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Manger Ep. 1, Quiz 2: on finit toujours par parler de

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    17 seconds, 64 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    We always end up talking about

    I’m revisiting these old posts. I of course believe my listening skills have improved. But I’ve also gotten the transcript for these clips and revisiting with it accurate.

    Originally posted July 22

    Why a podcast and why this podcast? In the previous lesson for the Manger podcast I shared what drew me into this podcast. Breakfast cereal, for one. And also: because food.

    Everyone and their brother has a podcast these days, and it really is people getting together to talk. In this snippet we can hear the host sharing the why behind this podcast. So that’s why I chose this snippet. Learn French while hearing someone share their inspiration for starting a podcast – all in just a sentence or two.

    This is definitely a fast snippet, 36 words rapid fire in 10 seconds. Practice transcribing this section to improve your French listening skills.

    How much of this podcast are you picking up?
    Can you only hear the articles or are you catching keywords?

    There’s absolutely no way that I could get through an entire podcast in French without melting my brain, that’s why I broke it up into snippets like this. And even this one i find incredible difficult. I can barely pick out the words as she rattles through them.

    What will be the next podcast to learn French from? Stay tuned and join us for the next quiz.

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Je suis Nora Bouazzouni. Et je suis Mélissa Bounoua. Ça fait dix ans qu’on est amies toi et moi Mélissa, dix ans qu’à chaque fois qu’on discute, chaque fois qu’on se voit, on finit toujours par parler de nourriture et s’interroger sur nos comportements alimentaires. Alors on s’est dit que vous vous posiez peut-être les mêmes questions et qu’on allait tenter d’y répondre ensemble.

    I am Nora Bouazzouni. And I am Melissa Bounoua. We’ve been friends for ten years now, you and I, Mélissa, for ten years, and every time we talk, every time we see each other, we always end up talking about food and wondering about our eating habits. So we thought that maybe you were asking yourselves the same questions and that we would try to answer them together.

    The above text courtesy of Google Translate. Source.

    What does “on finit toujours par parler de” mean in French?

    “On finit toujours par parler de” means “we always end up talking about” in English. This phrase is used to express the idea that when people are engaged in a conversation, they will eventually steer the topic towards a specific subject, no matter how hard they try to avoid it or how diverse the conversation may have started. It’s often used to express a sense of inevitability or predictability about the flow of conversation.

    Example: “On était en train de parler de vacances, mais on finit toujours par parler de travail” (We were talking about vacation, but we always end up talking about work)

    “On commence à parler de livres, mais on finit toujours par parler de films” (We start talking about books, but we always end up talking about movies)

    It is a relatively common expression in French. It’s a colloquial phrase that is often used in casual conversation among friends and family. It’s often used when people are engaging in small talk, or when they are trying to steer the conversation towards a topic that they are more interested in.

    It’s used to express the idea that no matter how hard people try, they will eventually drift towards a topic that they are more interested in or that they have more to say about. It’s a common way of expressing the idea that conversations often have a natural flow and tendency to steer towards certain topics.

    Did I miss something?

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    Start at any level and improve your French listening skills! Whether A1 debutante or preparing for DELF, practice your listening comprehension and hear French in real life. This clip is from Manger ep. 1, it’s 64 words in 17 seconds.

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