflexive pronoun “soi” (meaning “oneself”). This versatile phrase is employed across a variety of contexts, highlighting possession, ownership, and actions directed at oneself. Here’s a closer look:

    Possession & Ownership: “À soi” underscores possession or ownership, generally in a more expansive context, pointing to something inherently belonging to an individual. For instance, “Chacun a le droit à sa propre opinion,” translates as “Everyone has the right to their own opinion.”

    Reflexive Actions: Within reflexive actions, where the action’s subject is both the performer and recipient, “à soi” finds its place. An example being, “Se faire du bien à soi-même,” which means “To do oneself some good.”

    Celebrating Individuality: The phrase champions the distinctiveness of something, highlighting its unique relevance to a person. Take for instance, “Il faut écouter sa voix intérieure et rester fidèle à soi-même,” which means “One must listen to their inner voice and stay true to themselves.”

    Empathy & Compassion: “À soi” can extend a sense of empathy or understanding towards someone’s unique feelings or experiences. An illustrative example is, “Elle traverse une période difficile, il faut être attentif à soi,” translating to “She’s going through a tough time; we must be mindful of her.”

    Self-Care & Introspection: This expression often resonates with themes of self-care and introspection, urging one to prioritize personal well-being and self-awareness. For instance, “Prends du temps pour réfléchir à toi-même,” means “Take some time to reflect on yourself.”

    The nuances of “à soi” emerge depending on the surrounding context. Its adaptability lets speakers express subtleties around possession, reflexivity, individuality, and empathy.

    A noteworthy distinction is that “à soi” diverges from expressions like “à moi” (to me/mine) or “à toi” (to you/yours). While the latter two target specific individual pronouns, “à soi” encapsulates the broader, more abstract concept of oneself or any person.

    In sum, “à soi” is a treasured French expression, enhancing conversations by homing in on an individual’s feelings, experiences, and belongings.

    Read more about le rapport à soi below.

    What does “le rapport à soi” mean?

    “Le rapport à soi” is a French phrase meaning “the relationship with oneself” or “self-relationship.” It delves into how one views, understands, and connects with themselves emotionally, psychologically, and even spiritually. This concept is pivotal in fields like psychology, self-awareness, and personal growth. Here’s a breakdown:

    Self-Awareness: This term encapsulates recognizing one’s emotions, behaviors, strengths, weaknesses, and values. It’s essentially a mirror to how one perceives themselves.

    Self-Acceptance: Beyond just awareness, “le rapport à soi” embraces both one’s virtues and flaws without leaning into excessive criticism or judgment.

    Self-Understanding: It signifies digging deeper to understand one’s motivations, desires, and triggers, offering insights into behavior and choices.

    Self-Care: Linked intrinsically to self-care, a positive “rapport à soi” underscores the importance of prioritizing one’s well-being.

    Personal Growth: With a healthy self-relationship, one is better poised to identify growth areas and embark on self-improvement journeys.

    Emotional Intelligence: At its core, understanding and regulating one’s emotions is an integral part of this concept, contributing to a broader emotional intelligence.

    Relating to Others: How one views themselves can ripple out to influence their interactions and relationships with others.

    In French culture, “le rapport à soi” isn’t just a term—it’s a philosophy. Emphasizing introspection and the quest for self-awareness, it underscores the value of personal reflection in the pursuit of a meaningful life.

    To sum it up, “le rapport à soi” is a holistic approach to understanding oneself. It resonates with themes of awareness, acceptance, understanding, and care. This relationship with oneself not only impacts personal evolution and emotional intelligence but also sets the tone for how one engages with the world. Embracing this relationship paves the way for a balanced, fulfilling life.

    What does “toutes et tous” mean?

    In French, “toutes et tous” is a gender-inclusive expression used to refer to “all” or “everyone.” It is a way to address a mixed-gender group of people, acknowledging both females and males. In the French language, nouns and adjectives are often gendered, with different forms for masculine and feminine. However, when referring to a group of people that includes individuals of different genders, the inclusive form “toutes et tous” is used to avoid excluding anyone based on gender.

    For example:

    • “Bienvenue à toutes et tous !” (Welcome to all!)
    • “Je remercie toutes et tous pour leur soutien.” (I thank everyone for their support.)

    Using “toutes et tous” is a conscious effort to promote gender inclusivity and recognition of diverse identities in the language. It is becoming increasingly common in modern French to embrace gender-neutral or gender-inclusive expressions. By using “toutes et tous,” speakers demonstrate respect and inclusivity towards all individuals, regardless of gender.

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    Improve your ear for French in real life. Do you know the phrases: “au-delà de”, “le rapport à soi”, and using “toutes et tous”? Hear them all in this clip from Passerelles. Take just a few minutes and improve your French listening skills with us.

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