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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 51: à partir de

    Can you distinguish the sounds of ‘c’est celui’, ‘à partir de’, ‘une fois’, and ‘an’? Sharpen your ears and grasp the subtle meanings with today’s quiz! Dive into nuances and meanings with this moderately paced quiz from Passerelles. Have you practiced your French listening today?

    This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    11 seconds, 27 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode


    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    L’âge chronologique, c’est celui qui se calcule à partir de la date de naissance. C’est celui qu’on fête une fois par an, le jour de notre anniversaire.

    Chronological age is calculated from the date of birth. It’s the one we celebrate once a year, on our birthday.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “c’est celui” mean?

    “C’est celui” is a commonly used expression in French that can reveal a lot about the nuances of French grammar and usage. It’s an expression often used in French to single out something or someone from a group. “C’est celui” can be translated to “it’s the one” or “that’s the one” in English.

    Celui is masculine singular. Its forms change based on gender and number:

    • Masculine singular: celui
    • Masculine plural: ceux
    • Feminine singular: celle
    • Feminine plural: celles

    So, “c’est celui” can have variations like “c’est celle”, “c’est ceux”, or “c’est celles” depending on what you are referring to.

    To Differentiate: When you want to differentiate one item or person from a group. Examples:

    • “C’est celui que je préfère.” (That’s the one I prefer.)
    • “Parmi toutes ces robes, c’est celle que je veux.” (Among all these dresses, that’s the one I want.)

    It’s common to see “celui” followed by a preposition (like “de” or “à”) to provide more information. Examples:

    • “C’est celui de Marie.” (It’s Marie’s one.)
    • “C’est celui à droite.” (It’s the one on the right.)

    When comparing two or more things, “celui” can be used to clarify which one you’re referring to. Example:

    • Entre le gâteau au chocolat et celui à la vanille, je choisis celui au chocolat. (Between the chocolate cake and the vanilla one, I choose the chocolate one.)

    “Celui” is often used with relative pronouns like “que”, “qui”, “dont”, etc., to give additional information. Example: C’est celui qui m’a aidé hier. (He’s the one who helped me yesterday.)

    Remember, the choice between “celui” and its other forms should align with the gender and number of the noun it refers to. This attention to agreement is essential for sounding more fluent in French.

    What does “à partir de” mean?

    The term “à partir de” is a staple in the French language and holds a space in various contexts. “À partir de” is a versatile French prepositional phrase, often indicating the starting point of an action, event, or measure.

    At its core, “à partir de” translates to “from” or “starting from” in English. It’s often used to specify the beginning of a time period, a starting point in space, or the baseline of a measurement.

    Here are some of its nuanced uses:

    To specify the commencement of a particular time period.

    • Le musée est ouvert à partir de 10h. (The museum opens from 10 a.m.)

    Indicating the starting point of a particular location.

    • “Les bus pour Paris partent à partir de cette gare.” (Buses to Paris leave from this station.)

    Indicating the starting point or basis of a particular measure.

    • “Les chambres sont disponibles à partir de 50 euros la nuit.” (Rooms are available starting from 50 euros per night.)

    Describing what something is made from or based on.

    • “Ce sac est fait à partir de matériaux recyclés.” (This bag is made from recycled materials.)

    While “à partir de” focuses on the beginning of something, “jusqu’à” (until) is its counterpart, focusing on the end or limit of something. They’re sometimes used together. “Le magasin est ouvert de 9h à 17h, à partir de lundi jusqu’à vendredi.” (The store is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., from Monday to Friday.)

    Don’t confuse “à partir de” with “depuis.” While both can be translated as “since” in some contexts, “depuis” emphasizes the duration since a starting point, whereas “à partir de” emphasizes the start itself.

    “À partir de” is more than just a simple translation of “from.” Its versatility touches on various contexts, making it an essential phrase for anyone looking to enhance their French fluency. Always consider the specific context you’re in to ensure accurate and nuanced communication.

    What does “une fois” mean?

    The phrase “une fois” is a staple in the French language. “Une fois” directly translates to “one time” or “once” in English. But just like in English, the phrase has multiple uses and contexts in which it appears.

    In its most literal sense, “une fois” denotes something happening on one occasion.

    • Je suis allé à Rome une fois. (I went to Rome once.)

    “Une fois” can be used to mean “once” or “after” in the context of sequencing events.

