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Transfert s01e22, Quiz 68: tellement

    Enhance your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life. While slow paced, this one still has its challenges! Can you understand a regret-full memory of adolescence? Take a listen, start at any level and see how much you can hear! Some phrases that stood out in this clip: “tellement”, “même pas”,…

    Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    23 seconds, 48 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    so much

    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    J’ai été une adolescente tellement difficile. Je t’aurais tellement aimé lui dire merci d’avoir été tellement généreux, tellement bon pour moi, alors que je ne suis même pas ton sang. Il aurait pu me dire euh mais tu me gaves toi avec tes conneries. Il n’a jamais fait.

    I was such a difficult teenager. I wish could have told him thank you for being so generous, so good to me, even though I’m not even your blood. He could have told me, uh, you’re boring me with your bullshit. He never did.

    The above translation from Deepl

    What does “une adolescente tellement difficile” mean?

    The phrase “J’ai été une adolescente tellement difficile” can be interpreted in two closely related but subtly different ways:

    1. “Being a challenging teenager”: This interpretation focuses on the speaker’s own behavior and characteristics during their teenage years. It suggests that the speaker views themselves as having been difficult or challenging as a teenager.
    2. “Having a challenging adolescence”: This interpretation shifts the focus slightly to the experience of the teenage years as a whole, encompassing not just the individual’s behavior but also the circumstances, events, and overall experience of that period in their life.

    The choice between these interpretations often depends on the broader context of the conversation. If the speaker is reflecting on their own actions and behavior, the first interpretation might be more appropriate. If they are discussing the period of their life more generally, including external circumstances, the second interpretation could be more fitting.

    In absence of additional context, either interpretation could be valid. The direct translation does lean towards “having a challenging adolescence,” but without more context, it’s difficult to definitively choose one interpretation over the other. Your understanding of the context is crucial in determining the most fitting translation.

    What does “tellement” mean?

    “Tellement” translates to “so much” or “so” in English.

    Usage and Interpretation

    • “Tellement” is an adverb used to emphasize the degree or extent of something. It’s akin to saying “so” or “very” in English.
    • It often precedes an adjective or another adverb to intensify its meaning, expressing a high degree of something.


    • “Il est tellement gentil.” (He is so kind.)
    • “J’ai tellement mangé que je ne peux plus bouger.” (I ate so much that I can’t move anymore.)


    • The phrase can be used in various contexts, both in casual and formal settings. It’s a versatile word for emphasizing feelings, actions, or characteristics.
    • It’s commonly used in spoken and written French for adding emphasis.


    “Tellement” means “so much” or “so” in French. It’s used to intensify the degree of something, whether it be an action, a feeling, or a characteristic. This word is widely used in different contexts to add emphasis and can be paired with adjectives and other adverbs for greater expressive impact.

    What does “même pas” mean?

    “Même pas” translates to “not even” in English.

    Usage and Interpretation

    • “Même pas” is used to emphasize the absence or lack of something, often in a surprising or noteworthy context.
    • It intensifies the negation in a statement, suggesting that something is less than expected or completely absent.


    • “Il n’a même pas dit bonjour.” (He didn’t even say hello.)
    • “Je n’ai même pas eu le temps de répondre.” (I didn’t even have time to answer.)


    • “Même pas” is versatile and can be used in various contexts, from casual conversations to formal writing. It’s particularly effective in highlighting the unexpected or noteworthy absence of something.
    • It’s a common expression in both spoken and written French, often used for dramatic or emphatic effect in negations.


    “Même pas” means “not even” in French. It’s used to emphasize a surprising or complete lack of something in negation contexts. This phrase is commonly used in a variety of settings to intensify the negation and highlight something notably absent or minimal.

    What does “ton sang” mean?

    “Ton sang” translates to “your blood” in English.

    Usage and Interpretation

    • The phrase refers literally to the blood in one’s body.
    • It can also be used metaphorically or symbolically to discuss aspects related to lineage, heritage, health, passion, or emotional intensity.


    • Literal: “Ton sang est nécessaire pour les analyses médicales.” (Your blood is needed for medical tests.)
    • Metaphorical: “Le courage coule dans ton sang.” (Courage runs in your blood.)


    • In a literal sense, “ton sang” is often used in medical, health, or biological contexts.
    • Metaphorically, it can be found in discussions about family heritage, characteristics inherited from ancestors, or deep-seated emotions and passions.
    • The phrase can be used in both formal and informal settings, depending on the context.


    “Ton sang” means “your blood” in French. It’s used both literally, referring to the physical blood in one’s body, and metaphorically, relating to aspects like lineage, heritage, or deep emotions. The phrase is versatile and applicable in various contexts, from medical to metaphorical discussions.

    This clip is from the “Transfert” podcast

    Produced by slate.fr, “Transfert” is a unique French podcast that offers an immersive listening experience. Each episode features real-life stories narrated by the people who lived them. These personal narratives cover a wide range of human experiences and emotions, providing listeners with profound insights into the lives and minds of others. The storytelling is intimate and engaging, making it an excellent resource for French language learners to improve their listening skills while connecting with compelling, authentic content.

    Improving your French Listening Comprehension with Podcasts

    Welcome to Bitesize French, where fast spoken French is finally accessible! We break podcasts into short clips, like lively chats in French that fit into your day. They’re perfect for anyone, from advanced students to those just starting. Join us and enjoy French, one short clip at a time. Let’s learn together!

    Make the most of the site:

    1. Daily Podcast Listening: Start your day with a French podcast from our collection. Choose episodes that align with your interests to keep it engaging.
    2. Active Listening Practice: As you listen, try to pick out key phrases and vocabulary. Use our daily quizzes to test your understanding and reinforce learning.
    3. Repeat and Shadow: Listen to the same podcast segment multiple times. Try to mimic the pronunciation and intonation to improve your spoken French.
    4. Note-taking: Jot down new words or phrases you encounter. Review these notes regularly to enhance vocabulary retention.
    5. Reflect and Respond: After each episode, summarize the main points in French, either in writing or aloud. This helps in consolidating your learning and improving your expressive skills.

    I created the Bitesize French project because I wanted to understand more than just my teacher and youtubers who cater to learners. I wanted to understand the French I hear in France. I hope you can benefit as much as I am. Become a supporting member for access to all clips.

    Enhance your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life. While slow paced, this one still has its challenges! Can you understand a regret-full memory of adolescence? Take a listen, start at any level and see how much you can hear! Some phrases that stood out in this clip: “tellement”, “même pas”,…

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