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Transfert s01e22, Quiz 25: un rendez-vous

    Hear a couple of phrases related to work and getting a job in this short clip. Can your ear catch them all? “un rendez-vous”, “en région parisienne”, “de m’engager”, “à joindre son équipe”. Listen and fill in the blanks of today’s transcription quiz at your level!

    Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    13 seconds, 34 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    a meeting

    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    C’était, à l’époque, quelqu’un pour qui euh je travaillais. Euh. C’était mon client. Et un jour, on a un rendez-vous en région parisienne pour parler de m’engager euh… dans son… à joindre son équipe.

    It was, at the time, someone I was, uh, working for. He was my client. And one day, we had a meeting in the Paris region to talk about hiring me to join his team.

    The above translation from Deepl

    What does “un rendez-vous” mean?

    “Un rendez-vous” translates directly to “an appointment” or “a meeting” in English. It can refer to any type of arranged meeting, whether professional, social, or romantic.


    1. “J’ai un rendez-vous chez le dentiste demain.” (I have a dentist appointment tomorrow.)
    2. “Nous avons pris un rendez-vous pour dîner à 20h.” (We’ve made a dinner date for 8 PM.)

    Usage & Nuances:

    “Un rendez-vous” is a versatile term and its meaning can vary with context:

    • Professional Context: It can mean a business meeting or a medical appointment.
      • “Elle a un rendez-vous important avec un client.” (She has an important meeting with a client.)
    • Social Context: It can refer to a casual meet-up with friends.
      • “On a un rendez-vous au café cet après-midi.” (We’re meeting at the café this afternoon.)
    • Romantic Context: It can also imply a date.
      • “Ils se sont donné un rendez-vous pour aller au cinéma.” (They have a date to go to the movies.)

    When to Use:

    “Un rendez-vous” can be used in both formal and informal contexts. The nature of the meeting is usually clarified by the context or additional information provided in the conversation.

    Cultural Notes:

    In France, “un rendez-vous” is a common part of daily vocabulary, reflecting the culture’s appreciation for social norms and formality. Making and keeping “rendez-vous” is taken quite seriously, whether for coffee, a professional meeting, or a romantic date. The French also value punctuality for these appointments.

    Additionally, in a romantic context, “un rendez-vous” has a more serious connotation compared to the casual “hanging out” in American culture. A “rendez-vous amoureux” is unmistakably a romantic date.

    Compared to English:

    In English, especially in British English, “rendezvous” can sometimes carry connotations of secrecy or romance. It might evoke the idea of a secret meeting, perhaps an illicit affair, or an appointment that’s meant to be kept under wraps. It often retains a hint of intrigue or an air of mystery. When used in the context of espionage narratives, “rendezvous” can indeed suggest a clandestine meeting between spies.

    In contrast, in French, “un rendez-vous” is a standard, everyday term that is free from these secretive or romantic undertones unless specified by the context. It simply refers to an appointment or a meeting and is a staple in daily language for both formal and casual engagements. The specificity of the event is usually made clear through additional context. For example:

    In Summary:

    “Un rendez-vous” in French refers to any kind of appointment or meeting, with the exact nature typically clear from the context. It’s a common and culturally important term for organizing social and professional interactions.

    What does “en région parisienne” mean?

    “En région parisienne” refers specifically to the area surrounding Paris, known as the Paris region or Île-de-France. It is not the city of Paris itself, but the suburban area that is in close geographical and economic relation to the capital.

    Usage & Context:

    • Geographical Context: The term is used to distinguish the broader area from the city proper. It encompasses the suburbs and outlying towns around Paris.
      • “Elle habite en région parisienne.” (She lives in the Paris region.)
    • When Not Paris: It’s important not to confuse “en région parisienne” with being in the city of Paris itself; it implies being in the vicinity but not within the city’s administrative limits.

    Cultural Notes:

    • In the context of France, “en région parisienne” often carries implications of being in an area that is urban or suburban with dense population, significant infrastructure, and economic activity closely tied to Paris.
    • It’s a common way to refer to living or working near Paris without being in the city, and it’s understood by French people as a distinct area with its own identity and characteristics.

    In Summary: “En région parisienne” means in the Paris region, not the city itself, and is commonly used to describe the suburban area surrounding Paris. It is well-understood by non-Parisians in France to refer to a populated and economically active zone that is influenced by but distinct from the capital city.

    What does “de m’engager” mean?

    In the context of a job or work, “de m’engager” translates to “to commit myself” or “to engage myself.” It refers to the act of making a commitment or formally agreeing to a job or responsibility.

    Usage in a Sentence:

    • “Je suis prêt à m’engager dans ce projet.” (I am ready to commit to this project.)
    • “L’entreprise m’a proposé un contrat, et j’ai décidé de m’engager.” (The company offered me a contract, and I decided to commit.)

    Context and Nuances:

    • Professional Commitment: When someone says “de m’engager” in a professional setting, they’re indicating a willingness or decision to take on obligations or duties associated with a job.
    • Formal Agreement: It can also imply entering into a formal agreement, like signing a contract for employment.

    Cultural Notes:

    In France, as in many cultures, committing to a job is taken seriously. The phrase “de m’engager” suggests a deliberate decision and readiness to fulfill the responsibilities that come with the role. It’s a phrase that indicates a level of seriousness and intention about one’s professional conduct.

    In Summary: “De m’engager” in relation to work means to commit oneself to a job or project, indicating a readiness to take on and fulfill professional responsibilities.

    What does “à joindre son équipe” mean?

    The phrase “à joindre son équipe” can be translated to “to join his/her/their team.” It’s about becoming part of a group or workforce rather than the act of getting a job itself.

    Usage & Variations:

    • Job Acceptance: It’s used when someone is accepted or invited to become a part of a team.
      • “Il a été choisi pour joindre notre équipe.” (He has been chosen to join our team.)
    • Common Expressions for Employment: More common ways to refer to getting a job in French might include:
      • “Obtenir un emploi” (To obtain a job)
      • “Être embauché(e)” (To be hired)
      • “Trouver du travail” (To find work)
      • “Décrocher un poste” (To land a position)


    • “Joindre une équipe” is more specific than just getting a job; it implies a collaborative environment and is often used when referring to becoming part of an existing group.

    Cultural Notes:

    Joining a team in a French work environment emphasizes integration into a collective unit, which is a significant aspect of French work culture. The collective success often takes precedence over individual achievement, which is why the concept of joining a team is meaningful.

    In Summary: “À joindre son équipe” means to join someone’s team and is about the integration into a workforce. While it’s related to employment, common phrases like “être embauché(e)” or “trouver du travail” are more typically used to refer to the act of getting a job itself.

    What is opening up for you?

    Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

    Hear a couple of phrases related to work and getting a job in this short clip. Can your ear catch them all? “un rendez-vous”, “en région parisienne”, “de m’engager”, “à joindre son équipe”. Listen and fill in the blanks of today’s transcription quiz at your level!

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