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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 47: tout à l’heure

    “Dans un deuxième temps” doesn’t have to do with time. But “tout à l’heure” does. Hear them both in this short clip from the Passerelles podcast. Take on some common expressions in a moderately paced clip! How much can you pick up? Fill in the blanks as you listen.

    This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    15 seconds, 36 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    Just now

    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Dans un deuxième temps, on va parler de l’âge subjectif. La semaine dernière, j’avais une conversation avec ma mère et comme je l’ai mentionné tout à l’heure, elle fête son anniversaire quelques jours avant le mien.

    Secondly, let’s talk about subjective age. Last week, I was having a conversation with my mother and, as I mentioned earlier, she celebrates her birthday a few days before mine.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “dans un deuxième temps” mean?

    “Dans un deuxième temps” is a common French expression that translates to “In a second step” or “As a next step” in English. It is often used to introduce the next phase or action in a sequence of events, discussions, or plans. Here’s more information about this expression:

    • Usage: “Dans un deuxième temps” is used to indicate that after a first step or action has been taken, there will be a subsequent action or development.
    • Similar Expressions: Other similar expressions that convey a similar meaning include:
      • “Ensuite” or “Par la suite” (Afterward)
      • “Puis” (Then)
      • “Après cela” (After that)
      • “Deuxièmement” (Secondly)
    • Common Usage: This expression is commonly used in various contexts, such as:
      • Presentations: “Dans un deuxième temps, nous examinerons les résultats de l’étude.” (In a second step, we will examine the study results.)
      • Planning: “Pour le projet, dans un deuxième temps, nous mettrons en place la phase de test.” (For the project, in a second step, we will implement the testing phase.)
      • Discussions: “Après avoir discuté de l’économie, nous aborderons dans un deuxième temps les questions sociales.” (After discussing the economy, we will address social issues in a second step.)
    • Variations: The expression can be modified to suit the context, such as using “dans un troisième temps” (in a third step) for subsequent steps.
    • Cohesion: Using expressions like “dans un deuxième temps” enhances the cohesion and structure of your discourse, making it easier for your audience to follow the sequence of your ideas.
    • Rhetorical Effect: This expression can also add a sense of organization and anticipation to your speech or writing, allowing you to outline your points clearly.

    In summary, “Dans un deuxième temps” is a common expression used to introduce the next step or phase in a sequence of actions, discussions, or plans. It helps provide a clear structure to your communication and is versatile in various contexts.

    What does “tout à l’heure” mean?

    “Tout à l’heure” is a common French expression that translates to “a little while ago” or “just now” in English. It refers to a recent past moment, indicating a short period of time before the current moment. Here are some key points about this expression:

    • Meaning and Usage: “Tout à l’heure” is used to refer to a time that occurred shortly before the present moment. It’s often used when recounting an event that happened not too long ago.
    • Examples:
      • “Je l’ai vu tout à l’heure.” (I saw him/her just now.)
      • “Il est arrivé ici tout à l’heure.” (He arrived here a little while ago.)
      • “Nous avons parlé de cela tout à l’heure.” (We discussed that a short while ago.)
    • Temporal Reference: While “tout à l’heure” can be used to refer to the recent past, its exact timeframe can be somewhat flexible, depending on context. It generally refers to a period within the same day.
    • Different from “Plus tard”: It’s important to note that “tout à l’heure” refers to the recent past, while “plus tard” means “later” or “afterwards.”
    • Common Usage: This expression is commonly used in everyday conversation to describe events that have just happened. It’s a convenient way to indicate a recent occurrence without specifying an exact time.
    • Variations: Depending on the region or personal preference, you might also hear variations of this expression, such as “il y a un moment” or “peu avant.”

    In summary, “tout à l’heure” is a versatile and frequently used expression in French to refer to recent past moments, making conversations about timing smoother and more precise.

    What does “le mien” mean?

    “Le mien” is a French expression that translates to “mine” or “my one” in English. It is used to indicate possession or ownership, specifically referring to something that belongs to the speaker. Here are some key points about “le mien”:

    • Meaning and Usage: “Le mien” is used to indicate that something belongs to the speaker. It’s a way of specifying possession and clarifying that the item being referred to is associated with the speaker.
    • Examples:
      • “Ce stylo est le mien.” (This pen is mine.)
      • “Mon livre est intéressant, mais le tien aussi.” (My book is interesting, but yours is too.)
      • “Ma voiture est en réparation, mais la tienne est disponible.” (My car is being repaired, but yours is available.)
    • Agreement: Like other possessive pronouns, “le mien” agrees in gender and number with the item it’s replacing. For example, “le mien” (masculine singular), “la mienne” (feminine singular), “les miens” (masculine plural), and “les miennes” (feminine plural).
    • Variations: Depending on the gender and number of the object, the possessive pronoun changes accordingly. For instance, “le tien” (yours), “la sienne” (his/hers), “les nôtres” (ours), “les vôtres” (yours), and “les leurs” (theirs).
    • Usage in Context: “Le mien” is used when you want to clarify that something belongs to you, especially when comparing possessions or responding to questions about ownership.
    • Cultural Note: Just like in English, possessive pronouns like “le mien” are common in French conversations and writing to indicate ownership and possessions.
    • Idiomatic Expressions: The use of possessive pronouns is quite straightforward, and they are an integral part of everyday communication. However, there aren’t any specific idiomatic expressions that revolve solely around “le mien.” It’s mainly used in sentences to indicate ownership or possession.

    In summary, “le mien” is a French expression used to indicate ownership or possession by the speaker. It’s an essential component of possessive pronouns and helps clarify who something belongs to in various contexts.

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    “Dans un deuxième temps” doesn’t have to do with time. But “tout à l’heure” does. Hear them both in this short clip from the Passerelles podcast. Take on some common expressions in a moderately paced clip! How much can you pick up? Fill in the blanks as you listen.

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