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Transfert s01e22, Quiz 23: c’est pas grave

    Take on this clip from Transfert. It’ s a fast clip with some great expressions. Do you know “le cheminement”, “tiens”, “c’est chouette” and “c’es pas grave”? Hear them all and more and fill in the blanks as you listen!

    Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    13 seconds, 42 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    I don’t mind

    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Euh. Ça a été le le le cheminement de mon de de mon cœur. Je me disais, tiens, c’est chouette, mes parents, euh visiblement, c’est c’est c’est un grand amour qu’ils vivent. Euh. Eh ben, je connaîtrai jamais ça. C’est pas grave.

    It’s been a journey of my heart. I was thinking to myself, it’s great, my parents, obviously, it’s a great love they have. Well, I’ll never know. I don’t mind.

    The above translation from Deepl

    What does “le cheminement” mean?

    “Le cheminement” is a French noun derived from the verb “cheminer,” meaning to progress, move forward, or make one’s way. It refers to the process or progression of something, be it a physical journey, a line of thought, or a personal development.

    Basic Meaning and Usage

    • Translation: “Le cheminement” translates to “the progression,” “the journey,” or “the path” in English.
    • Usage: This word is commonly used in both literal and metaphorical contexts to describe the way in which something progresses or develops over time.


    • “Le cheminement de la pensée.” (The progression of thought.)
    • “Le cheminement professionnel d’une personne.” (The career progression of a person.)
    • “Il faut suivre le cheminement du sentier pour atteindre le sommet.” (One must follow the path of the trail to reach the summit.)


    • Educational and Professional Development: “Le cheminement” is often used in contexts relating to personal, educational, or career progression.
    • Philosophical and Intellectual Discussions: The term is also utilized in philosophical or intellectual discussions to talk about the progression or development of ideas and thoughts.


    • “La progression” (The progression)
    • “Le parcours” (The journey, the course)
    • “L’évolution” (The evolution)


    • “Cheminement intellectuel” (Intellectual progression)
    • “Cheminement spirituel” (Spiritual journey)

    Cultural Notes

    In French culture, the concept of “cheminement” is often associated with personal growth and development. It is a valued idea, reflecting the importance placed on progress, learning, and self-improvement.


    “Le cheminement” is a versatile French noun used to describe the process of progression or development in various contexts. It reflects an appreciation for growth and advancement, whether it be in a physical, intellectual, or personal capacity.

    What does “le cheminement de mon cœur” mean?

    “Le cheminement de mon cœur” translates to “the journey of my heart” in English, capturing the emotional growth and experiences of an individual. It is a poetic and introspective phrase, often found in literary contexts or deep, personal conversations. While not a standard expression in French, it reflects a rich exploration of one’s inner emotional world, embodying the symbolic association of the heart with feelings and emotions.

    What does “tiens” mean?

    “Tiens” translates to various phrases in English such as “here,” “take this,” “look,” or “hey,” depending on the context. It’s derived from the verb “tenir” (to hold), and it’s commonly used in informal settings.

    Examples in Different Contexts

    1. Offering Something: “Tiens, c’est pour toi.” (Here, this is for you.)
    2. Drawing Attention: “Tiens, regarde ça !” (Look at this!)
    3. Expressing Surprise: “Tiens, tu es déjà là ?” (Oh, you’re already here?)

    Expressing Emotions or Reactions

    “Tiens” is often used to express surprise, disbelief, or to prompt a reaction. It can also be used to acknowledge someone’s presence or contribution in a conversation.

    When Not to Use

    “Tiens” is informal, and it might not be suitable for very formal or professional settings. In such contexts, using the full verb or a more formal expression would be more appropriate.


    “Tiens” is a versatile and commonly used expression in informal French, useful for offering items, drawing attention, or expressing surprise. Its meaning varies with context, making it a handy phrase for various situations in everyday conversation.

    What does “c’est chouette” mean?

    “C’est chouette” is a French expression that translates to “it’s nice,” “it’s cool,” or “it’s lovely” in English. The word “chouette” originally refers to a type of bird (an owl), but in this context, it is a slang term used to express enthusiasm or approval about something. The expression is informal and conveys a sense of joy or satisfaction.


