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Transfert s01e22, Quiz 69: vieux jeu

    Improve your ear for spoken French with this clip. It’s a slower one, but still filled with some great expressions. Can you hear: “m’ennuie”, “fait paraître”, and “vieux jeu”? Set your level and fill in the blanks of our transcription quiz as you listen!

    Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    16 seconds, 31 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    old fashioned

    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Et ce qui m’ennuie, de la part de notre mère, c’est que… C’est pas cool. Elle l’a toujours fait euh fait paraître que lui, il était rétro, il était vieux jeu.

    And what bothers me about our mother is that… It’s not cool. She always made him look, uh, retro, old-fashioned.

    The above translation from Deepl

    What does “m’ennuie” mean?

    “M’ennuie” can convey a sense of being bothered or mildly annoyed by something, although this is less common than its primary meaning of boredom.

    Context for Annoyance

    • When used to express annoyance, it’s typically about something that’s seen as a nuisance or mildly irritating, rather than deeply upsetting.
    • Example: “Cette bruit constant m’ennuie.” (This constant noise is bothering me.)

    Level of Anger

    • The level of anger or irritation associated with “m’ennuie” is generally low. It’s more about mild annoyance or irritation rather than intense anger or frustration.
    • It’s important to note that in French, expressing stronger feelings of anger or annoyance would typically involve different phrases or verbs, such as “agacer” (to annoy) or “énerver” (to irritate).


    While “m’ennuie” primarily means “I am bored” or “I get bored,” it can also express being mildly bothered or annoyed by something. However, the level of anger or irritation it conveys is relatively low, more aligned with a sense of nuisance rather than intense frustration.

    What does “fait paraître” mean?

    “Fait paraître” translates to “makes appear” or “makes seem” in English.

    Usage and Interpretation

    • The phrase is a combination of “fait,” the third person singular present tense of “faire” (to do/make), and “paraître” (to appear/seem).
    • It is used to describe an action or situation that causes something or someone to appear or seem a certain way.


    • “Cette lumière le fait paraître plus jeune.” (This light makes him appear younger.)
    • “Son attitude fait paraître la situation plus grave qu’elle ne l’est.” (Her attitude makes the situation seem more serious than it is.)


    • “Fait paraître” can be used in various contexts, from physical appearances to impressions given off by situations or behaviors.
    • It’s applicable in both formal and informal settings and is a common way to express the effect of one thing on the appearance or perception of another.


    “Fait paraître” means “makes appear” or “makes seem” in French. It’s used to describe how actions, situations, or conditions influence the appearance or perception of someone or something. This phrase is versatile, fitting into multiple contexts where the impression or appearance of people, things, or situations is being discussed.

    What does “vieux jeu” mean?

    “Vieux jeu” translates to “old-fashioned” or “outdated” in English.

    Usage and Interpretation

    • The phrase is used to describe someone or something that is considered to be out of touch with current trends or modern practices.
    • It can refer to attitudes, behaviors, styles, or beliefs that are seen as belonging to a past era.


    • “Ses idées sont un peu vieux jeu.” (His ideas are a bit old-fashioned.)
    • “Elle a été traitée de vieux jeu par les jeunes.” (She was called old-fashioned by the youngsters.)


    • “Vieux jeu” can be used in various contexts, including fashion, technology, cultural practices, and social attitudes.
    • It’s often used in a slightly critical or humorous way to comment on someone’s reluctance to adopt modern ways or thinking.


    “Vieux jeu” means “old-fashioned” or “outdated” in French. It describes people, ideas, or things that are seen as behind the times or not in step with current trends. The phrase is used in a range of contexts to highlight a gap between traditional and modern practices or attitudes.

    This clip is from the “Transfert” podcast

    Produced by slate.fr, “Transfert” is a unique French podcast that offers an immersive listening experience. Each episode features real-life stories narrated by the people who lived them. These personal narratives cover a wide range of human experiences and emotions, providing listeners with profound insights into the lives and minds of others. The storytelling is intimate and engaging, making it an excellent resource for French language learners to improve their listening skills while connecting with compelling, authentic content.

    Improving your French Listening Comprehension with Podcasts

    Welcome to Bitesize French, where fast spoken French is finally accessible! We break podcasts into short clips, like lively chats in French that fit into your day. They’re perfect for anyone, from advanced students to those just starting. Join us and enjoy French, one short clip at a time. Let’s learn together!

    Make the most of the site:

    1. Daily Podcast Listening: Start your day with a French podcast from our collection. Choose episodes that align with your interests to keep it engaging.
    2. Active Listening Practice: As you listen, try to pick out key phrases and vocabulary. Use our daily quizzes to test your understanding and reinforce learning.
    3. Repeat and Shadow: Listen to the same podcast segment multiple times. Try to mimic the pronunciation and intonation to improve your spoken French.
    4. Note-taking: Jot down new words or phrases you encounter. Review these notes regularly to enhance vocabulary retention.
    5. Reflect and Respond: After each episode, summarize the main points in French, either in writing or aloud. This helps in consolidating your learning and improving your expressive skills.

    I created the Bitesize French project because I wanted to understand more than just my teacher and youtubers who cater to learners. I wanted to understand the French I hear in France. I hope you can benefit as much as I am. Become a supporting member for access to all clips.

    Improve your ear for spoken French with this clip. It’s a slower one, but still filled with some great expressions. Can you hear: “m’ennuie”, “fait paraître”, and “vieux jeu”? Set your level and fill in the blanks of our transcription quiz as you listen!

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