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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 58: nous ramène

    What does “nous ramène” mean? How about “Après”, “évidemment”, “assez méconnues” and “de nombreuses”. Practice our accents on e’s in today’s clip and improve your ear for spoken French. While moderately fast, it’s still a challenge.

    This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    20 seconds, 42 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    brings us back

    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Après, ce type de questionnement peut évidemment arriver quand on a trente-quatre ans ou soixante-trois ans. Ça nous ramène aux théories de l’âge subjectif. Elles restent assez méconnues en France, mais de nombreuses études ont été réalisées aux États-Unis et en Europe.

    After all, this kind of questioning can obviously happen when you’re thirty-four or sixty-three. This brings us back to the theories of subjective age. They’re still relatively unknown in France, but numerous studies have been carried out in the United States and Europe.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “après” mean?

    “Après” is a French preposition and adverb that holds various meanings and uses. Here’s a comprehensive overview of its different applications:

    Temporal Meaning: “Après” is commonly used to indicate a sequence of events in time. It’s equivalent to “after” in English.

    • “Je vais me coucher après le dîner.” (I will go to bed after dinner.)
    • “Après avoir fini mes devoirs, je regarde la télévision.” (After finishing my homework, I watch television.)

    Causal Meaning: In some contexts, “après” can imply a cause-and-effect relationship.

    • “Après tout son travail, il était fatigué.” (Because of all his work, he was tired.)

    Spatial Meaning: “Après” can also mean “behind” when used in a spatial context.

    • “Il est assis après moi.” (He is sitting behind me.)

    Sequential Meaning: In a sequence, “après” can indicate the order of items.

    • “Lundi, nous avons cours de mathématiques, et après, nous avons français.” (On Monday, we have math class, and next, we have French class.)

    Expressions with “Après”:

    “Après tout”: This phrase means “after all” or “in the end.” “Après tout, il a raison.” (After all, he is right.)

    “Après que”: This conjunction is used with verbs in the indicative mood to express an action that occurs after another action. “Il est rentré après qu’elle est partie.” (He came home after she left.)

    “D’après”: This expression means “according to” or “based on.” “D’après les experts, la situation va s’améliorer.” (According to experts, the situation will improve.)

    “Après” is a versatile word that is widely used in both spoken and written French. Its meanings vary depending on the context in which it’s used, making it an essential word for effective communication. It’s important to consider the context to accurately interpret the intended meaning of “après.”

    In summary, “après” is a multifunctional preposition and adverb that is used to indicate temporal sequence, causality, spatial relationships, and order. It’s a fundamental word in the French language that is used in various everyday expressions and contexts.

    What does “évidemment” mean?

    “Évidemment” is an adverb in French that translates to “obviously” or “clearly” in English. It’s used to express a sense of certainty or obviousness in a statement. Here’s a comprehensive look at its usage:


    • Certainty: “Évidemment” is used to emphasize the certainty or obvious nature of something.
      • “Évidemment, il pleut. Regarde dehors.” (Obviously, it’s raining. Look outside.)
      • “Évidemment, tu vas réussir. Tu es si doué.” (Clearly, you will succeed. You are so talented.)

    Position in a Sentence:

    • “Évidemment” can appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence, depending on the emphasis you want to convey.
      • “Évidemment, elle a gagné le concours.”
      • “Elle a gagné le concours, évidemment.”
      • “Elle a évidemment gagné le concours.”


    • “Bien évidemment”: This is a stronger form of “évidemment,” translating to “of course” or “most certainly.”
      • “Bien évidemment, je serai là à temps.”
    • “Tout évidemment”: This intensifies the sense of obviousness, translating to “quite obviously” or “very clearly.”
      • “Tout évidemment, c’est la meilleure option.”

    Cultural and Linguistic Notes: “Évidemment” is commonly used in both spoken and written French to express agreement, affirmation, or an expected outcome. It’s a word that adds clarity and emphasis to a statement and is often used in casual conversation.

    While “évidemment” is equivalent to “obviously” or “clearly,” it’s essential to understand the cultural context and tone of a conversation. Using it appropriately can help you sound more natural and confident in your French communication.

