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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 75: c’est pas forcément

    “C’est pas forcément” & “souvent” – do you know these phrases? Hear them in this clip of French in real life. Start at any level with our transcription quiz, choose your level and fill in the blanks.

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    17 seconds, 60 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    It’s not necessarily

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    The snippet in English

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    Mais c’est pas forcément le repas le plus important. Il y a des personnes alors qui sont assez rares, qui n’ont vraiment vraiment pas faim le matin, et souvent quand j’interroge les gens on retrouve ça dans l’enfance, c’est-à-dire, c’est des enfants qu’on forçait à manger, qui était voir éventuellement dégoûtés de manger, qui n’avaient vraiment pas faim du tout.

    But it’s not necessarily the most important meal. There are some people, then, who are quite rare, who really aren’t hungry in the morning, and often when I ask people about this, we find it in their childhood, that is, children who were forced to eat, who were eventually disgusted with eating, who really weren’t hungry at all.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “c’est pas forcément” mean?

    The phrase “c’est pas forcément” is a colloquial expression in French that can be translated as “it’s not necessarily” or “it’s not always” in English.

    “C’est pas forcément” is an informal way of expressing that something is not always true or guaranteed. It implies that there may be exceptions or variations to a general statement or assumption. The phrase is commonly used in conversations among friends, family, or in informal settings. It allows for a more nuanced or flexible interpretation of a statement, acknowledging that there can be different circumstances or possibilities.


    • “Les films d’action ne sont pas forcément violents.” (Action movies are not necessarily violent.)
    • “C’est pas forcément le cas pour tout le monde.” (It’s not always the case for everyone.)

    The phrase “c’est pas forcément” adds a sense of uncertainty or openness to a statement. It acknowledges that there can be variations, exceptions, or differing experiences that challenge a generalization.

    “C’est pas forcément” is more commonly used in informal conversations and may not be suitable for formal or professional contexts. It contributes to a casual and conversational tone.

    Other similar expressions that convey a similar meaning include “ce n’est pas systématiquement” (it’s not systematically), “ce n’est pas toujours” (it’s not always), or “ça dépend” (it depends).

    What does “souvent” mean?

    The word “souvent” in French translates to “often” in English. Here’s some information about this word: “Souvent” indicates a frequency of occurrence or repetition.


    • “Je vais souvent au cinéma le week-end.” (I often go to the movies on weekends.)
    • “Elle se plaint souvent de douleurs au dos.” (She often complains about back pain.)

    “Souvent” can be used in different contexts and with different verb tenses. It can refer to past, present, or future occurrences, depending on the context of the sentence.

    Alternative expressions that convey a similar meaning to “souvent” include “fréquemment” (frequently), “régulièrement” (regularly), or “habituellement” (usually).

    Wait, “on retrouve” not “on trouve”?

    The phrases “on retrouve” and “on trouve” are both commonly used in French, but they have slight differences in meaning and usage. Here’s some information about these phrases:

    1. “On retrouve”:
      • Meaning: “On retrouve” translates to “we find” or “one finds” in English. It emphasizes the idea of rediscovering or finding something again, indicating that the thing being found had already been encountered or known before.
      • Usage: “On retrouve” is used when referring to finding something that was previously lost, misplaced, or temporarily absent. It implies a sense of familiarity or recognition.
      • Example: “On retrouve souvent des clés perdues dans la maison.” (We often find lost keys in the house.)
    2. “On trouve”:
      • Meaning: “On trouve” translates to “we find” or “one finds” in English. It indicates a general statement of finding something, without necessarily implying that the thing was lost or previously encountered.
      • Usage: “On trouve” is used when referring to the act of finding something in general, without specific emphasis on its prior existence or knowledge.
      • Example: “On trouve de délicieux croissants dans cette boulangerie.” (We find delicious croissants in this bakery.)

    In summary, “on retrouve” is used when finding something again or rediscovering it, implying prior knowledge or temporary absence. “On trouve” is used more generally to indicate finding something without emphasis on its prior existence or knowledge. Understanding the distinction between these phrases allows for accurate communication about finding things in French.

    What does “pas faim du tout” mean?

    The construction “pas + adjective + du tout” is a common pattern in French that is used to intensify a negation. “Pas + (adjective) + du tout” translates to “not + (adjective) + at all” in English. It emphasizes the complete absence or extreme degree of the quality described by the adjective.


    • “Je ne suis pas fatigué du tout.” (I’m not tired at all.)
    • “Il ne comprend rien du tout.” (He doesn’t understand anything at all.)
    • “Elle n’aime pas ce film du tout.” (She doesn’t like this movie at all.)

    The construction “pas + (adjective) + du tout” emphasizes the extreme absence of the quality. It conveys a sense of completeness or thoroughness in the negation.

    This construction can be used with a wide range of adjectives to intensify the negation. It allows for a stronger expression of the lack or absence of the quality described.

    Other similar constructions that convey a similar meaning include “pas le moindre + (adjective)” (not the slightest + adjective) or “absolument pas + (adjective)” (absolutely not + adjective).

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    “C’est pas forcément” & “souvent” – do you know these phrases? Hear them in this clip of French in real life. Start at any level with our transcription quiz, choose your level and fill in the blanks.

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