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Transfert s01e22, Quiz 13: renouveler

Improve your ear for French in real life with today’s clip from Transfert. Can you pick up these words and phrases: “tellement belle”, “renouveler”, and “schéma traditionnel”. Take today’s fill-in-the-blanks listening quiz and practice with fast spoken French in real life.

Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

17 seconds, 53 words

The above audio sample and transcription is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.


What’s opening up for you with this clip?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Peut-être parce que l’histoire de mes parents était tellement belle, je me sentais pas, euh, je ne pensais pas que j’allais pouvoir la renouveler, mais je ne me suis jamais vue mariée avec des enfants, je ne me suis jamais vue dans ce schéma traditionnel, ça n’existait pas pour moi, c’était pas possible.

Maybe because my parents’ story was so beautiful, I didn’t think I’d be able to repeat it, but I never saw myself married with children, I never saw myself in that traditional scheme, it didn’t exist for me, it wasn’t possible.

The above translation from Deepl

What does “tellement belle” mean?

“Tellement belle” translates to “so beautiful” in English. It is a phrase used to express a high degree of beauty or attractiveness, often used to describe a person, place, or thing.

  • French example: “Cette robe est tellement belle !” (This dress is so beautiful!)

The phrase is versatile and can be used in various contexts to express admiration or positive surprise.


“Tellement belle” can be used in both formal and informal contexts. It is a straightforward expression of admiration and can be directed towards people, places, objects, or even abstract concepts.

Synonyms and Antonyms

  • Synonyms: extrêmement belle, vraiment belle, incroyablement belle (extremely beautiful, really beautiful, incredibly beautiful)
  • Considering antonyms, you might say something like: pas très belle, peu attrayante, ordinaire (not very beautiful, unattractive, ordinary)


There are variations in the way you can express admiration for beauty in French, such as:

  • Elle est vraiment ravissante (She is really stunning).
  • C’est une vue à couper le souffle (It’s a breathtaking view).

What does “renouveler” mean?

Meaning and Usage: “Renouveler” translates to “renew” in English. It can refer to the act of making something new again, replacing old items, or extending a period of time for a service or subscription. It encompasses a wide range of contexts, from physical items to abstract concepts.


  1. “Je dois renouveler mon passeport.” (I need to renew my passport.)
  2. “Cette artiste sait renouveler son style musical à chaque album.” (This artist knows how to renew her musical style with each album.)

Context: “Renouveler” is used across various contexts, such as:

  • Administrative procedures “Le renouvellement de mon passeport a pris beaucoup de temps.” (Renewing my passport took a lot of time.)
  • Personal and professional development : “Elle suit une formation pour le renouvellement de ses compétences.” (She is taking a training course to renew her skills.)
  • Art and creativity : “Ce peintre est connu pour le renouvellement constant de son style.” (This painter is known for constantly refreshing his style.)
  • Environmental practices : “Le renouvellement des ressources naturelles est essentiel à la durabilité.” (The renewal of natural resources is essential for sustainability.)

Synonyms and Antonyms: Synonyms:

  • “Rajeunir” (To rejuvenate)
  • “Régénérer” (To regenerate)
  • “Actualiser” (To update)


  • “Vieillir” (To age)
  • “Abandonner” (To abandon)
  • “Détériorer” (To deteriorate)

Variations and Combinations:

  • “Renouveler un abonnement”: To renew a subscription.
  • “Renouveler une licence”: To renew a license.
  • “Se renouveler” (Reflexive form): To reinvent oneself.

Idiomatic Usage: While “renouveler” itself isn’t part of an idiom, it is a versatile word used in various contexts.

Cultural Notes: In French-speaking cultures, the concept of renewal is often associated with positive change and progress. This could be in the form of renewing commitments, revitalizing urban areas, or updating traditional practices to be more in line with contemporary values. The idea of “renouvellement” (renewal) plays a significant role in various facets of life, from politics and society to personal wellbeing.

What does “schéma traditionnel” mean?

Meaning and Usage: “Schéma traditionnel” translates to “traditional pattern” or “traditional scheme” in English. It refers to a set, conventional way of doing things that has been established over time. This can relate to social structures, narratives, cultural practices, or any other areas where established patterns are prevalent.


  1. “Il a décidé de rompre avec le schéma traditionnel de sa famille.” (He decided to break away from his family’s traditional pattern.)
  2. “Ce film défie le schéma traditionnel du genre romantique.” (This movie challenges the traditional pattern of the romantic genre.)

Context: “Schéma traditionnel” can be used in various contexts, from discussing societal norms and family traditions to analyzing art, literature, and other cultural productions. It often carries a connotation of old-fashioned or outdated conventions that may need re-evaluation or change.

Synonyms and Antonyms: Synonyms:

  • “Modèle traditionnel” (Traditional model)
  • “Convention” (Convention)


  • “Innovation” (Innovation)
  • “Rupture” (Break, disruption)

Variations and Combinations:

  • “Briser le schéma traditionnel”: To break the traditional pattern.
  • “Suivre le schéma traditionnel”: To follow the traditional pattern.

Idiomatic Usage: While “schéma traditionnel” itself is not an idiom, it can be used idiomatically when discussing the need for societal change or innovation.

Cultural Notes: The concept of “schéma traditionnel” is relevant in discussions about cultural, social, and generational shifts. It reflects the tension between tradition and modernity, a common theme in many societies. In French-speaking cultures, which are often steeped in history and tradition, there may be a particular emphasis on either preserving the “schéma traditionnel” or challenging it in the pursuit of progress and contemporary values.

What is opening up for you?

Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

Improve your ear for French in real life with today’s clip from Transfert. Can you pick up these words and phrases: “tellement belle”, “renouveler”, and “schéma traditionnel”. Take today’s fill-in-the-blanks listening quiz and practice with fast spoken French in real life.

2 thoughts on “Transfert s01e22, Quiz 13: renouveler”

  1. Heya,

    I imagine you’ve left it out because she reworded her thoughts but it tripped me up that there wasn’t space in the quiz for the “je me sentais pas, euh” that came before the “je ne pensais pas”.

    1. Yes, in future posts I started documented all words spoken, this one slipped through! Thank you for the note, I have adjusted this.

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