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Paris o'clock 042920 Quiz 16: En effet

Learn French with a podcast! This clip is from Paris o’clock 29 April 2020 Episode. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full episode here.

29 seconds, 51 words
' '.,,.,,.
MaisMonetdanscar ' d'accord.,,doitêtreetsurtoutunereprésentationexacte.Monet,lui,préfèrepeindrecomme.
MaisMonetrestelongtempsdanscar ' d'accord.,,peinturedoitêtredelaréalitéetsurtoutunereprésentationexacte.Monet,lui,préfèrepeindreleschosescommeillesvoit.

The above audio sample and transcription is from Paris o’clock Podcast 29 Apr 2020 Episode. We do not own this content, nor do we pretend to own it. The above is for entertainment and educational purposes only. Register on Paris o’clock site to read the full text and hear the full audio.


Indeed I don’t think I have ever really disagreed with a teacher. That can’t be true. But I definitely wasn’t vocal with teachers. Were you?

I had classmates in high school and college who would argue with teachers, full on empassioned arguments. That wasn’t me.

Am I sheep? Maybe. I’m not a genius like Monet. Maybe some sort of arguing with teachers and authority is a pre-requisite for geniosity. The billionaires and artists and makers and doers of the world are non-conformist. They break the rules and disagree and maybe that leads to success.

I hope that isn’t the case. It’s bad news for us non-non-conformists. Maybe we just need to push the limits and bust out of the mold a little bit more.

We can start by improving our French in a new way.

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The snippet in English

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Mais Monet ne reste pas longtemps dans cet atelier car il n’est pas d’accord avec son professeur. En effet, pour son professeur, la peinture doit être une représentation idéale de la réalité et surtout pas une représentation exacte de la réalité.

Monet, lui, préfère peindre les choses comme il les voit.

But Monet does not stay long in this workshop because he does not agree with his teacher. Indeed, for his teacher, painting must be an ideal representation of reality and above all not an exact representation of reality.

Monet prefers to paint things as he sees them.

The above text translated using Google Translate. Translation Link. The content in French is courtesy of Paris o’clock.

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En effet

doit être

surtout pas

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