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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 40: et vous, vous vous

Slow it back down with today’s clip. Can you hear all these phrases we’ve marked? “Et vous, vous vous”, “pour revenir”, “ce jour-là”, and “également” Listen to the clip, fill in the blanks, and improve your French listening skills with us!

This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

15 seconds, 31 words

This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

and you, do you (attach)

The English comes from the context in today’s clip. Read more below.

What’s opening up for you with this clip?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Et vous, vous vous accordez beaucoup d’importance à votre anniversaire ? Pour revenir à nos réflexions sur le rapport à soi et au temps, ce jour-là peut également être associé à de grandes questions.

How important is your birthday to you? Returning to our reflections on our relationship with ourselves and time, this day can also be associated with big questions.

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What does “et vous, vous vous” mean?

Yes, we think there are 3 “vous” in a row. This in context means “And you, do you attach a lot of importance to your birthday?”

Certainly, there are sentences in which more instances of “vous” can occur in a row, especially in more complex sentences or in dialogue with reflexive verbs. Here’s an example:

“Est-ce que vous vous souvenez que vous vous étiez promis de vous rendre visite?” (Do you remember that you had promised to visit each other?)

What does “pour revenir” mean?

Pour revenir” is a colloquial French expression that serves as a transition phrase in conversations. It’s used to steer the conversation back to a previous topic that might have been temporarily set aside or to resume discussing a point that was mentioned earlier. This helps keep the conversation coherent and allows speakers to revisit important or interesting points.

Purpose of Usage: “Pour revenir” is often used to smoothly transition the conversation back to a topic that had been mentioned earlier or to reiterate a point that was previously discussed.

Common Contexts: This phrase is commonly used in informal conversations among friends, family members, and colleagues. It’s a way to maintain the flow of discussion and ensure that all relevant points are covered.

Example Sentences:

  • “Mais pour revenir à ce qu’on disait tout à l’heure, est-ce que tu penses que c’est une bonne idée?” (“But to get back to what we were saying earlier, do you think it’s a good idea?”)
  • “Ah, j’ai oublié de te dire ! Pour revenir à la fête de samedi, il y aura aussi de la musique live.” (“Oh, I forgot to tell you! Going back to Saturday’s party, there will also be live music.”)

Smooth Transitions: “Pour revenir” acts as a natural transition that helps the speaker smoothly redirect the conversation without abruptly changing the topic.

Politeness and Coherence: Using “pour revenir” shows that you value the continuity of the conversation and want to address different aspects of the topic at hand.

Interactive Communication: In group discussions, “pour revenir” can be used by one participant to guide the conversation back to a topic or point that another participant had previously raised.

Variations: Other similar phrases used for transitioning in conversations include “en ce qui concerne,” “parlant de,” and “à propos de.”

In essence, “pour revenir” is a versatile and widely used expression in colloquial French speech. It helps speakers navigate the flow of conversation and ensure that important or interesting points are revisited, contributing to effective and engaging communication.

What does “ce jour-là” mean?

The construction “ce jour-là” is a common French expression that translates to “that day” or “on that day” in English. It is composed of the demonstrative pronoun “ce” (this/that) and the noun “jour” (day), along with the adverb “là” (there/then). This construction is used to refer to a specific day in the past or future, providing context and emphasis to the conversation.

  1. “Ce” Demonstrative Pronoun: The pronoun “ce” is used to point to or refer to something specific. In the case of “ce jour-là,” it refers to a particular day.
  2. “Jour” Noun: “Jour” simply means “day” in French. It’s the object of reference, indicating the time frame being discussed.
  3. “Là” Adverb: it is an essential component that contributes to specifying the particular day being referred to. Without “là,” the construction would not make sense, and its specific reference to a particular day would be lost.


  • “Ce jour-là, il pleuvait.” (On that day, it was raining.)
  • “Je me souviens de ce jour-là comme si c’était hier.” (I remember that day as if it were yesterday.)

Similar Phrases:

  • “Cette année-là” (That year)
  • “Ce moment-là” (That moment)
  • “Ce matin-là” (That morning)

These constructions are particularly useful when you want to emphasize a specific time in the past or future. They add depth and context to your conversations, helping your listener understand exactly when an event or situation occurred.

What does “également” mean?

“Également” is an adverb in French that translates to “also,” “likewise,” or “equally” in English. It is used to indicate that something is true in the same way or to the same extent as something else. Here’s how it’s used in French speech and writing:

Comparison: Just like “equally” in English, “également” is used to draw a comparison between two or more things that share a similar quality or characteristic.Example: “Il aime la musique classique, et elle aime également la musique jazz.” (He likes classical music, and she also likes jazz music.)

Parallel Statements: “Également” is often used to create parallelism in sentences, indicating that similar actions or conditions apply to different subjects.Example: “Elle est intelligente et travailleuse, et son frère l’est également.” (She is intelligent and hardworking, and her brother is equally so.)

Formal Writing: In formal writing, “également” is used to maintain a sophisticated tone and provide a seamless flow of ideas when presenting multiple points.Example: “Le développement économique est essentiel pour la croissance d’un pays. Également, l’éducation joue un rôle crucial dans la construction d’une société prospère.”

Balancing Ideas: When expressing contrasting ideas, “également” can help to balance those ideas and emphasize the similarities between them.Example: “Les deux méthodes ont leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients. Également, elles nécessitent une certaine adaptation.”

In essence, “également” is used in both spoken and written French to establish connections, highlight similarities, and maintain a coherent structure in communication. It aligns closely with the usage of “equally” in English and serves as a versatile tool for expressing parallel ideas.

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Slow it back down with today’s clip. Can you hear all these phrases we’ve marked? “Et vous, vous vous”, “pour revenir”, “ce jour-là”, and “également” Listen to the clip, fill in the blanks, and improve your French listening skills with us!

2 thoughts on “Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 40: et vous, vous vous”

    1. I hear something like: “et vous, v(ou)-vous accordez” …. it is a reflexive verb in the example, no? However this could be a lapsus lingua, I suppose!

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