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Transfert s01e22, Quiz 61: contente après

    Improve your ear for fast spoken French with this clip of French in real life! Can you hear all the words in this clip? Some phrases that stood out to me: “faire de bulles”, “assez en colère”, “content après”, and “puisses”. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen!

    Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    18 seconds, 67 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    happy with

    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Donc, euh le dîner se le déjeuner se finit. Ma grand-mère qui ne supportait pas de faire de bulles, euh était assez en colère. Elle n’était pas contente après son mari. En lui disant, je t’avais dit qu’il ne fallait pas lui dire, euh ça va lui faire du mal. Et là je lui ai dit, tu sais mamie, c’est la meilleure chose que tu puisses faire.

    So, uh, dinner ends, lunch ends. My grandmother, who couldn’t stand blowing bubbles, uh, was pretty angry. She wasn’t happy with her husband. I told her not to tell him, uh, it’ll hurt him. And then I told her, you know Grandma, it’s the best thing you can do.

    The above translation from Deepl

    What does “faire de bulles” mean?

    “Faire des bulles,” literally translating to “make bubbles,” commonly refers to the physical act of blowing bubbles, often seen as a playful and light-hearted activity. In children’s play, this phrase is used in its most literal sense.

    Figurative Use in Everyday Language

    In a broader, more figurative sense, “faire des bulles” can imply engaging in activities perceived as frivolous or unproductive. This idiomatic expression might be employed to describe someone who is daydreaming, wasting time, or not focusing on serious matters. It’s akin to expressions like ‘daydreaming’ or ‘being in a world of one’s own’ in English, but with a unique twist that incorporates the imagery of bubbles.

    Specific Contextual Interpretation

    In the provided narrative context: “Ma grand-mère qui ne supportait pas de faire de bulles,” the phrase takes on a more nuanced meaning. Here, it suggests an aversion to idleness or inaction in situations that demand a response or action. The grandmother’s anger and discontent towards her husband imply her frustration with not addressing or acting upon a crucial matter. Thus, in this specific instance, “faire des bulles” metaphorically signifies a refusal to remain passive or avoid confrontation in important situations.

    What does “était assez en colère” mean?

    “Était assez en colère” translates to “was quite angry” in English.

    Meaning and Usage

    • “Était” is the imperfect tense of “être,” meaning “was.”
    • “Assez” means “quite” or “fairly,” indicating a moderate to high level of intensity.
    • “En colère” means “angry.”
    • Combined, the phrase expresses that someone was quite angry or fairly angry.


    • This phrase is used to describe someone’s emotional state in the past.
    • It’s suitable for both formal and informal contexts but is particularly used in narratives or descriptions of past events.


    • “Il était assez en colère après avoir entendu les nouvelles.” (He was quite angry after hearing the news.)
    • “Elle était assez en colère quand elle a découvert la vérité.” (She was quite angry when she discovered the truth.)


    • “Très en colère” (very angry) – Higher intensity.
    • “Un peu en colère” (a little angry) – Lower intensity.


    “Était assez en colère” means “was quite angry” in French. It’s used to describe a moderately high level of anger in someone in the past. The phrase can be used in various contexts, from casual conversations to more formal descriptions.

    What does “contente après” mean?

    In the phrase “Elle n’était pas contente après son mari,” “après” typically translates to “after” in English, but here it functions uniquely. The phrase can be interpreted as “She was not happy with her husband.”

    Context and Meaning

    • “Après” in this context does not mean “after” in a temporal sense. Instead, it’s used to express discontent or displeasure directed towards someone.
    • This usage of “après” to mean “with” in the sense of being happy or unhappy with someone is less conventional but still understood in French.


    • “Il est souvent en colère après ses enfants.” (He is often angry with his children.)

    Is it a Lapsus Lingua?

    • It’s not a typical or standard use of “après,” but it’s not necessarily a slip of the tongue. This construction is sometimes used in spoken French to express emotions directed towards a person.


    In “Elle n’était pas contente après son mari,” “après” is used in a non-standard way to mean “with” in the context of expressing emotions towards a person. This phrase indicates that the woman was not happy with her husband. While not the most common usage, it is understandable and occasionally used in French conversation.

    What does “tu puisses faire” mean?

    In the phrase “tu puisses faire,” “puisses” is a form of the verb “pouvoir,” which means “to be able to” or “can.” “Puisses” is the subjunctive form used with “tu,” the informal “you.” The phrase translates to “you can do” or “you may be able to do” in English.

    Usage in the Phrase

    • The subjunctive mood is used in French to express doubt, possibility, wishes, or hypothetical situations.
    • “Tu puisses faire” would typically appear in a sentence expressing a hope, wish, or possibility. For example, “J’espère que tu puisses faire ce voyage.” (I hope you can make this trip.)

    General Usage of “Pouvoir”

    “Pouvoir” is a modal verb in French used to indicate ability or permission. In the subjunctive mood, it conveys a sense of uncertainty or dependence on other factors.


    The subjunctive, including “puisses,” is used in more formal speech and writing, though it’s also present in everyday language, especially in expressions of hope, doubt, or desire.

    Synonyms and Antonyms

    • Synonyms (in the indicative mood): “Tu peux” (you can).
    • Antonyms: “Tu ne peux pas” (you cannot), “Tu ne pourrais pas” (you would not be able to).


    In “tu puisses faire,” “puisses” is the subjunctive form of “pouvoir,” used to express possibility, hope, or uncertainty. It’s a part of formal and everyday French, indicating a less certain or conditional ability to do something.

    What is opening up for you?

    Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

    Improve your ear for fast spoken French with this clip of French in real life! Can you hear all the words in this clip? Some phrases that stood out to me: “faire de bulles”, “assez en colère”, “content après”, and “puisses”. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen!

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