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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 43: quelque chose

“Le rapport au temps” and “quelque chose” – What do they mean? Listen to them both and more in this short clip from “Passerelles”. Set your level, take on the transcription quiz, and sharpen your French listening skills. Ready to challenge your ears?

This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

10 seconds, 23 words

This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode


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The snippet in English

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Le rapport au temps, c’est quelque chose qui est influencé par les histoires de vie, par l’éducation, par la culture, par les rencontres.

The relationship with time is something that is influenced by life stories, by education, by culture, by encounters.

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What does “rapport au temps” mean?

“Rapport au temps” is not limited to philosophical discussions; it’s a versatile concept that can be used in various contexts, including everyday conversations and discussions about punctuality. Here are a couple of ways “rapport au temps” can be applied:

Philosophical and Psychological Discussions: In philosophical and psychological contexts, “rapport au temps” is often discussed to explore how individuals perceive and interact with time on a deeper level. These discussions can involve topics like time perception, cultural differences, and the psychological impact of one’s relationship with time.

Punctuality and Time Management: You can indeed use “rapport au temps” to discuss punctuality and time management. For example, if someone is consistently late, you might say, “Il a un mauvais rapport au temps,” meaning that they have a poor relationship with time, suggesting that they struggle with punctuality or effective time management.

Personal Development: In discussions about personal growth and self-improvement, “rapport au temps” might come up when talking about setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and making the most of one’s time.

Cultural Comparisons: The concept of “rapport au temps” can be used to compare how different cultures approach and value time. For instance, discussions about punctuality, time perception, and work-life balance can all involve this concept.

Casual Conversations: In everyday conversations, you might use “rapport au temps” to describe someone’s general attitude toward time. For instance, you could say, “Elle a un rapport au temps très flexible” to mean that she has a flexible relationship with time, suggesting she might not always adhere strictly to schedules.

So, “rapport au temps” is not limited to philosophical discussions but can be used to talk about how individuals approach time in various aspects of life, including punctuality, time management, cultural perspectives, personal development, and more.

What does “quelque chose” mean?

“Quelque chose” is a common French expression that translates to “something” in English. It’s a versatile phrase used to refer to an unspecified thing, object, concept, or matter. Here’s more about “quelque chose”:

Meaning: “Quelque chose” is used when you want to refer to an unidentified or unspecified thing. It’s a way to express the existence or presence of something without specifying it in detail.

Usage: This phrase is used in various contexts, both in affirmative and negative sentences, to indicate the presence of something without explicitly naming it. Example: “Il y a quelque chose d’étrange ici.” (There is something strange here.)

In Questions: “Quelque chose” is commonly used in questions to inquire about the presence of an unknown element or to ask if there is something. Example: “As-tu trouvé quelque chose d’intéressant?” (Did you find something interesting?)

Negation: In negative sentences, “quelque chose” is used to express the absence of something. Example: “Je n’ai pas trouvé quelque chose d’intéressant à regarder à la télévision.” (I didn’t find anything interesting to watch on television.)

Variations: Depending on the context, “quelque chose” can be modified to match the gender and number of the noun it refers to. For example, “quelque chose de spécial” (something special) or “quelque chose d’important” (something important).

Cultural and Linguistic Insight: “Quelque chose” is a fundamental expression in French and is used in everyday speech. It’s essential for learners to understand its usage as it is a common phrase that appears in various conversations and contexts.

Overall, “quelque chose” is a versatile phrase that allows speakers to refer to unspecified things, objects, concepts, or matters without providing specific details. It’s an integral part of the French language and is used in a wide range of situations.

So, “qui” not “que”?

In the phrase “Le rapport au temps, c’est quelque chose qui est influencé par…,” the use of “qui” instead of “que” is related to the grammatical role of “quelque chose” in the sentence.

“Que” is used as a direct object relative pronoun to introduce a clause that provides additional information about the preceding noun. It often refers to a thing or an idea and is used to specify or define the noun further.

On the other hand, “qui” is used as a subject relative pronoun to introduce a clause that provides more information about the subject of the main clause. It’s used when the relative clause describes a person or an entity that performs the action expressed in the main clause.

In the sentence “Le rapport au temps, c’est quelque chose qui est influencé par…,” the relative clause “qui est influencé par…” describes the action performed by the subject “quelque chose” (something). Since “quelque chose” is not performing an action but is being influenced by external factors, “qui” is the appropriate relative pronoun to use.

To summarize, “qui” is used here because it refers to “quelque chose” and introduces a relative clause that describes the action of being influenced by external factors.

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“Le rapport au temps” and “quelque chose” – What do they mean? Listen to them both and more in this short clip from “Passerelles”. Set your level, take on the transcription quiz, and sharpen your French listening skills. Ready to challenge your ears?

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