    In summary, “évidemment” is an adverb used to emphasize the certainty or obviousness of something. It’s a common and useful word in French conversations, allowing speakers to convey agreement or make statements that are clear and self-evident.

    What does “nous ramène” mean?

    This phrase translates to “brings us back” or “takes us back” in English. It’s a combination of the pronoun “nous” (us) and the verb “ramène” (brings back). Let’s explore its meaning and usage:

    “Nous ramène” is used when something brings someone or a group of people back to a certain place, time, memory, or situation.

    • “Cette chanson nous ramène à notre enfance.” (This song takes us back to our childhood.)
    • “Le parfum de cette fleur me ramène à l’été dernier.” (The scent of this flower brings me back to last summer.)

    The verb “ramène” is derived from the verb “ramener,” which means “to bring back” or “to take back.”

    This phrase is commonly used in discussions about memories, experiences, or emotions that are triggered by something in the present.

    Depending on the context, you might also encounter variations of this phrase using different pronouns, such as “me ramène” (brings me back), “te ramène” (brings you back), “lui ramène” (brings him/her back), etc.

    What does “assez méconnues” mean?

    “Assez méconnues” is a French phrase that translates to “rather unknown” or “fairly unfamiliar” in English. Let’s delve into its components and usage:

    • “Assez”: This means “rather” or “fairly.” It’s used to qualify the extent of something, indicating a moderate degree.
    • “Méconnues”: This is the plural form of the adjective “méconnue,” which means “unknown” or “unfamiliar.” It’s derived from the verb “méconnaître,” meaning “to not recognize” or “to be unfamiliar with.”


    • The phrase “assez méconnues” is used to describe things that are not well-known but to a certain extent. It suggests that while the subject may not be completely obscure, it is not widely recognized either.
      • “Ces œuvres d’art sont assez méconnues du grand public.” (These artworks are rather unknown to the general public.)
      • “Ces auteurs sont assez méconnus en dehors de leur pays d’origine.” (These authors are fairly unfamiliar outside of their home country.)

    Cultural and Linguistic Notes: “Assez méconnues” is often used in discussions about topics, people, or things that have some level of recognition but aren’t widely acknowledged. It’s a way to express that there is room for more awareness or understanding about the subject.

    In French, adjectives need to agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. Therefore, “méconnues” agrees with the gender and number of the noun it modifies.


    • Instead of “assez méconnues,” you might encounter similar phrases like “relativement méconnues” (relatively unknown) or “plutôt méconnues” (quite unknown). These variations convey similar meanings but with varying degrees of emphasis.

    In summary, “assez méconnues” is a French expression used to describe things that are moderately unknown or fairly unfamiliar. It’s a useful phrase for discussing topics or concepts that have some degree of obscurity but are not completely obscure.

    What does “de nombreuses” mean?

    This phrase translates to “numerous” or “many” in English. It is used to indicate a large quantity or a significant amount of something.

    “De nombreuses” is commonly used to describe a plural noun, indicating that there are many of that particular thing.

    • “Il y a de nombreuses personnes dans la salle.” (There are many people in the room.)
    • “Elle a reçu de nombreuses invitations à la fête.” (She received numerous invitations to the party.)

    In French, the phrase “de nombreuses” includes the preposition “de” before the adjective “nombreuses.” This is a common construction to express quantity or amount in French.

    Like other adjectives in French, “nombreuses” should agree in gender and number with the noun it modifies.

    • “De nombreuses activités” (feminine and plural)
    • “De nombreux projets” (masculine and plural)

    You might also come across variations of this phrase, such as “beaucoup de” (a lot of) or “plusieurs” (several), which convey similar notions of quantity or abundance.

    In summary, “de nombreuses” is a French phrase used to express that there are many or numerous of a particular thing. It’s a common way to describe a significant quantity or abundance of items or concepts.

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    What does “nous ramène” mean? How about “Après”, “évidemment”, “assez méconnues” and “de nombreuses”. Practice our accents on e’s in today’s clip and improve your ear for spoken French. While moderately fast, it’s still a challenge.

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