    • “Tu as un nouveau vélo ? C’est chouette !” (You have a new bike? That’s cool!)
    • “Nous allons à la plage demain, c’est chouette.” (We’re going to the beach tomorrow, that’s nice.)

    Usage in Informal Contexts

    “C’est chouette” is predominantly used in informal settings among friends, family, or peers. It adds a lively and positive tone to the conversation, reflecting the speaker’s happiness or approval regarding the topic of discussion.


    • “C’est super chouette !” (It’s really cool!)
    • “Quelle chouette idée !” (What a great idea!)

    Similar Expressions

    • “C’est génial !” (It’s great!)
    • “C’est super !” (It’s super!)


    “C’est chouette” is a cheerful and informal way to express that something is nice, cool, or pleasant. It’s a common expression in French, used to add a touch of enthusiasm to conversations.

    What does “un grand amour qu’ils vivent” mean?

    “Qu’ils vivent” itself is not a fixed or set expression in French. The phrase translates to “that they live” in English. However, in the context of “un grand amour qu’ils vivent,” it conveys the idea of “a great love that they are experiencing/living.”

    Basic Meaning and Usage

    In “un grand amour qu’ils vivent,” the phrase suggests a profound, intense love that the subjects (in this case, “they”) are currently experiencing or going through. It emphasizes the ongoing, present nature of this deep love.


    • “Ils sont toujours ensemble, c’est un grand amour qu’ils vivent.” (They are always together; it’s a great love that they are experiencing.)
    • “Malgré les défis, c’est un véritable amour qu’ils vivent.” (Despite the challenges, it’s a true love that they live.)

    Contextual Usage

    This kind of phrasing can be used to describe any profound experience or emotion, not just love. It emphasizes the present, ongoing nature of the experience, indicating that the subjects are deeply immersed in it.


    • “Une aventure qu’ils vivent ensemble” (An adventure they are living together)
    • “Une passion qu’ils vivent au quotidien” (A passion they experience daily)


    While “qu’ils vivent” is not a set expression by itself, in the context of “un grand amour qu’ils vivent,” it describes an intense, ongoing love that the subjects are currently experiencing. The phrasing can be adapted to other contexts to emphasize the present, lived experience of emotions or events.

    What does “c’est pas grave” mean?

    “C’est pas grave” is a French expression that translates to “it’s not serious” or “it’s no big deal” in English. It is used to dismiss the seriousness of a situation, indicating that something is not worth worrying about.


    1. “Tu as oublié d’apporter le pain, mais c’est pas grave.” (You forgot to bring the bread, but it’s no big deal.)
    2. “J’ai renversé mon verre d’eau, c’est pas grave.” (I spilled my glass of water, but it’s not serious.)

    Usage & Nuances:

    “C’est pas grave” can be used in a wide range of contexts, from casual to semi-formal situations, to dismiss concerns or to reassure someone that a mistake or problem is not significant. It’s a phrase that promotes a laid-back attitude and is often used to maintain a positive atmosphere.

    Sometimes, the phrase can also be used sarcastically, depending on the tone of voice and context.

    When to Use:

    Use “c’est pas grave” when you want to minimize the severity of a situation or to reassure someone that a mistake they made is forgivable and not to worry about.


    • “C’est grave” (It’s serious)
    • “C’est important” (It’s important)

    Cultural Notes:

    In French culture, using “c’est pas grave” reflects a certain lightness and ability to not get too upset about minor inconveniences or mistakes. It’s a phrase that encapsulates the French attitude towards life’s small troubles, encouraging a relaxed response.

    In Summary: “C’est pas grave” is a versatile and commonly used expression in French that helps in lightening the mood, reassuring others, and fostering a positive environment. It reflects a key aspect of French culture: the ability to not sweat the small stuff.

    What is opening up for you?

    Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

    Take on this clip from Transfert. It’ s a fast clip with some great expressions. Do you know “le cheminement”, “tiens”, “c’est chouette” and “c’es pas grave”? Hear them all and more and fill in the blanks as you listen!

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