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Transfert s01e22, Quiz 58: pas de blème

Improve your French listening skills with this clip of fast spoken French! Can you pick up all the words? Set your level and fill in the blanks and watch yourself hear what you couldn’t when you started. Some words that stood out: “une enfant de l’amour” and “pas de blème”. Take on today’s quiz and…

Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

11 seconds, 40 words

The above audio sample and transcription is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

no problem

What’s opening up for you with this clip?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Et quand je disais pourquoi je suis sur les photos de mariage, euh la réponse c’était euh tu es une enfant de l’amour. On n’était pas mariés, on s’est mariés quand t’avais 3 ans. Bon, ok, pas de blème.

And when I said why am I in the wedding photos, uh the answer was uh you’re a love child. We weren’t married, we got married when you were 3. Okay, no problem.

The above translation from Deepl

What does “une enfant de l’amour” mean?

“Une enfant de l’amour” literally translates to “a child of love” in English.

Meaning and Usage

This phrase often refers to a child born out of a love affair or relationship not bound by marriage. It implies the child was born from a passionate or romantic liaison.


  • “Elle est considérée comme une enfant de l’amour, née d’une romance intense.” (She is considered a child of love, born of an intense romance.)
  • “Dans ce roman, l’héroïne est une enfant de l’amour, cherchant sa place dans le monde.” (In this novel, the heroine is a child of love, searching for her place in the world.)


The term is used in more literary or poetic contexts. It’s less common in everyday speech and can carry a romantic or sometimes stigmatizing connotation.

Synonyms and Antonyms

  • Synonyms: “Bâtard” (bastard), though more pejorative; “Enfant naturel” (natural child), more neutral.
  • Antonyms: There are no direct antonyms, but “enfant légitime” (legitimate child) contrasts the traditional legitimacy associated with marriage.

Cultural Notes

In French culture, this term evokes a sense of romance and drama, often found in literature and film. It reflects the French value of passion and romance, albeit with a hint of nonconformity to societal norms.


“Une enfant de l’amour” refers to a child born of a love affair, typically outside of marriage. It’s a poetic term, used more in literary contexts and conveys a sense of romance and sometimes social nonconformity.

What does “pas de blème” mean?

“Pas de blème” is an informal slang term that translates to “no problem” in English.

Meaning and Usage

This phrase is a casual way to express that there are no issues or difficulties. It’s often used among younger speakers and in informal contexts.


  • “Si tu veux changer les plans, pas de blème.” (If you want to change the plans, no problem.)
  • “Tu as besoin de plus de temps ? Pas de blème !” (You need more time? No problem!)


“Pas de blème” is used in informal, casual conversations, especially among younger people or in friendly settings.

Synonyms and Antonyms

  • Synonyms: “Pas de problème” (no problem), “Pas de souci” (no worries).
  • Antonyms: “Il y a un souci” (there is a concern), “C’est problématique” (it’s problematic).

Cultural Notes

This slang term is a more modern, relaxed version of “pas de problème.” It’s indicative of a laid-back, easy-going communication style prevalent among younger French speakers.


“Pas de blème” is informal French slang, akin to saying “no problem” in English. It’s used mainly by younger speakers to convey a lack of issues in a relaxed manner.

What is opening up for you?

Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

Improve your French listening skills with this clip of fast spoken French! Can you pick up all the words? Set your level and fill in the blanks and watch yourself hear what you couldn’t when you started. Some words that stood out: “une enfant de l’amour” and “pas de blème”. Take on today’s quiz and…

3 thoughts on “Transfert s01e22, Quiz 58: pas de blème”

  1. Heya,

    I believe it’s “on s’est mariés quand t’avait [tu avait] 3 ans”, since it only makes sense that the speaker was 3 years old when her parents married.

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