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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 9: autant ensuite

Do you know what “autant ensuite” means? Hear it in this clip of French in real life. Choose your level and fill in the blanks as you listen to improve your French listening skills. Take 5 minutes and our free daily quiz to get started!

This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

20 seconds, 40 words

This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode


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The snippet in English

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La vraie question qu’on se pose aujourd’hui, c’est la suivante. Pourquoi on fête les anniversaires? D’abord, on va s’intéresser aux rituels d’anniversaire, à ce qu’il dit sur notre rapport à soi et autant ensuite, on va parler de l’âge subjectif.

The real question we’re asking ourselves today is this. Why do we celebrate birthdays? First, we’ll look at birthday rituals, what they say about our relationship with ourselves, and then we’ll talk about subjective age.

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What does “à ce qu’il dit” mean?

The expression “À ce qu’il dit” translates to “According to what he says” or “Based on what he says.” It is formed by the preposition “à” (to, at) followed by the demonstrative pronoun “ce” (this, that), the conjunction “que” (that), and the third-person singular form of the verb “dire” (to say).

“À ce qu’il dit” is used to refer to information or statements that are attributed to someone else. It suggests that the information being discussed or referenced comes from the person mentioned or is based on their words or claims. It is often used to introduce reported speech or to indicate that something is being attributed to a specific source.

In the given phrase, “À ce qu’il dit” introduces the idea that the discussion about the “rituels d’anniversaire” (birthday rituals) is based on what someone else has said or what is commonly believed about these rituals. It implies that the following analysis or exploration is built upon the understanding or perception conveyed by others.

What does “à soi” mean?

The phrase “à soi” is a combination of the preposition “à” and the pronoun “soi.” Here’s an explanation of their meanings and usage:

  1. À: The preposition “à” generally translates to “to” or “at” in English. It indicates a direction, location, or possession. It is commonly used to express the recipient of an action or the destination of movement.
  2. Soi: The pronoun “soi” means “oneself.” It is used to refer to the person or people being talked about or addressed. It is often used reflexively to indicate actions done by oneself or for oneself.

When combined, “à soi” can be translated as “to oneself” or “for oneself.” It conveys the idea of an action or possession directed or pertaining to the person being referred to. It implies a sense of individuality or personal involvement.

Example: “Il est important de prendre du temps à soi” translates to “It is important to take time for oneself.” The phrase “à soi” emphasizes the personal aspect of taking time and indicates that it is directed towards oneself, focusing on self-care or personal needs.

Overall, “à soi” is a phrase that combines the preposition “à” and the pronoun “soi” to indicate actions or possessions that are directed or pertain to oneself. It emphasizes the individual aspect and suggests a focus on self-interest or self-fulfillment.

What does “autant ensuite” mean?

The phrase “autant ensuite” is a combination of two words: “autant” and “ensuite.” Here’s a breakdown of their meanings and usage:

  1. Autant: “Autant” is an adverb that means “as much” or “as many.” It is often used to express a comparison or equivalence. For example, “J’ai autant d’amis que toi” means “I have as many friends as you.” In the context of “autant ensuite,” it emphasizes a continuation or progression.
  2. Ensuite: “Ensuite” is an adverb that means “then” or “next.” It indicates a sequential order or the following action or event. For example, “D’abord, nous allons manger, ensuite nous irons au cinéma” means “First, we will eat, then we will go to the cinema.”

When combined, “autant ensuite” expresses a sequence or progression of events while emphasizing the equivalence or comparison between them. It suggests that the subsequent action or event is in some way related to or comparable to the previous one.

Example: “J’ai beaucoup travaillé, autant ensuite profiter de mes vacances.” This can be translated as “I worked a lot, so I might as well enjoy my vacation afterward.” The phrase “autant ensuite” conveys the idea that since the speaker has put in a significant effort or accomplished something, it is appropriate or deserving to enjoy the subsequent period or activity.

Overall, “autant ensuite” is a phrase that combines “autant” and “ensuite” to express a connection between two actions or events, emphasizing their equivalence or justification in the sequence. It adds a sense of logical progression or consequence in the context of a narrative or decision-making process.

What does “” mean?

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Do you know what “autant ensuite” means? Hear it in this clip of French in real life. Choose your level and fill in the blanks as you listen to improve your French listening skills. Take 5 minutes and our free daily quiz to get started!

2 thoughts on “Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 9: autant ensuite”

  1. Heya,

    Not sure about the second sentence. I heard “pourquoi on fête les anniversaires” which makes sense as well.

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