    • Une fois que tu as terminé, appelle-moi. (Once you’re finished, call me.)

    “Une fois” is also used to describe an action that will happen in the future after another action has been completed.

    • Une fois arrivé à la maison, il ouvrira le paquet. (Once he arrives home, he will open the package.)

    “Une fois” is found in various idiomatic expressions.

    • Tout à coup et puis, une fois, rien. (All of a sudden and then, once, nothing.)
    • “Il était une fois…” (Once upon a time…) This is perhaps the most famous usage, especially in the context of fairy tales and storytelling. It’s the classic opening line for many stories in French, just as it is in English.
    • “Encore une fois” (Once again /or/ One more time) Used to indicate that one more minor incident or annoyance has made a situation unbearable. Examples: Encore une fois, tu as oublié tes clés! (Once again, you forgot your keys!) “C’est la goutte d’eau qui fait déborder le vase, une fois de plus.” (It’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back, once again.)
    • “À la fois” (At the same time /or/ Both) Example: Elle est à la fois actrice et réalisatrice. (She is both an actress and a director.)
    • “Une fois pour toutes”: (Once and for all) Example: Il faut résoudre ce problème une fois pour toutes. (We need to solve this problem once and for all.)

    While “une fois” is standard in French, it’s famously associated with Belgian French. In Belgian French, “une fois” can sometimes be added to the end of sentences without altering the meaning, somewhat equivalent to the Canadian English “eh”. This usage has been exaggerated and stereotyped in media, so you might hear jokes about it if you’re hanging around French speakers.

    While “une fois” can be used to represent the concept of “once” in various contexts, it’s essential to be aware of the slight differences in usage between English and French to avoid mistranslations. For instance, “I once had a dog” would be “J’ai eu un chien une fois,” where “une fois” comes at the end of the statement.

    What does “an” mean?

    The nuance of “an” and “année” is a classic point of confusion for many learners. Let’s dive deep into the matter to provide a comprehensive understanding.

    Basic Overview:

    • Both “an” and “année” translate to “year” in English. However, their usage varies based on context and certain linguistic subtleties in French.


    Counting and Age: “An” is generally used when counting years or stating age.

    • J’ai 20 ans. (I’m 20 years old.)
    • Il y a deux ans, j’étais à Paris. (Two years ago, I was in Paris.)

    Specific Year Duration: “An” can also be used to represent a specific duration in years.

    • Un contrat de trois ans. (A three-year contract.)


    Indeterminate Period: When referring to a year as an indeterminate period of time, “année” is typically used.

    • C’était une bonne année. (It was a good year.)
    • L’année dernière, j’ai visité le Canada. (Last year, I visited Canada.)

    Reference to All 12 Months: “Année” implies the entirety of a year – all 12 months.

    • Toute l’année, il a travaillé dur. (He worked hard all year.)

    When Preceded by an Adjective: “Année” is often chosen when an adjective precedes the word.

    • La première année était la plus difficile. (The first year was the hardest.)

    Think about the idea of specificity. If you’re referring to a year in a specific sense, like age or a defined period, “an” is often your go-to. But if you’re thinking about a year in its fullness or in a more general, abstract manner, “année” might be more appropriate.

    There are cases where both “an” and “année” can be used, but with slightly different nuances. For instance, “Il a travaillé ici pendant un an” (He worked here for a year) and “Il a travaillé ici pendant une année” both translate the same, but the latter puts more emphasis on the full duration of the year.

    In France, “la nouvelle année” (the New Year) is a significant celebration, marked with festivities, resolutions, and the traditional exchange of “les étrennes,” or New Year’s gifts.

    The phrase “Bonne Année!” (Happy New Year!) is heard everywhere at the start of January, but remember it’s “année” and not “an” in this context.

    French speakers have a quirky tradition known as “la galette des rois” (the king’s cake) that they enjoy in January. Hidden inside this cake is a tiny figurine, and whoever finds it becomes the ‘king’ or ‘queen’ for the day. This tradition is to celebrate the Epiphany, the day the Three Wise Men visited baby Jesus.

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    Can you distinguish the sounds of ‘c’est celui’, ‘à partir de’, ‘une fois’, and ‘an’? Sharpen your ears and grasp the subtle meanings with today’s quiz! Dive into nuances and meanings with this moderately paced quiz from Passerelles. Have you practiced your French listening today?

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